This repo was created in February 2020 in hopes of following up on an interesting TPAC 2019 breakout session. That hope was overtaken by events -- the COVID19 pandemic. It's here to document the discussion, and in hope of continuing the conversation in the future.
How should web standards organizations and the open source projects that implement the web platform evolve to better serve the web community? Tantek Çelik (@t, Mozilla, and at the time formerly on the AB, re-elected in 2020) organized and led a W3C Technical Plenary discussion of this topic in September 2019
About 40 people -- from diverse backgrounds, with deep experience in web technology and standards -- had an interesting conversation. But in the hour allotted, we couldn't go deep on the questions or seek consensus on answers.
This repo could be a place to continue the conversation. We've seeded the issues list with clarified / generalized versions of the questions Tantek posed in We would value input from web stakeholders about the missions and structures of the various organizations that create web standards, and what changes to them and their inter-relationships could help evolve the web in a positive direction.
At the subsequent TPAC 2020, Tantek led a breakout session on W3C Focus and Shared Core Values.
- Minutes: (actual notes captured by the scribe)
- IRC log:
- IRC logs minute-formatted:
As this repo (TPAC-2019-future) is primarily for archival of the 2019 session, we may want to consider a new repo for continuing this ongoing discussion.