Add and remove Cron job in WordPress easily!
composer require wpbp/cronplus:dev-master
composer-php52 supported.
$args = array(
// to execute at a specific time based on recurrence
'time' => time(), // not mandatory, will use the current time
// hourly, daily, twicedaily, weekly, monthly or timestamp for single event
'recurrence' => 'hourly',
// schedule (specific interval) or single (at the time specified)
'schedule' => 'schedule',
// Name of the Cron job used internally
'name' => 'cronplusexample',
// Callback to execute when the cron job is launched
'cb' => 'cronplus_example',
// Multisite support disabled by default
'multisite'=> false,
// Used on deactivation for register_deactivation_hook to cleanup
'plugin_root_file'=> '',
// When the event is scheduled is also executed
'run_on_creation'=> false,
// Args passed to the hook executed during the cron
'args' => array( get_the_ID() )
function cronplus_example( $id ) {
echo $id;
$cronplus = new CronPlus( $args );
// Schedule the event
// Remove the event by the schedule
// Jump the scheduled event