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WARNING: This explainer is out of date. The API no longer supports directly specifying the priority and abort behavior, but rather inherits this state from the current task. See for the up-to-date API and behavior.



Table of Contents


Long tasks (JavaScript) can lead to poor responsiveness by blocking the main thread from handling inputs or delaying the resulting UI update. Developers can mitigate this by decreasing task lengths, either by doing less work or by breaking up long tasks. This work focuses on the latter.

There are typically two approaches to breaking up long tasks:

  1. Break long tasks into smaller pieces, e.g. at selected function boundaries, scheduling the pieces as subtasks with scheduler.postTask() or another task scheduling API
  2. Periodically or strategically yield to the event loop by scheduling a task continuation (continuation)1, again with scheduler.postTask() or similar

Subtask boundaries are typically selected at design time based on some criteria, e.g. profiling. The yield/continuation pattern can be used either at design time or dynamically at run time, e.g. yielding based on isInputPending() and/or elapsed task time. It can also be easier to integrate into existing tasks or functions because potentially less rearchitecting is needed.

Scheduling a continuation using current APIs typically has poor ergonomics because intuitively one wants to pause/resume the current task — not schedule a new task. It can also incur a performance penalty if arbitrary JavaScript runs between yield and continuation, e.g. 3P scripts taking over the thread if 1P code yields or non-framework code running if framework code yields, e.g. during a rendering update2:

Yield Overhead

With and without yielding via continuation. Without yielding, input is delayed leading to poor responsiveness. Responsiveness is improved by yielding, but the yielding task's end-to-end latency is longer due to another task running before the continuation.

To improve the situation, we propose a new API designed for the yield/continuation pattern. Developers can await scheduler.yield() to break up long tasks, giving the UA an opportunity to run higher priority work, e.g. input. To mitigate yielding performance penalty concerns, UAs prioritize scheduler.yield() continuations over tasks of the same priority or similar task sources.

Scheduled Continuations

Yielding via `scheduler.yield()`. `scheduler.yield()` prioritizes continuations, improving the yielding task’s end-to-end latency vs. the continuation-scheduling method.

1 The term "continuation" is a bit overloaded, e.g. microtasks are often referred to as (promise) continuations. In this document we refer to the concept of pausing and resuming a JavaScript task as a task continuation, or continuation for short, with no specific scheduling semantics.

2 Note that scheduling tasks ahead of time (in bunches) minimizes this risk since the tasks are queued around the same time.


TODO: add a reference for the data after summarizing and publishing analysis.

Our primary goal is to facilitate improving responsiveness on the web. Long tasks contribute to poor responsiveness in two primary ways.

First, long tasks can block the UA from handling pending input because JS tasks are non-preemptable. A recent analysis of traces captured from Chrome on Android users showed script-heavy input-blocking long tasks contributing to slow interactions. Of the slow interactions (> 200 ms) analyzed, 18.76% had a JS-heavy (> 100 ms) long task blocking input (queuing time > 100 ms). These long tasks consisted of all manner of script: <script> execution, timers, fetch completion, IndexedDB, etc.

Second, long input tasks (event handlers) can block users from quickly seeing the initial response to an interaction. In the same analysis, we found ~10% of slow interactions had inputs with > 100 ms of JavaScript and 8% had at least one JS handler > 100 ms.

Yielding to break up long tasks or yielding if isInputPending() is true can mitigate the input-blocking long task problem. Yielding within event handlers after initial processing can help mitigate issues caused by the long processing time.

Our specific API goals are:

  1. Enable UAs to run input and any higher priority work between yield and continuation

  2. Provide a performance advantage for using scheduler.yield(), i.e. reduce the end-to-end task latency overhead of yielding via current methods

These are discussed in depth in the design section.


  1. It's a non-goal to provide developers with control or hints over what specifically is permitted to run when yielding. This might be something to consider as a follow-up if compelling use cases arise.

  2. We don't wish to create a total ordering on event loop tasks or break the UA-specific task prioritization afforded by the event loop scheduling specification

  3. While this API introduces some amount of signal/priority propagation, it's a non-goal to implement automatic signal/priority propagation for all async tasks, e.g. automatically propagating task priority through fetch() or other async tasks. We think this is an interesting area of future work, but outside the scope of this proposal.

