This repository contains all submissions to Harvard's open course "CS50 Web Programming with Python and JavaScript". This document lists all problem sets submitted as part of the course. The Final Project is stored in a separate repo here. All video submissions can be found here
For this problem set a replica of Google's front-end needs to be developed. This includes main search, image search and the advanced search. Search requests are sent to the actual Google via form action.
- Technologies: HTML, CSS
- Requirements
- Video submission
- Code
For this problem a wiki-like website needs to be developed where users can browse the different entries, add new ones and edit existing ones. The solution to this problem set utilises Django framework.
- Technologies: Django, Python, HTML, CSS
- Requirements
- Video submission
- Code
For this problem an eBay-like website needs to be developed where users can place bids on auctions and can create auctions of their own. The solution to this problem set utilises Django framework and SQLite.
- Technologies: Django, SQLite, Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Requirements
- Video submission
- Code
For this problem a simulated email front-end needs to be developed. The solution to this problem set utilises Javascript to send asynchronous calls to API and display relevants parts of the single-page application.
- Technologies: Django, SQLite, Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
- Requirements
- Video submission
- Code
For this problem a twitter-like social networking site needs to be developed where users can post short messages, follow each other and like each other's posts. The solution to this problem set combines all concepts and technologies from previous problem sets.
- Technologies: Django, SQLite, Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
- Requirements
- Video submission
- Code
For the final project an educational website was developed, that explains basic concepts of statistics. The final project combines all concepts and technologies covered in the course and expands on the set of libaries used.
- Technologies: Django, SQLite, Python (pandas, numpy, plotly), HTML, CSS (Sass), Bootstrap, JavaScript (MathJax, Dropzone)
- Requirements
- Video submission
- Code
- Website