This repository contains a web API which attempts to suggest DTMI models and ontologies for the Azure Digital Twins platform.
In order to run this application locally you will need to populate the following properties in the appsettings.json or appsetttings.Development.json file:
"GitHubToken":"[A GITHUB PAT TOKEN]", "SearchToken":"[A SEARCH TOKEN FROM YOUR AZURE COGNITIVE SEARCH]", "SearchEndpoint":"[THE URL FOR YOUR AZURE COGNITIVE SEARCH]", "WellKnown" { "Ontologies":"[The Github Repository containing the wellknown, (ones which won't be found by search) ontologies in the format owner/repo comma seperated]", }
To Deploy the API to Azure you must first follow the steps in the deployment directory.
Once this is done you can deploy the API Container to Azure using the steps below.
Login to your azure container registry
docker login
Build the API Container
docker build -f Dockerfile -t .
Note: Make sure you have navigated to the api directory before running this command.
Push the image to the container registry
docker push
Set GitHub PAT Token
Navigate to the Azure App Service for the api, and open the "Configuration" blade. In here you'll find a setting called "GitHubToken" which is a personal access token for your GitHub account. Put in your own PAT Token from GitHub, You can generate a token here.
To access the API, navigate to the following URL:
Once deployed the API initiates an ontology index and indexes all ontologies found on Github in the Azure Cognitive Search. This may take a minute or two - you can see the state of the indexes by navigating to the following URL: