- Add preset for new language to
; - Update
list in /lua/treesj/langs/init.lua; - Create new file in
with nameindex.${type_of_file}
– it will be a file with examples of results of runningsplit()
; - Duplicate the folder
, then rename it to/tests/${you_language}/
and add descriptions and data for tests insplit_spec.lua
; - Update the list of supported languages in project README.md;
File: /tests/langs/${you_language}/[split|join]_spec.lua
-- ...
local tests_data = {
path = PATH, -- path to file with examples of format (/tests/sample/index.${type_of_file})
mode = MODE, -- mode, for every current test
lang = LANG, -- lang, for every current test
desc = 'lang "%s", node "NAME_OF_NODE", preset default', -- test description
cursor = { 1, 0 }, -- start cursor position { row, column } (row is 1-based index, column is 0-based)
expected = { 0, 0 }, -- range of expected result { row start (0-based), row end (0-based, but not inclusive)}
result = { 0, 0 }, -- range of result running plugin where it will placed { row start (0-based), row end (0-based, but not inclusive)}
local treesj = require('treesj')
local opts = {} -- If you need to specify options for TreeSJ other than default, put it here.
-- ...
File: /tests/sample/index.${type_of_file}
// RESULT OF JOIN (node "object", preset default)
const obj = { one: "one", two: [1, 2], three: { one: "one", two: [1, 2] } };
// RESULT OF SPLIT (node "object", preset default)
const obj = {
one: "one",
two: [1, 2],
three: { one: "one", two: [1, 2] },
Imagine that this piece of code starts on the first line of the file. The data for the test will be:
local data_for_split = {
path = PATH,
mode = 'split',
lang = LANG,
desc = 'lang "%s", node "object", preset default',
cursor = { 2, 16 },
expected = { 3, 8 },
result = { 1, 6 },
local data_for_join = {
path = PATH,
mode = 'join',
lang = LANG,
desc = 'lang "%s", node "object", preset default',
cursor = { 5, 9 },
expected = { 1, 2 },
result = { 4, 5 },
- File with examples will be open with minimal vim config, cursor will be set to row and column according
; - Result from range of
will be saved for compare; - TreeSJ will be start for node under cursor;
- Result of formatting will be saved and compare with expected line by line.
Commands to running tests located at Makefile
Before first run tests, call:
make preinstall-ts-parsers
This will download all parsers for configured languages.
For running all tests, call:
make test
This will run the following tests: for every configured language and for chold
For running tests for all langs, call:
make test-langs
and for specific language, call:
make test-langs LP=lang_name
Where LP it is a language path
, and it should be same as you named your
folder with tests (e.g., LP=javascript