User Research

No user research was performed specifically for this proposal, but there have been studies on input latency in computing, some of which is discussed in this event-timing issue.


scheduler.yield() can be used in any context to yield to the event loop by awaiting the promise it returns. The task continuation — the code that runs as a microtask when the returned promise is resolved — runs in a new browser task and gives the browser a scheduling opportunity.

async function task() {
  // Yield to the event loop and resume in a new browser task.
  await scheduler.yield();

// Schedule the long but yieldy task to run. scheduler.yield() can be used to
// break up long timers, long I/O callbacks, etc.
setTimeout(task, 100);

Controlling Continuation Priority and Abort Behavior

Like scheduler.postTask() tasks, scheduler.yield() can have an associated priority. The priority can either be inherited — inferred from the current task context — or specified directly.

Similarly, the continuation can be aborted by passing or inheriting the current signal. This can be useful, for example, if ongoing work is no longer necessary and should halt in response to user input, e.g. clicking a cancel button.

Specifying a priority for the continuation:

async function task() {
  while (stillMoreWorkToDo()) {
    // This task will yield to tasks of higher priority than "background", but
    // will resume before other pending "background" tasks.
    await scheduler.yield({priority: "background"});

Inheriting both priority and abort from the current task:

async function task() {
  while (stillMoreWorkToDo()) {
    // Inherit both the priority and abort components from the current task,
    // i.e. use the signal it was scheduled with. If the signal is aborted
    // before resuming, the promise returned by yield() will be rejected.
    await scheduler.yield({signal: "inherit"});

const controller = new TaskController("background");
scheduler.postTask(task, {signal: controller.signal});

It's also possible to inherit only the priority or abort component:

async function task() {
  while (stillMoreWorkToDo()) {
    // Inherit only the priority from the current task, ensuring the task
    // completes and is not aborted.
    await scheduler.yield({priority: "inherit"});

    // or

    // Inherit the abort component but override the priority, e.g. to run the
    // continuation at a lower priority but abort the work if the user cancels
    // the operation.
    await scheduler.yield({signal: "inherit", priority: "background"});

Note: The default behavior — whether or not to inherit by default — is an open question.

Key Scenarios

Use With isInputPending()

scheduler.yield() can be used in conjunction with isInputPending() to improve responsiveness issues caused by long input-blocking tasks. In the following example, the function yields when detecting pending input. If UAs treat input and the resulting rendering as higher priority than the yield continuation (recommended), the input queuing time would be at most the chunk size.

async function task() {
  while (stillMoreWorkToDo()) {
    if (navigator.scheduling.isInputPending()) {
      await scheduler.yield();

Note that long tasks can still interfere with other tasks or other agents sharing an OS thread, and in some cases isInputPending() might return false negatives, so yielding only when there is pending input isn't recommended. But minimally yielding when isInputPending() returns true can improve responsiveness and benefit users — especially for tasks that wouldn't otherwise yield.

Detailed Design Discussion

Task Continuation Scheduling Behavior

What should be allowed to run between a task yielding and its continuation?

Intuitively, we want higher priority work to run between yield and continuation. Note this is semantically different from thread yielding APIs on some other platforms, e.g. sched_yield() on Linux, where higher or equal priority tasks/threads might run. But the web with JavaScript's run-to-completion semantics is fundamentally different: long JS tasks can indefinitely block input handling and regaining control of the thread may face indefinite delays due to other long tasks. And for this reason developers can be hesitant to give up the main thread, which is why we opt for different semantics.

But what constitutes higher priority work? This is challenging because prioritization of non-scheduler tasks (e.g. timers) is left up to the UA, which is a non-goal to change. And in general there is a trade-off between UA scheduling flexibility and the yieldy task's end-to-end latency: each yield point provides an opportunity for the scheduler to run a task, but at the expense of the yielding task.

At one extreme, we could allow only a small number of well-defined task sources to run, e.g. only the user interaction task source (and implicitly the rendering steps, which occur after any task runs). This would maximize the performance advantage of scheduler.yield() while still allowing the UA to handle input. But this doesn't take into account the priority of the yielding task, e.g. yieldy "background" tasks, and it might be too inflexible for UAs.

At the other extreme, UAs could be given total discretion to choose the next task, i.e. they could choose either the next task based on the current constraints or the oldest/highest priority pending continuation. This gives UAs the most flexibility but gives sites the fewest guarantees, potentially limiting the performance advantage goal.

