SupportTickets.Api is a microservice responsible for support tickets, their messages and solutions. This is the main domain of the application.
This microservice communicates with Resources.Api using gRPS calls to get and add images of messages. For gRPS communication uses Grpc.Net. Also, microservice consumes RabbitMQ messages from Users.Api to duplicate user data. This is necessary to reduce dependence on the microservice Users.Api. For RabbitMQ communication uses a standard client from Infrastructure.
This microservice has own database supporticketsdb
in PostgreSQL.
For mapping sql query results, this microservice uses micro orm Dapper.
For migration uses FluentMigrator.
For jwt authentication, this microservice uses standard realisation from Infrastructure.Authentication
For the implementation of business processes related to pending tasks, this microservice uses Hangfire. For type mapping, microservice uses Automapper For auto describe API uses Swagger.