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File metadata and controls

499 lines (400 loc) · 19 KB

Serializer settings

Serialization settings can be customized at three levels:

  • Method: Will run the verification in the current test method.
  • Class: Will run for all verifications in all test methods for a test class.
  • Global: Will run for test methods on all tests.


Default settings

The default serialization settings are:

var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
    Formatting = Formatting.Indented,
    ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
    DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore

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Single quotes used

JsonTextWriter.QuoteChar is set to single quotes '. The reason for this is that it makes approval files cleaner and easier to read and visualize/understand differences.

QuoteName is false

JsonTextWriter.QuoteName is set to false. The reason for this is that it makes approval files cleaner and easier to read and visualize/understand differences.

Empty collections are ignored

By default empty collections are ignored during verification.

To disable this behavior globally use:

SharedVerifySettings.ModifySerialization(_ => _.DontIgnoreEmptyCollections());

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Guids are scrubbed

By default guids are sanitized during verification. This is done by finding each guid and taking a counter based that that specific guid. That counter is then used replace the guid values. This allows for repeatable tests when guid values are changing.

var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
var target = new GuidTarget
    Guid = guid,
    GuidNullable = guid,
    GuidString = guid.ToString(),
    OtherGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),

await Verify(target);

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Results in the following:

  Guid: Guid_1,
  GuidNullable: Guid_1,
  GuidString: Guid_1,
  OtherGuid: Guid_2

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To disable this behavior globally use:

SharedVerifySettings.ModifySerialization(_ => _.DontScrubGuids());

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Dates are scrubbed

By default dates (DateTime and DateTimeOffset) are sanitized during verification. This is done by finding each date and taking a counter based that that specific date. That counter is then used replace the date values. This allows for repeatable tests when date values are changing.

var dateTime = DateTime.Now;
var dateTimeOffset = DateTimeOffset.Now;
var target = new DateTimeTarget
    DateTime = dateTime,
    DateTimeNullable = dateTime,
    DateTimeString = dateTime.ToString("F"),
    DateTimeOffset = dateTimeOffset,
    DateTimeOffsetNullable = dateTimeOffset,
    DateTimeOffsetString = dateTimeOffset.ToString("F"),

await Verify(target);

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Results in the following:

  DateTime: DateTime_1,
  DateTimeNullable: DateTime_1,
  DateTimeOffset: DateTimeOffset_1,
  DateTimeOffsetNullable: DateTimeOffset_1,
  DateTimeString: DateTimeOffset_2,
  DateTimeOffsetString: DateTimeOffset_2

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To disable this behavior globally use:

SharedVerifySettings.ModifySerialization(_ => _.DontScrubDateTimes());

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Default Booleans are ignored

By default values of bool and bool? are ignored during verification. So properties that equate to 'false' will not be written,

To disable this behavior globally use:

SharedVerifySettings.ModifySerialization(_ => _.DontIgnoreFalse());

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Change defaults at the verification level

DateTime, DateTimeOffset, Guid, bool, and empty collection behavior can also be controlled at the verification level:

var settings = new VerifySettings();
settings.ModifySerialization(_ =>
await Verify(target, settings);

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var settings = new VerifySettings();
settings.ModifySerialization(_ =>
await Verifier.Verify(target, settings);

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Changing settings globally

To change the serialization settings for all verifications use Global.ApplyExtraSettings():

var settings = new VerifySettings();
settings.AddExtraSettings(_ =>
    _.DateFormatHandling = DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat;
    _.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All;

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Scoped settings

var person = new Person
    GivenNames = "John",
    FamilyName = "Smith",
    Dob = new DateTimeOffset(2000, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero),
var settings = new VerifySettings();
    _ => _.DontScrubDateTimes());
    _ => { _.DateFormatHandling = DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat; });

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  GivenNames: 'John',
  FamilyName: 'Smith',
  Dob: '\/Date(970358400000+0000)\/'

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Ignoring a type

To ignore all members that match a certain type:

var settings = new VerifySettings();
settings.ModifySerialization(_ => _.IgnoreMembersWithType<ToIgnore>());

var target = new IgnoreTypeTarget
    ToIgnore = new ToIgnore
        Property = "Value"
    ToInclude = new ToInclude
        Property = "Value"
await Verify(target, settings);

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  ToInclude: {
    Property: 'Value'

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Ignoring a instance

To ignore instances of a type based on delegate:

var settings = new VerifySettings();
    _ => { _.IgnoreInstance<Instance>(x => x.Property == "Ignore"); });

var target = new IgnoreInstanceTarget
    ToIgnore = new Instance
        Property = "Ignore"
    ToInclude = new Instance
        Property = "Include"
await Verify(target, settings);

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  ToInclude: {
    Property: 'Include'

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Ignore member by expressions

To ignore members of a certain type using an expression:

var settings = new VerifySettings();
settings.ModifySerialization(_ =>
    _.IgnoreMember<IgnoreExplicitTarget>(x => x.Property);
    _.IgnoreMember<IgnoreExplicitTarget>(x => x.Field);
    _.IgnoreMember<IgnoreExplicitTarget>(x => x.GetOnlyProperty);
    _.IgnoreMember<IgnoreExplicitTarget>(x => x.PropertyThatThrows);

var target = new IgnoreExplicitTarget
    Include = "Value",
    Field = "Value",
    Property = "Value"
await Verify(target, settings);

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  Include: 'Value'

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Ignore member by name

To ignore members of a certain type using type and name:

var settings = new VerifySettings();
settings.ModifySerialization(_ =>
    var type = typeof(IgnoreExplicitTarget);
    _.IgnoreMember(type, "Property");
    _.IgnoreMember(type, "Field");
    _.IgnoreMember(type, "GetOnlyProperty");
    _.IgnoreMember(type, "PropertyThatThrows");

var target = new IgnoreExplicitTarget
    Include = "Value",
    Field = "Value",
    Property = "Value"
await Verify(target, settings);

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  Include: 'Value'

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Members that throw

Members that throw exceptions can be excluded from serialization based on the exception type or properties.

By default members that throw NotImplementedException or NotSupportedException are ignored.

Note that this is global for all members on all types.

Ignore by exception type:

var settings = new VerifySettings();
settings.ModifySerialization(_ => _.IgnoreMembersThatThrow<CustomException>());

var target = new WithCustomException();
await Verify(target, settings);

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Ignore by exception type and expression:

var settings = new VerifySettings();
    _ => _.IgnoreMembersThatThrow<Exception>(x => x.Message == "Ignore"));

var target = new WithExceptionIgnoreMessage();
await Verify(target, settings);

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