Note: The following sections represent our current thinking on the design, but this is subject to change as we learn more from experimentation and discussions.

Taking Priority Into Account

There are two cases where we know the priority of the yielding task: scheduler.postTask() and requestIdleCallback(). We think this information should be used to determine what is considered higher priority.

Preventing Task Starvation by Continuations

There's a risk of continuations starving other tasks, particularly if developers make tasks longer but yieldy or replace existing yielding mechanisms with this API. In the worst case, an application could seem responsive but is not actually making progress. To mitigate this, we think it's reasonable to bound the duration of consecutive continuations before allowing tasks of the same priority to run, e.g. schedule the next continuation as a normal task after one second of recursive continuations.

Continuation Guarantees

This is a tricky trade-off: we think UAs should have scheduling flexibility and yielding should have an advantage over the status quo. There are two broad strategies we've considered:

  1. allowlist: Allow tasks from a set of task sources to run between yield and continuation, minimally allowlisting the user interaction task source

  2. denylist: Disallow tasks from a set of task sources to run between yield and continuation, minimally including the typical ways developers schedule work, i.e. (self-directed) postMessage() and MessageChannel, setTimeout(), and scheduler.postTask() (taking into account priority).

Note that the approaches are roughly equivalent in that an allowlist can be determined either explicitly or as the set of all task sources excluding the denylist (or vice versa). The difference is that, assuming the lists are kept small, the allowlist favors developer guarantees and a denylist favors UA flexibility. The denylist approach also allows new task sources by default.

We're leaning towards the denylist approach with a small list, minimally including task sources associated with APIs developers use to schedule tasks (actual list TBD). We think it's important to allow UAs to experiment with scheduling policies that improve user experience, while still providing some guarantees to developers.

Processing Model Sketch

We'll flesh this out further as we work on a prototype and specification, but the basic processing model looks something like the following.


  • Create a continuation task queue for each scheduler priority. Its effective priority — the order it's chosen by the scheduler — is between priority and the next highest scheduler priority.


  1. If a priority is specified, use it. Otherwise, figure out the priority of the current task:
    1. requestIdleCallback() --> "background"
    2. scheduler.postTask() --> however it was scheduled
    3. Within a microtask --> get the propagated priority
    4. Everything else --> "user-visible"
  2. Queue a task in the continuation task queue with priority from 1
  3. Return the promise that gets resolved when the continuation task from 2 runs

Event loop scheduling: If there are no pending continuation tasks, do nothing different. Otherwise, UAs may choose:

  1. The oldest task from any non-scheduler task source not in the denylist, or
  2. The oldest task from any denylist source — if the next highest priority pending scheduler task is user-visible or lower, or
  3. The oldest task with the highest effective priority

Note: this is just a sketch and it's missing some details, e.g. duration-based starvation mitigation and dynamic prioritization.

Priority & Abort Propagation Behavior

Consider the following example:

const controller = new TaskController({priority: "background"});
scheduler.postTask(async () => {
  while (hasWork()) {
    // Should this abort if `stopButton` is clicked?
    // What priority are the continuations scheduled at?
    await scheduler.yield();
}, {signal: controller.signal});

stopButton.onclick(() => {

Resuming after yielding conceptually continues an existing task, so it's reasonable to associate the task properties (TaskSignal) with the continuations. In other words, yielding doesn't fundamentally change the task's properties. In simple cases, like the example above, propagating the TaskSignal makes sense: the chunks of work are still "background" work and aborting the task stops the processing.

But this might not always be what the developer wants, e.g. some operations might need to be completed once started and not all tasks have a priority to begin with, e.g. calling scheduler.yield() from requestAnimationFrame.

Since inheritance may or may not be desired, we think it makes sense to support both signal inheritance and to allow signal/priority to be specified as options (the default is an open question).

To give full control over specifying inheritance, both the signal and priority options support an "inherit" keyword:

  • {signal: "inherit"}: inherit the signal the task was scheduled with
  • {signal: "inherit", priority: <priority>}: inherit the signal but override the priority, enabling inheritance of only abort
  • {priority: "inherit"}: inherit only the priority.

