- Use
PHP / Laravel
- Use
- Use vuejs or laravel blade
- Use with Ant Design or MaterialUI
- Use a type system (preferred
Install with laravel latest version
We want to make multiple steps form. This form is aimed to help user pre-order food from restaurants, the data for restaurants and food items and is provided in the data folder.
Wireframes for the form are provided in the wire frames folder.
- Users select the Meal Category (breakfast, lunch, or dinner).
- They also need to input the number of people (maximum 10)
Both of these should be required fields.
- Users select appropriate restaurants that provide meals based on a selection in the first step.
This is also a required field.
User selects dishes they want to pre-order based on the meal and restaurant they selected in the first two steps.
They first choose a dish
They can also add a number of servings of the dish (defaulted to 1)
Also users can't select the same dish twice, rather add more servings.
The total number of dishes (i.e Number of dishes * respective serving) should be greater or equal to the number of people selected in the first step and a maximum of 10 is allowed.
On the final step, users should be able to review all their previous choices and click submit.
- User can't proceed to the next step unless they have valid inputs on the current step.
- if their inputs are not valid, show appropriate validation errors.
- At any step users can go back and change their preference on any previous step.
- Finally when the user submits the form, just log the data on the console as we don't provide any back end for now.
- Finer details of UX is left for you to decide.
- Submit a working link of your code repository (GitHub)
- Submit a link of the deployed app (github.io/ now/ surge, etc...)
- Library Usage
- You are free to use any 3rd party library you want, although we might ask for justification.