JavaScript OAuth 1 Client for the WordPress REST API v2.
npm install --save wordpress-rest-api-oauth-1
import api from 'wordpress-rest-api-oauth-1'
const demoApi = new api({
url: ''
To communication and authenticate using OAuth 1 with your WordPress site directly:
import api from 'wordpress-rest-api-oauth-1'
const demoApi = new api({
url: '',
credentials: {
client: {
public: 'xxxxxx',
secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
To establish a connection to a WordPress site that accepts the WordPress REST API Broker:
import api from 'wordpress-rest-api-oauth-1'
const demoApi = new api({
url: '',
brokerCredentials: {
client: {
public: 'xxxxxx',
secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
// Get OAuth client tokens for the specified site. This is not needed if using `authorize()`.
demoApi.getConsumerToken().then( token => {
console.log( token )
There is two ways to get authentication tokens, one "high level" function, or you can implement your own flow using the underlaying function.
##### The Quick Way
demoApi.authorize().then( function() {
console.log( 'All API requests are now authenticated.' )
// Note: the above will cause a redirect / resume of the app in the event that the user needs to authorize.
// Get client tokens from the broker (optional)
demoApi.getConsumerToken().then( ... )
// Get a request token
demo.getRequestToken() )
.then( token => {
// handle the user authorize redirect with token.redirectURL
// Exchange for an access token
demo.getAccessToken( oAuthVerifier )
.then( token => {
// save the token to localStorage etc.
You can make API requests directly with this library for both authenticated requests and anonymous.
demoApi.get( '/wp/v2/posts', { per_page: 5 } ).then( posts => {
console.log( posts )
}) '/wp/v2/posts', { title: 'Test new post' } } ).then( post => {
console.log( post )
demoApi.del( '/wp/v2/posts/1' ).then( post => {
console.log( 'Deleted post.' )
With OAuth in the browser, you don't typically want to run through the authorization flow on every page load, so you can export and import the credentials if you wish:
// init API with credentials:
new api({
url: siteURL,
credentials: JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( 'authCredentials' ) )
// save the credentials
localStorage.setItem( 'authCredentials', JSON.stringify( demoApi.config.credentials ) )
You can also have the library store and retrieve the credentials:
demoApi.restoreCredentials().get( '/wp/v2/users/me' )
demoApi.saveCredentials() // Save the credentials to localStorage
To implement restoring of credentials and auth in one go:
demoApi.restoreCredentials().authorize().then( function() {