The repository consist of steps and guide for controlling a Rhino DC Motor with RMCS 2303 Driver based on ROS topics.
- Rhino DC Motor - 1
- RMCS 2303 Driver -1
- 12 V DC Power supply
- BreadBoard
- Jumper Wires
- Teensy 4.1
- ROS Noetic
- VS Code with PlatformIO
TX -> RX (Pin 0)
RX -> TX (Pin 1)
Configure slave id on Motor Driver. Follow the tutorial
Name the project, Select Board teensey 4.1
Create src/main.cpp, paste the code present in src folder. Change the CPR Value for adjusting the angle rotation of motor.
Go to Include folder and make a file named RMCS2303.h and paste the given code:
Go to src folder and create a file named RMCS2303.cpp and paste the given code:
Go to libraries section and search for ros. Download the Rosserial Arduino Library by Michael Ferguson. Select the project name and add project dependency.
Compile the Code and upload to teensey.
Run the below commands in separate terminals:-
Terminal 1:
- Terminal 2:
rosrun rosserial_arduino /dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=9600
- Terminal 3:
*rostopic pub /position_in std_msgs/Float32 "data: 10.0" -1*