Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures 🦄
A Dart package which enables checking whether packages are up to date and supports updating them.
Intended for use in CLIs for prompting users to auto-update.
import 'package:pub_updater/pub_updater.dart';
void main() async {
// Create an instance of PubUpdater
final pubUpdater = PubUpdater();
// Check whether or not version 0.1.0 is the latest version of my_package
final isUpToDate = await pubUpdater.isUpToDate(
packageName: 'my_package',
currentVersion: '0.1.0',
// Trigger an upgrade to the latest version if my_package is not up to date
if (!isUpToDate) {
await pubUpdater.update(packageName: 'my_package');
// You can also query the latest version available for a specific package.
final latestVersion = await pubUpdater.getLatestVersion('my_package');