mex -R2018a -g spotread.c -L./ -linst -linstapp -lxicc -lgamut -lrspl -lcgats -licc -lplot -lvrml -lccast -laxtls -lyajl -lrender -ltiff -ljpeg -lpng -lz -lui -lnum -lucmm -ljcnf -lconv
'options' | 'meaning' |
'printDebug',['level'] | Print debug diagnostics to stderr ,level is an integer range from 0 to 9,default is 1 |
'?' | Show detail information about usage |
'verboseMode' | Verbose mode |
'showSpectrum',['type'] | Print spectrum for each reading,type is an integer range from 1 to 2,default is 1 |
'comPort','portnum' | Set instrument port from the following list(default 1), portnum is an integer range from 1 to 40 |
'displayType','type' | Display type, type is an integer (to do) |
'setSimulatedInst','inst' | Simulated instrument illumination (FWA),inst is instrument name or filename |
'spectralIlluminantType','inst' | Spectral Illuminant type for XYZ computation,inst is instrument name or filename |
'useIParam' | Use -i illuminant for Lab conversion |
'chooseCIEObserver','type' | Spectral Observer type |
'measureMode','mode' | mode is an integer range from 0 to 10 |
'filterConfig','config' | config is an integer range from 0 to 3 |
'E','file' | Extra filter compensation file,file is a file name |
'xrgaConversion','param' | XRGA conversion,param is an integer range from 0 to 3 |
'Display','param' | param is an integer range from 0 to 2,0:Display Yxy instead Lab,1:Display Lch instead of Lab,2:Display Yuv instead of Lab |
'computeAvgAndDev' | Compute running average and standard deviation from ref.Also turns off clamping |
'showCCT' | Show CCT etc |
'showDensities' | Show densities |
'manualCal','param' | manual calibration,param range from 0 to 9 |
'nAutoCal' | No auto calibration |
'calOrMeasure','param' | Do one cal. or measure and exit,param is a file name |
'highResMode' | High res mode |
'X','param' | Colorimeter Correction Matrix or Colorimeter Calibration Spectral Samples,param is a file name |
'presetReferenceSpect','param' | Present reference spectrum,param is a file name |
'extraFlags','param' | Extra flags |
'serialPort','param' | Serial port flow control,param is an integer range from 0 to 2 |
logfile | Optional file to save reading results as text,logfile starts with '@' |