Download the current version HERE.
Unzip the image and install it to an sd card like any other Raspberry Pi image
Configure your WiFi by editing webcontrolcnc-wpa-supplicant.txt on the root of the flashed card when using it like a thumb drive
Boot the Pi from the card
If your network is in range, the Pi will connect to it, and WebControl will be available at http://<ip address>:5000. Look in your router's settings for the IP address.
If your network isn't in range, the Pi will create its own, named "webcontrolcnc", with the password "raspberry". WebControl will be available at
The build uses Docker to create the image. Docker itself isn't used in the final image.
# Clone the build repositories
git clone
git clone
# Download the official base raspbian image
cd webcontrol-pi/src/image
wget -c --trust-server-names ''
cd ..
# Link the 2 build repositories
Building (from the src
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it mydistro_builder build
Your built image will be in src/workspace