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This repo is a collection of documents, sample code, and discussions surrounding
the Display Locking proposal.
+- [Display Locking
+- [Sample
+ code](https://github.com/chrishtr/display-locking/blob/master/sample-code)
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+# Display Locking
+### Introduction
+As the quality and performance of the user-agents progresses, developers are
+looking towards the web as a platform to deliver rich, visually appealing and
+complex applications. In addition, these applications increasingly use
+animations or designs which extend or go beyond simple scrolling and animations
+of elements. Examples of this include IDE-like interfaces, infinite lists,
+tabbed UIs and drawers. One of the reasons for this progression is that the web
+can deliver content comparable to native applications and it allows this content
+to be easily distributed to users.
+However, as developers are implementing richer and more compelling applications,
+they are hitting the limits of performance. Specifically, some patterns commonly
+used to produce dynamic content to the user can cause the performance of the
+whole application to degrade temporarily. For example, when a site modifies the
+DOM in a way that causes expensive layout, the user experiences jank --
+noticeable delay in visual updates. Note that because of the complexity of the
+DOM, layouts in some areas of the page can frequently cause jank elsewhere on
+the page. For instance, a script-driven animation will jank anywhere on the page
+if the user agent is busy performing layout. The reason for this is that script
+runs in the same event loop as layout, and browser rendering semantics require
+previous layout and visual update to be done before running subsequent script.
+We propose a new concept, display locking, to assist developers with alleviating
+jank caused by DOM updates. Using display locking, the developer will be able to
+lock an element and its subtree, preventing visual updates. Then, the developer
+will be able update the locked subtree’s DOM however it desires, without any
+rendering cost or jank -- updates that will be interleaved with other work such
+as running script or DOM updates outside of the locked subtree. The developer
+will then be able to unlock the element, causing the visual updates of the
+modified subtree to appear. Note that unlock would still be asynchronous,
+meaning that the request to unlock can take some time to process to allow for
+co-operative updates to complete. In essence, display locking will make it
+possible to perform complicated DOM updates without causing the rest of the page
+to jank. However, it will also come at a small cost: DOM updates in a locked
+subtree will not be visually updated until the lock is released, and input
+events targeted for the locked subtree will not be processed.
+In the rest of the document, we describe the display locking concept in detail.
+We will first examine some motivating examples which we commonly observe in rich
+web applications. We will discuss the intent of each of the examples, as well as
+the areas that can potentially cause jank. In order to understand the display
+locking proposal details, we will then describe common phases in user-agent
+lifecycles. Specifically, we will talk about script, layout, paint, compositing,
+and presentation to the screen as well as areas that display locking is geared
+to improve. We will then move on to describe the API changes required to
+implement display locking, with a description of each new functionality. With
+that in place, we will revisit the motivating examples to see how display
+locking can be applied in order to improve their performance. Finally, we will
+discuss possible display locking implementations, along with possible corner
+cases and limitations.
+### Motivating Examples
+Consider the following example.
+Here the content in the `complicated_subtree` is either already loaded or is
+constructed at some earlier time. However, the `div` has `display: none`,
+meaning that it isn’t visible and does not take up any space in the page. Then,
+some event, load in this example, triggers the content to be displayed by
+flipping the display property to `block`. This causes the user-agent to process
+the DOM, lay it out, paint it, composite it, and present it to the screen.
+However, depending on the complexity of the DOM contained in the `div`, this
+process can be slow and take several frames. During this work, the page janks
+causing script, rAF animations, and user input to stall and in some cases even
+prevent the page from scrolling.
+Let’s look at an [actual example of
+"spinner jank"). Here, the toggle button changes the display property of the
+`complicated_subtree` between `block` and `none`. We have also added a rAF
+animation that records the length between the last ten requestAnimationFrame
+callbacks. Note that when we switch the display property to `block`, the page
+janks and the animation stops since requestAnimationFrame callbacks are not
+running. After everything is laid out and is ready to be presented, the
+requestAnimationFrame continues and we observe a noticeable increase in one
+frame’s delay (indicated as the red slice). This delay is roughly 500ms, which
+is enough to notice the animation stall.
+To reiterate, this effect occurs due to the user-agent laying out content that
+we want to be presented. **Even though the spinner animation is not a part of
+the subtree** (it’s an iframe in this example), it still janks because **DOM
+updates are atomic.**
+##### Common patterns
+There are other common patterns that exhibit similar behavior, and as a result
+suffer from similar drawbacks.
+- Resizing multi-pane UI with complex layout within each pane (IDEs do this).
