This repository contains the source code for data pre-processing and visulization on the responses of a Kaggle survey. It has been developed as a part of Data Science for Engineers (DSE) Assignment for Semester 5, B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Academic Year: 2022-23).
Link to competition:
- kaggle_survey_2022_responses.csv: 43 questions and 23,997 responses
- Responses to multiple choice questions (only a single choice can be selected) were recorded in individual columns. Responses to multiple selection questions (multiple choices can be selected) were split into multiple columns (with one column per answer choice).
- kaggle_survey_2022_answer_choices.pdf: list of answer choices for every question With footnotes describing which questions were asked to which respondents.
- kaggle_survey_2022_methodology.pdf: a description of how the survey was conducted
Note: The dataset and supplementary files haven't been added to this repository. Kindly Visit to download the same.