TIM-VX is a software integration module provided by VeriSilicon to facilitate deployment of Neural-Networks on Verisilicon ML accelerators. It serves as the backend binding for runtime frameworks such as Android NN, Tensorflow-Lite, MLIR, TVM and more.
Main Features
- Over 150 operators with rich format support for both quantized and floating point
- Simplified C++ binding API calls to create Tensors and Operations Guide
- Dynamic graph construction with support for shape inference and layout inference
- Built-in custom layer extensions
- A set of utility functions for debugging
- Tensorflow-Lite (External Delegate)
- Tengine (Official)
- TVM (Fork)
- Paddle-Lite (Official)
- OpenCV (In development)
- MLIR Dialect (In development)
Feel free to raise a github issue if you wish to add TIM-VX for other frameworks.
TIM-VX supports both bazel and cmake.
To build TIM-VX for x86 with prebuilt:
mkdir host_build
cd host_build
cmake ..
make -j8
make install
All install files (both headers and *.so) is located in : host_build/install
Cmake option:
: Set Target Platform. Such as: A311D
, S905D3
, vim3_android
. Default is X86_64_linux
: Build the unit test. Default is OFF.
: Use external OVXLIB. Default is OFF.
: use external VX driver libs. By default is OFF.
run unit test:
cd host_build/src/tim
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/../../../prebuilt-sdk/x86_64_linux/lib:<path to libgtest_main.so>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export VIVANTE_SDK_DIR=`pwd`/../../../prebuilt-sdk/x86_64_linux/lib
export VSIMULATOR_CONFIG=<hardware name should get from chip vendor>
# if you want to debug wit gdb, please set
cd <wksp_root>
git clone --depth 1 -b release-1.10.0 git@github.com:google/googletest.git
cd <root_tim_vx>/build/
cmake ../ -DTIM_VX_ENABLE_TEST=ON -DFETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_GOOGLETEST=<wksp_root/googletest> <add other cmake define here>
- prepare toolchain file follow cmake standard
- make sure cross build low-level driver with toolchain separately, we need the sdk from the low-level driver
- add -DEXTERNAL_VIV_SDK=<low-level-driver/out/sdk> to cmake definitions, also remember -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<Your_Toolchain_Config>
- then make
If you want to build tim-vx as a static library, and link it to your shared library or application, please be carefull with the linker, "-Wl,--whole-archive" is required.
@see samples/lenet/CMakeLists.txt for reference
Install bazel to get started.
TIM-VX needs to be compiled and linked against VeriSilicon OpenVX SDK which provides related header files and pre-compiled libraries. A default linux-x86_64 SDK is provided which contains the simulation environment on PC. Platform specific SDKs can be obtained from respective SoC vendors.
To build TIM-VX:
bazel build libtim-vx.so
To run sample LeNet:
# set VIVANTE_SDK_DIR for runtime compilation environment
export VIVANTE_SDK_DIR=`pwd`/prebuilt-sdk/x86_64_linux
bazel build //samples/lenet:lenet_asymu8_cc
bazel run //samples/lenet:lenet_asymu8_cc
To build and run Tensorflow-Lite with TIM-VX, please see README
To build and run TVM with TIM-VX, please see TVM README
Chip | Vendor | References |
i.MX 8M Plus | NXP | ML Guide, BSP |
A311D | Khadas - VIM3 | A311D datasheet, BSP |
S905D3 | Khadas - VIM3L | S905D3 , BSP |
create issue on github or email to ML_Support@verisilicon.com