+- Many widgets, for example YouTube: this site goes to great lengths to avoid
+ long layouts, by incrementalizing their Polymer DOM updates. This is perhaps
+ made trickier because Polymer uses a decentralized, widget-based update
+ system.
+- Latency-sensitive type/scroll with complex layout change. For example, display
+ of search results as-you-type without janking the text input box.
+- Expand or contract of an item with an infinite list (accordion view)
+- Measuring layout, with intent of sizing containers without actually displaying
+ the contents.
+In general, large-scale updates to application state in a web app can cause
+updates which induce large document lifecycle updates, including style, layout,
+compositing, and paint. In turn, these can cause jank on the page, due to
+lifecycle updates being synchronous with script and user interactions.
+In the rest of this document, we discuss display locking and how it can help
+with situations such as these.
+### Background
+When processing DOM changes, the user-agent typically goes through several
+stages, which we will call *update phases*. In order to understand how display
+locking proposal is going to work, we will briefly discuss the major update
+Note to the reader: these phases are covered in greater detail in the
+[rendering event
+Here, we briefly go over the main update phases that happen in a typical
+##### Script
+During the script update phase, the user-agent executes script requested by the
+page. At this time, the script on the page is free to mutate the DOM in any way.
+It can do things like update element style, position elements based on a custom
+animation, add and remove elements, and many other things. Synchronous
+javascript functions that are invoked here will finish to completion. This means
+that if a function runs for a long time, other update phases cannot proceed and
+the page janks. Script, however, cannot be interrupted by the user-agent.
+Because of this, developers should always be mindful of long running script.
+After the script phase finishes, the DOM structure and style for the next visual
+update is finalized.
+##### Layout and paint
+During the layout and paint phase, the user-agent goes through the DOM and
+updates any properties that need to be updated. Specifically, it can apply new
+style to elements, position and size the elements based on style, as well as
+generate draw commands needed to visually display the content to the screen.
+Note that it is wasteful to do these steps on every element, so the user-agent
+typically maintains a set of elements that have changed, or could have been
+changed by updates to style or elements which may have happened during script
+execution. This is typically done using some sort of dirty bits, or a list of
+dirty elements.
+For the elements that do need updates, the user-agent processes them in some
+defined order. This work finishes to completion. This means that depending on
+the complexity of the DOM, and the number of changes required, this process can
+take a long time. This, again, causes jank since other update phases do not
+happen while layout and paint is executing.
+The output of the layout and paint phase is a sequence of draw commands which,
+when executed, will draw the current visual update.
+##### Compositing
+In order to avoid doing repeated work, modern user-agents also employ
+compositing. Compositing is a process of splitting up draw commands into
+separate layers, each with its own backing, in order to avoid re-rasterizing
+content in other layers.
+As an example, if a div is animating and moving across the screen using a css
+animation, then it might make sense to separate the div and its draw commands
+into a separate layer. This would mean that the content of the div can be
+rasterized once, and the animation would simply move the backing across the
+screen. This is typically significantly faster than invalidating content,
+discarding the previously rasterized content, and rasterizing new content in a
+new location.
+Compositing is typically determined by the user-agent based on heuristics. It
+isn’t perfect, but it can help by reducing the amount of time spent rasterizing
+content. On top of that, the developer can provide hints to the user-agent
+indicating that an element, and its subtree, are likely to move together. For
+example, “will-change: transform” is one such property that the user-agent may
+use to promote the affected element to a separate layer.
+The output of the compositing update phase is a set of layers with either draw
+commands, or rasterized textures.
+##### Presentation
+The final update phase is presentation to the screen. By this time, the
+user-agent has generated draw commands, or possibly even rasterized those into
+separate layers, and arranged the layers in the final locations. With GPU
+acceleration, this update phase issues GPU commands to the driver to display the
+layers and its contents.
+At the end of the presentation phase, the content is finally visible to the
+### Proposal
+The display locking proposal is intended to improve the script, layout, paint,
+as well as parts of the compositing update phases. In particular, it aims to add
+javascript APIs to allow the developer to lock an element for display. This
+means that the element and its subtree's paint output (ie the output of the
+layout and paint phase) will not change while the lock is acquired. This, in
+turn, means that the user-agent does not have to finish processing the locked
+element’s subtree when processing the layout and paint phase. In other words,
+the user-agent is free to process parts of the subtree, eliminating them from
+the list of things that have changed (ie the dirty elements list). Note that
+this dirty list can be indirectly populated as well by, for example, changing
+CSS properties that affect some elements on the page. There are some edge cases
+to consider here which will be discussed later in this document.