Extent of propagation

There is a question of to what extent we should propagate priority/abort. In the previous example, scheduler.yield() was always invoked either in the postTask() callback or yield() microtask. But within async functions, we can easily switch in and out of this scheduler context, for example:

async function task() {
  // In the `postTask` callback.
  // Still in the `postTask` callback since we ran a sync function.
  await scheduler.yield();
  // In the yield microtask, i.e. the microtask checkpoint of the task that resolved
  // the yield() promise.
  let data = await fetch(url);
  // Now we've lost the scheduler context. We're in the fetch microtask, i.e. the
  // microtask checkpoint after running a network task to resolve the fetch.
  // We're still in the fetch microtask -- but what priority do we yield at?
  await scheduler.yield();

scheduler.postTask(task, {signal: someSignal});

The scenario above is complicated, but likely not uncommon. Perhaps ideally the TaskSignal would be threaded through the whole task — including the fetch() — but extending a (main thread) scheduling priority to async APIs is future work.

For scheduler.yield()'s continuation, we have three options:

  1. Require manual propagation, i.e. don't implement {signal: "inherit"}
  2. Stop propagating when we lose the scheduler context, after the fetch in the previous example
  3. Propagate the task's signal to all calls to yield within the async task, even if we've lost the scheduler context due to hopping through a different browser task, e.g. fetch() completion

We eliminated option 2 because it is brittle and confusing: inserting an intermediate task (e.g. await fetch()) can cause a behavior change. With option 3, the behavior of yield() only depends on how the task was scheduled — not what happens within the task. We also think inheritance for continuations is convenient and often the right behavior, so we are pursuing option 3.

Considered Alternatives

Alternative Designs

We explored several alternative designs before settling on the current design of scheduler.yield().

postTask() + Generator Functions

JavaScript has a yield statement that's used inside generator functions. One idea was to make the scheduler aware of yield statements to implement yieldy tasks, for example:

function* generatorTask() {
  while (hasWork()) {


We could make the scheduler understand generator functions and use yield statements to implement yield points. This has the benefit of using an existing language construct, but several disadvantages:

  1. It doesn't integrate well with promise chains
  2. Generators are more obscure than promises, and composing yieldy functions would be more complicated (returning generator vs. a promise, which is well established for async tasks)
  3. Making any task yield — not just scheduler tasks — is desirable. The generator approach would likely involve changing WebIDL to be generator- and scheduler-aware. Promises simplify being able to yield from any task and can leverage async-await.

A New JavaScript Language Feature

Another option would be to develop a new JavaScript language feature to insert yield points, e.g. scheduler_yield(), which would pause script execution and allow the scheduler to resume it later. This seemed like the wrong layering since tasks and task scheduling is a higher-level platform concern. It also seems unnecessary because async/await — which was designed for async functions/tasks — makes awaiting a scheduler.yield() promise ergonomic.

postTask() + Task Context: Narrowly Scoped Yield

We also explored a more narrowly scoped yield API via a TaskContext object passed to the scheduler.postTask() callback. Here, yield() becomes a TaskContext method and is manually propagated:

async function task(context) {
  // `context` is passed by the `scheduler`.
  while (hasWork()) {
    await context.yield();
    // Pass context to other functions that might yield.
    await doSomethingWith(context);


TaskContext objects could also be created manually so that one could yield from any API:

async function task() {
  const context = new TaskContext({priority: "background"});
  await context.yield();

setTimeout(task, 100);

Instead, we think the proposed solution is simpler, provides the same benefits, and is more convenient because of opt-in inheritance, which doesn't require modifying function signatures. And the addition of currentTaskSignal would make the task context available in the callback, should it be needed.


We think yielding (to the event loop) is a common enough phrase that naming the API scheduler.yield() is the most natural choice. But there is a question of whether the semantics fit with the naming choice.

Something like scheduler.mostlyYieldToHigherPriorityWork() is probably the most accurate — but also a terribly long name. We also rejected scheduler.yieldToHigherPriorityWork() due to verbosity, and something like scheduler.yieldHigher() which is shorter but confusing.

We think scheduler.yield() is the best choice given it would be the platform's yield/continuation API and the UA has some flexibility in how continuations are scheduled. If needed, alternative semantics could be implemented as a parameter or separate API.

Open Questions

  1. What should the default option be, inheritance or 'user-visible' priority?
  2. Does yield({priority}) set the priority to be inherited in future calls, or is the original signal used?
  3. Should the API be allowed to return a resolved promise, if it knows it won't run other work? This could more trouble than it's worth, but maybe there's potential to cut down (scheduling) overhead.

