This document explains how we summarized the RTT measurements for each probe.
$ python
The script will read the config and measuremet files in data/. It logs the events during calculation in rtt_summary.log for debugging usages.
For each measurement id configured in config, a csv file in the name rtt_summary_msmid_of_v4/v6.csv is generated. It is a comma ';' separated plain text file providing following columns for each probe:
probe_id raw_length valid_length mean median min max std
10048 33116 31740 157.772612898 155.777885 141.84706 222.35416 7.95685860581
10004 11345 11338 159.789841562 159.41579 143.74512 260.497675 9.10298905283
10007 33074 32997 25.7094228698 24.07242 20.03542 884.554335 18.4515560226
10003 29369 29340 158.042404034 160.1365925 140.242225 409.685735 12.8858858798
10040 27601 26966 179.775035067 176.786785 172.045775 868.60965 27.477574097
10009 33013 32958 18.142862694 17.4679075 12.480995 563.41098 6.72373736648
For ping measurements, we summarized the RTT using the mininum of the 3 tentatives. And we only account those positive values that are inferior to 1000ms. 1000ms is the default timeout setting for built-in ping measurements. Still there are times that obtained ping can largly surpass this limit, till several seconds. The presence of such extremely large value will severely distort of interpretation of RTT measurements. The valid_length column in output csv file records the actual number of RTT data taken into consideration in calculating mean, median, etc...
For traceroute, we first check if the measurement reaches the destination and then apply the same criteria for ping to retain the meaningful last hop RTTs.
R/explorer.R provides some code to visualize the results of RTT summarization and compares the RTTs obtained from ping and traceroute.