Date: 1/7/15
- freesurfer changes data to 8 pt int
- watch out with fslmaths, might output int from decimal input!
- FSL normalizes later, after stats...why?
- native 64 x 64 x 36 image --> much greater dimensions in MNI
- keep smaller image size (i.e., native space) longer in FSL to save space
- native 64 x 64 x 36 image --> much greater dimensions in MNI
- in SPM convert to standard space sooner, and then run stats after
- French alcoholic woman's brain vs. avg over 305 individuals
- diff coordinate spaces
- auto-talairach in AFNI is really in MNI!!
- usually automated (unless using landmarks)
- translate, rotate in same plane, then resample
- estimate parameters:
- 2 params for translation, 1 for rotation
- 3-12 params, pretty fast to apply
- Types of affine transforms:
- translate (x+trans), rotate (xcos(theta)-ysin(theta)), scale (xs), shear (x + yshear)
- 6 DOF transform
- translate & rotate in x, y, z
- not change the shape
- good for within subj alignment
- 7 DOF
- same as 6, but also scale
- use to go from T2* to T1 image (voxel size might be off), with boundary based registration
- full affine = 12 DOF (4 types * 3 dim)
- common for registering between subjs, even if shape a little off
- use to go from native T1 to MNI152
- more params, take longer, overfitting issues...
- more localizer transformation
- e.g., polynomial basis functions
- regularize to avoid overfitting
- e.g., from subj T1 to MNI152
- Least squares
- If have similar images, with similar values and image intensities it works (e.g., 2 similar T2s)
- Normalized correlation (default in FSL for motion correction)
- how well correlated are the values?
- Great for comparing 2 images of the same type, like 2 T2s, but not good for between T1 and T2...
- ok for motion correction, but large functional activations could also affect this and lead to errors during motion correction
- Mutual Information
- how well can you predict the values in one image from the values in another?
- entropy! how much randomness is in the signal
- joint entropy: relative value of each of the images, plot values against each other, and should see a line
- we want to minimize the joint entropy
- Mutual information: entropy of each minus joint we want to maximize the mutual information
- Normalized MI = sum of both entropies / joint entropy
- Correlation ratio (Default in FSL for going between T2 and T1)
- nonlinearity in relationship between T2 and T1
- penalize variability in each bin
- grid search
- ok if you want to drain power
- gradient descent
- watch out for local minima
- regularize!
- penalize complicated nonlinear warps
- usually first do just affine, and then add in nonlinearities
- multiscale optimization
- Nearest neighbor
- match with the best voxel
- lose resolution, but good for when transformed image values need to match the original image
- blockier looking
- ok for masks, or atlases
- Linear interpolation
- take weighted average of transformed voxels
- integrates over nearest 8 voxels in 3D
- might blur the image
- Higher order interpolations
- Sinc interpolation
- windowed sine, e.g., sin(x)/x between some x bounds
- Spline interpolation
- Sinc interpolation
- remove certain frequencies from the data ()
- highpass filtering
- get rid of low frequency noise
- calculate power from design
- lowpass filtering
- done for resting state, theoretically removes physio noise