A new Flutter package.
- Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
flutter_dialogflow_web: ^0.0.1
- You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter:
$ flutter packages get
- Dialogflow v1 Import it Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:flutter_dialogflow_web/flutter_dialogflow_web.dart';
- Dialogflow register and create new Agent
- Copy Api key (Token)
- Code
Dialogflow dialogflow = Dialogflow(token: "Your Token");
AIResponse response = await dialogflow.sendQuery("Your Query");
- Example
void Response(query) async {
Dialogflow dialogflow = Dialogflow(token: "10178f9cb6cf12321asdf4aae75c87cd");
AIResponse response = await dialogflow.sendQuery(query);
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For help on editing package code, view the documentation.