- 项目开始于2024年4月23日
- 项目基于MIT协议开源
- The project starts on April 23, 2024
- The project based on MIT protocol
- 此项目基于POSIX下的套接字、多线程库开发,仅能在UNIX和类UNIX系统下运行
- 推荐使用各种Linux发行版与macOS
- 本项目使用OpenSSL库,请务必在构建前安装:
# macOS
brew install openssl
# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install openssl
# CentOS
sudo yum install openssl
- 本项目使用的nlohnmann json库、spdlog库已包含在项目中,无需额外安装,而boost、boost/mysql库需要自行安装
- 推荐使用vcpkg安装boost以及boost/mysql库
- The project based on POSIX socket and pthread library. So it can just run on UNIX/UNIX-like OS.
- Recommend to use various Linux releases or macOS to run this project
- You need to prepare OpenSSL environment before building this project:
# macOS
brew install openssl
# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install openssl
# CentOS
sudo yum install openssl
- The nlohmann json library and spdlog library are included in this project, so you don't need to install them. But you need to install boost and boost/mysql library by yourself.
- Recommend to use vcpkg to install boost and boost/mysql library
- 语言/Lang:C++
- nlohmann json
- spdlog
- OpenSSL
- boost
- boost/mysql