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executable file
126 lines (74 loc) · 2.5 KB

Download, Install, and Run PySpark

1. For macbook users: Enable "Remote Login"

  System Preferences --> Sharing --> enable "Remote Login" service

2. Make Sure Java 8 is Installed Properly

java -version
java version "1.8.0_72"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_72-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.72-b15, mixed mode)

3. Download

Download the latest binary Spark from the following URL:

4. Open the Downloaded File

Assuming that I have downloaded my file in /home/mparsian/spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3.tgz

cd /home/mparsian

tar zvfx  spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3.tgz
x spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3/
x spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3/NOTICE
x spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3/CHANGES.txt

5. Start the Spark Cluster

cd /home/mparsian/spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3/


NOTE: If you are going to run Spark in your pc/macbook/windows, 
then you do NOT need to start cluster at all. Invoking
./bin/pyspark, your laptop is considered as your cluster 

6. Check Master and Worker

Make sure that Master and Worker processes are running:

1347 Master
1390 Worker

7. Check The Spark URL


8. Define Very Basic Python Program

  • Python program: /home/mparsian/spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3/

      import sys
      for line in sys.stdin:
      	print "hello " + line
  • Python program: /home/mparsian/spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3/

      def fun2(str):
      	str2 = str + " zaza"
      	return str2

9. Start and Run pyspark

	cd /home/mparsian/spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3/
	Welcome to
		  ____              __
		 / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
		_\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
	   /__ / .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 3.3.0

	>>> data = ["john","paul","george","ringo"]
	>>> data
	['john', 'paul', 'george', 'ringo']

	>>> rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
	>>> rdd.collect()
	['john', 'paul', 'george', 'ringo']

	>>> test = "/home/mparsian/spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3/"
	>>> test2 = "/home/mparsian/spark-3.3.0-bin-hadoop3/"
	>>> import test
	>>> import test2

	>>> pipeRDD =  rdd.pipe(test)
	>>> pipeRDD.collect()
	[u'hello john', u'', u'hello paul', u'', u'hello george', u'', u'hello ringo', u'']

	>>> rdd.collect()
	['john', 'paul', 'george', 'ringo']

	>>> rdd2 = x : test2.fun2(x))
	>>> rdd2.collect()
	['john zaza', 'paul zaza', 'george zaza', 'ringo zaza']