+##### Element.getDisplayLock()
+With display locking, each of the `Element` objects has a new function,
+`getDisplayLock()` which returns an object of type `DisplayLock`. The rest of
+the interactions happen with this object, which is associated with the element
+that returned the object.
+##### DisplayLock.acquire()
+Acquire performs the following steps:
+* It returns a promise, which resolves when the acquire process is complete,
+ then
+* It finishes all of the update phases for the current state
+* It saves the output of the layout and paint phase (the painted draw commands)
+ and stashes them to be used when the locked element needs to be painted.
+* It sets a flag on the associated element to lock it for visual updates.
+* It enters the element locked state and resolves the returned promise.
+##### DOM modifications in the locked state
+When the element is in the locked state, modifications to it or its subtree’s
+DOM, or modifications to style that affect it or its subtree perform the
+following steps:
+* The updates are processed as long as they do not cause undue delay to the
+ rest of the update phases
+* If an undue delay is likely to be caused, the work already completed is
+ processed and the update phase yields to other update phases for unlocked
+ content.
+* Future update phases for the locked element are gated on the fact that the
+ previous update phases for this locked element have completed.
+* When the element is painted, stashed draw commands are used. In other words,
+ new draw commands could be generated and stored but not presented to the
+ screen.
+##### DisplayLock.commit() [*bikeshed: release()*]
+Commit performs the following steps:
+* It returns a promise, which resolves when the element enters the unlock
+ pending phase.
+* It finishes all update phases for the locked element, as described above.
+* It enters the unlock pending phase and return the promise. Note that at this
+ point, the element is still locked for visual updates. This allows the
+ callback in the promise resolution to re-lock the lock without changing the
+ visual representation of the element.
+* After the script phase is done and the lock has not been re-acquired, the
+ element is unlocked and enters the element is unlocked state.
+### Implementation description
+There are two key components to implementing the display locking API.
+First, we need to be able to snapshot the current visual representation of the
+locked element, so that future updates to the page have content to populate in
+place of the locked element. Since the user-agents vary greatly in the way they
+generate commands for drawing content to screen, we will omit a detailed
+discussion of this. It suffices to say that any kind of double-buffering
+approach would work. That is, the user-agent could generate the commands needed
+to render the element and its subtree at the time the lock is acquired. Then,
+for the duration of the lock it uses these commands to render the content, while
+accumulating new draw commands in a separate buffer to be used when the lock is
+The second piece that needs to be implemented is the co-operative update phases.
+That is, we need a way to prevent the update phases in the locked subtree from
+blocking other phases from occurring for other parts of the tree. The
+co-operative updates part of the API can be implemented in several ways. Here,
+we describe one possible implementation, which is the basis for our prototype
+implementation. We call this approach budgeted update phases.
+##### Budgeted update phases
+In the budgeted update phases approach, we introduce a new concept to the
+user-agent, called an update budget. This budget dictates how much of a locked
+subtree should be processed. As an example, consider the following the following
+pseudo code for laying out an element:
+void LayoutElement::UpdateLayout() {
+ UpdateOwnLayout();
+ ClearDirtyBitForSelfLayout();
+ for (auto* child : GetChildren()) {
+ if (child->NeedsLayoutForSelfOrChildren())
+ child->UpdateLayout();
+ }
+ ClearDirtyBitForChildrenLayout();
+Here the code goes through the layout tree walk. At each step, the element
+updates its own layout, then iterates over all of its children. If a child, or a
+sub-element of the child needs a layout, then it recursively descends into the
+call. Also note that every time an element completes its layout, it clears the
+dirty bit for itself and after processing its children, it also clears the dirty
+bit that indicates its children need processing.
+With budgeted update phases, the recursive call gets a context which tracks the
+current budget. Furthermore, it checks the current budget to see if it expired.
+If so, it aborts doing any future work. When it comes to dirty bits, if the
+element processed its own layout, it clears its dirty bit. Also, if all of the
+children and, by extension, their subtrees successfully complete layout, it also
+clears the children dirty bit.
+void LayoutElement::UpdateLayout(DisplayLockContext& context) {
+ auto scoped_visitor = context.VisitObject(this);
+ if (context.BudgetExpired()) {
+ context.DidSkipObject();
+ return;
+ }
+ UpdateOwnLayout();
+ ClearDirtyBitForSelfLayout();
+ context.DidProcessObject();
+ for (auto* child : GetChildren()) {
+ if (child->NeedsLayoutForSelfOrChildren())
+ child->UpdateLayout(context);
+ }
+ if (!context.HadSkippedDescendants())
+ ClearDirtyBitForChildrenLayout();
+Here, the budget is generated if context is visited with a locked element. That
+is, if `this` specified in `VisitObject` is locked, then the context generates a
+budget which will be used for all subtree calculations. In cases that the
+context is not working in a locked subtree, `BudgetExpired()` always returns
+false, meaning that work can proceed.