TODO: File issues.

Future Work

Exposing the Current Scheduler State

This proposal would specify priority/signal propagation behavior, but that information is not exposed. We think it would be useful to expose the current task signal, e.g. to inherit abort and/or priority when scheduling related tasks. We plan to revive the design on scheduler.currentTaskSignal in conjunction with this work.

Alternative Yielding Semantics

Another aspect of yieldy tasks is waiting for an event or an amount of time. We're thinking through the design of scheduler.wait() to meet this use case, but note that alternate yield semantics (back of the current priority's task queue) could be implemented with a zero-delay wait: await scheduler.wait(0).

Priorities on fetch() and Other Async Tasks

Giving developers the ability to specify priority on other async work would be useful on its own and fit nicely with scheduler.yield(), giving the UA a signal as to the importance of other pending tasks. This would be useful when choosing which tasks run between yield and continuation.

Stakeholder Feedback / Opposition

TODO: solicit feedback.

References & Acknowledgements

Many thanks for valuable feedback and advice from: @anniesullie, @domenic, @malchata, @philipwalton, and @tdresser.

  1. What information does this feature expose, and for what purposes?

This API does not directly expose any information — it only provides a way to yield from the current task and resume in a new task. But like other scheduling APIs (prioritized or otherwise), some information about an origin's tasks might be learned by another origin sharing the same thread. An origin could flood the system with continuations, e.g. by calling scheduler.yield() in a loop or many times consecutively and measuring delay. The malicious origin would learn that the UA either chose something else to run or throttled it, and might try to infer what ran, e.g. input, rendering, high priority task, continuation, etc.

See Monitoring Another Origin's Tasks for more detail and possible mitigations.

  1. Do features in your specification expose the minimum amount of information necessary to implement the intended functionality?


  1. Do the features in your specification expose personal information, personally-identifiable information (PII), or information derived from either?


  1. How do the features in your specification deal with sensitive information?

The feature does not interact with sensitive information.

  1. Do the features in your specification introduce state that persists across browsing sessions?


  1. Do the features in your specification expose information about the underlying platform to origins?


  1. Does this specification allow an origin to send data to the underlying platform?


  1. Do features in this specification enable access to device sensors?


  1. Do features in this specification enable new script execution/loading mechanisms?

No, the API is used within existing script execution mechanisms.

  1. Do features in this specification allow an origin to access other devices?


  1. Do features in this specification allow an origin some measure of control over a user agent's native UI?


  1. What temporary identifiers do the features in this specification create or expose to the web?


  1. How does this specification distinguish between behavior in first-party and third-party contexts?

It does not make a distinction.

  1. How do the features in this specification work in the context of a browser’s Private Browsing or Incognito mode?

No distinction is made; they work the same.

  1. Does this specification have both "Security Considerations" and "Privacy Considerations" sections?

This API will be specified in Prioritized Task Scheduling, which has security and privacy considerations sections relevant to this API, particularly the section about Monitoring another Origin's tasks. The relevant sections will be updated to reflect the new API.

  1. Do features in your specification enable origins to downgrade default security protections?


  1. What happens when a document that uses your feature is kept alive in BFCache (instead of getting destroyed) after navigation, and potentially gets reused on future navigations back to the document?

The feature will resume working. yield() continuations will be implemented as HTML tasks, and BFCache behavior is inherited from how the event loop works (tasks stop running in BFCache and resume if reused).

  1. What happens when a document that uses your feature gets disconnected?

The feature stops working when a document is detached. The event loops stops running tasks for detached documents, so any unresolved promises will not be resolved or rejected. Calls to scheduler.yield() on a scheduler whose document is detached will return a rejected promise.

  1. What should this questionnaire have asked?


Event Loop Scheduling

Overview of event loop scheduling

  1. Each task scheduled in HTML has a task source
    1. Scheduler task sources are owned by the scheduler. Tasks scheduled with these sources belong to a scheduler task queue which has an associated priority.
    2. All other task sources are associated with a specific event loop task queue. The mapping of task sources to task queues is left to UAs to decide, enabling UA-specific prioritization.
  2. During each turn of the event loop, the UA chooses to run either
    1. The oldest task from one of the event loop task queues, or
    2. The oldest, highest priority task from the scheduler's task queues