+By adding similar code to all update phases, we achieve co-operative processing
+of locked subtrees. Note that if a budget expired on during one of the phases,
+such as layout, then we won’t process the subtree at all for the future phases,
+such as paint. The reason for this is that the budget that we generate is stored
+on a display lock which is associated with an element. Hence, if we have an
+expired budget at an earlier phase, then it is guaranteed to be expired at a
+later phase. As the code processes the DOM tree, it essentially aborts doing
+work on a locked subtree if an earlier phase has not finished its work on that
+subtree. All other parts of the subtree, like the rAF spinner in our earlier
+example, are still processed as normal.
+For completeness, the budget can consist of several things:
+* Time budget: this tracks the time that has elapsed since work started and
+ expires after a predefined period.
+* Element count budget: this tracks the number of elements that have been
+ processed, and expires after a fixed number was completed.
+* A combination of the two: this tracks the number of elements that have been
+ processed, and after a fixed number is complete, it checks if the time has
+ expired. If it did, the budget expires. Otherwise, it continues to process the
+ next batch of elements.
+##### Other approaches
+Budgeted update phases is only one of the ways to achieve co-operative work.
+Other approaches are possible and may yield different behavior depending on
+* Threaded update phase: locked subtrees can be processed on a separate thread.
+* Fixed phase updates: locked subtrees could be processed one update phase at a
+ time. For example, layout finishes first and skips the other phases. On the
+ next frame, paint finishes, and skips the remainder. Etc.
+It’s possible that other approaches could have better behavior than budgeted
+update phases, but any approach is feasible as long as it implements
+non-janking phase updates.
+### Examples revisited
+Let's revisit the motivating examples, modified with display locking:
+Similar to the original example, on load we present the content in the
+`complicated_subtree`. However, this time the function is async and we await the
+surrounding container’s display lock acquire first. This causes the user-agent
+to lock the container for visual updates. Then, we modify the DOM by setting the
+`complicated_subtree` display property to `block`, and call `commit()` on the
+container lock. This sequence of commands causes the user-agent to
+co-operatively update the phases without introducing an undue delay for the rest
+of the updates. In other words, the remainder of the page remains interactive
+and animating. When the updates eventually complete, the commit promise resolves
+and `onContentPresented` is invoked.
+As before, let’s see a [real example, this time using a prototype of display
+"spinner without jank"). When toggling display to be `block`, there is a
+significantly smaller jank (yellow slice). This happens due to the prototype
+implementation being incomplete (the delay is approximately 40ms).
+However, other than the small jank the animation keep going, while the
+user-agent lays out the content co-operatively. Note that even though the
+animation is going ahead, the content is not yet presented. We can detect this
+from JavaScript, by observing that the `commit()` promise has not yet resolved.
+After the user-agent completes the update phases, the content is presented
+without jank.
+### Restrictions
+In consideration of display locking, we have also discussed when it would and
+would not be appropriate to allow an element to be locked. One main
+consideration for this is containment. That is, it seems to make sense to
+require that the element that is going to be locked provides containment for
+paint, style, and layout. This can be achieved with the `contain: content` CSS
+This allows us to better reason about the expected behavior of the page. Specifically,
+* Paint done on the element’s subtree will not appear elsewhere on the page.
+ This ensures us that our content that we snapshot at the beginning of commit
+ remains a good enough substitute while other content is being prepared.
+* Layout of the locked subtree will not affect the layout of other elements
+ outside of the locked element. This ensures that we can process as little or
+ as much of the subtree’s layout without visually affecting the rest of the
+ page.
+* Finally, style of the locked subtree will not affect style of elements outside
+ of the locked element. Similarly to layout containment, this ensures that we
+ can process any number of elements on the locked subtree without visually
+ changing the content on the rest of the page.
+### Dealing with user input
+One of the difficult aspects of locking an element for display is deciding what
+to do with user input (e.g. mouse clicks) that are targeted at the element
+which is locked for display.
+##### Queuing up input and replaying
+One option is to queue up the user input replaying it once the element is
+Immediately, there is a problem with this approach: conceptually, user
+input is targeted at what the user is currently seeing on screen. However, when
+the display is locked for view, it means that whatever is currently visible does
+not necessarily reflect the DOM that currently comprises the element. To put it
+differently, script could have already mutated the DOM, removed interactive
+elements, added more interactive elements, etc, which means that the user input
+may be targeting an unexpected (from the user's perspective) element.
+Based on this argument, it seems that replaying the user input would often cause
+unexpected interactions. The only case where it might be reasonable to replay
+user input is if the locked subtree was not and _will_ not be modified before it
+is unlocked. However, detecting whether script intends to modify the locked
+subtree's DOM is impossible.
+##### Ignoring input
+Another alternative, which seems more prudent, is to ignore the user input when
+the target is a locked subtree. This prevents unexpected interactions.
+However, this comes at a cost of potential user frustration when attempting to
+interact with a locked subtree. From the user's perspective, the page would
+appear to be frozen: buttons don't change state, text fields don't gain focus,
+etc. An option to mitigate the appearance of a frozen page is to display an
+affordance, such as graying out the locked element, or displaying a spinner, if
+the user attempts to interact with it.
+This option does not seem to be ideal, since it's hard to agree on what type of
+affordance makes sense to display in any particular instance. That being said,
+it appears to be a better choice when compared to simply ignoring user input.
+### Other edge cases
+There are a number of edge cases that need to be considered when working with
+display locking. This section briefly lists a few of them, but the list is far
+from complete.
+* Subtree elements are moved in and out of the locked subtree
+ * In this situation, we may have an element that is taken out of a locked
+ subtree and moved elsewhere in the DOM. We think this case can be handled
+ naturally, since any element added in an unlocked subtree will be
+ processed by the next frame. Similarly to elements moved into locked
+ subtrees, they will be processed co-operatively regardless of their
+ origin.
+* Locked element is moved around on the page.
+ * In this situation we simply move the whole locked element around the DOM.
+ This case should also be handled naturally, since the subtree will be
+ processed co-operatively. Containment restriction also alleviates concerns
+ about other elements changing as a result.
+* Locked element in a locked subtree.
+ * In this situation we have a locked element, which itself is located
+ within a locked subtree. There’s a question of how to budget this
+ correctly. It is possible that we just use a single budget for all of the
+ subtree, even if some elements are themselves locked. It is also possible
+ that we only process innermost locked subtree first. There are likely some
+ other options here, but overall it doesn’t seem to be a blocking issue.
+* Multiple locked elements.
+ * Similar to above, this case simply has multiple locked elements on the
+ page. Conceptually we should use a single budget for all of the locked
+ elements on the page, to prevent jank. It is also possible that each
+ subtree gets an independent budget to ensure forward progress on all
+ elements, but at the cost of jank induced by the total budget exceeding
+ the length of a frame.
+* Querying layout inducing properties in a locked subtree.
+ * This is the most worrying case. We may query things such as size and
+ offset from an element in a locked subtree. Since the layout isn’t
+ guaranteed to be finished for the elements queried, it is unclear what is
+ the best course of action here. One possibility is to force layout for the
+ queried element and, possibly, its ancestors and descendants, depending of
+ what is required to get the queried information. Another possibility is to
+ simply disallow such queries into the locked subtree, failing with an
+ invalid number returned.
+Display locking will certainly have edge cases that need to be considered, some
+of which we have listed here. The general feeling is that the edge cases are
+tractable and, given the benefits of the feature, should not block progress on
+its implementation.
+### Discussion
+Let’s briefly touch on two aspects of web standards that are important for new
+features: ergonomics and interoperability.
+Ergonomics is a concern for easy of usability of the feature. Display locking
+leverages a notion of a lock, which is common in threaded programming. In
+typical threaded programming, a lock restricts access to data for one thread:
+the thread that owns the lock. Display locking extends the notion by restricting
+access to visual representation of the locked subtree. In other words, the
+visual representation of the content is only accessible by the co-operative
+updates. It is not accessible by a system that draws the content to the screen.
+Hence, with the addition of three functions and leveraging known concepts,
+display locking is a simple and straightforward API that alleviates jank due to
+user-agent update phases. As demonstrated by the example above, the burden of
+code complexity is also minimal.
+Interoperability is another important aspect of new features. This is a concern
+for cross browser support of new proposed features. Since display locking is
+largely a performance API, it can be stubbed out for the most part by only
+preventing the browser from displaying new content. The layout and other update
+phases can still be non-co-operative. The co-operative updates can be
+incrementally implemented in user-agents. As for the web developers, the feature
+detection of `getDisplayLock` is also simple. If it is present, the developer
+can wait on the lock acquisition and commit. Otherwise, the developer simply
+updates the DOM in the same way as before. This makes this feature easy to adopt
+and, in case of problems, deprecate.
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