diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f26060f1091..ca0c3ebc471 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -107,21 +107,22 @@ Below is an example of a [settings.json](https://code.visualstudio.com/Docs/cust
These settings are specific to VSCodeVim.
-| Setting | Description | Type | Default Value |
-| -------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------ |
-| vim.changeWordIncludesWhitespace | Include trailing whitespace when changing word. This configures the cw action to act consistently as its siblings (yw and dw) instead of acting as ce. | Boolean | false |
-| vim.cursorStylePerMode._{Mode}_ | Configure a specific cursor style for _{Mode}_. Omitted modes will use [default cursor type](https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/blob/4a6fde6dbd4d1fac1f204c0dc27c32883651ef1a/src/mode/mode.ts#L34) Supported cursors: line, block, underline, line-thin, block-outline, and underline-thin. | String | None |
-| vim.debug.suppress | Boolean indicating whether log messages will be suppressed. | Boolean | false |
-| vim.debug.loggingLevelForConsole | Maximum level of messages to log to console. Logs are visible in the [developer tools](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensions/developing-extensions#_developer-tools-console). Supported values: 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'verbose', 'debug'). | String | error |
-| vim.debug.loggingLevelForAlert | Maximum level of messages to present as VS Code information window. Supported values: 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'verbose', 'debug'). | String | error |
-| vim.disableExtension | Disable VSCodeVim extension. This setting can also be toggled using `toggleVim` command in the Command Palette | Boolean | false |
-| vim.handleKeys | Delegate configured keys to be handled by VSCode instead of by the VSCodeVim extension. Any key in `keybindings` section of the [package.json](https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/blob/master/package.json) that has a `vim.use` in the when argument can be delegated back to VS Code by setting `"": false`. Example: to use `ctrl+f` for find (native VS Code behaviour): `"vim.handleKeys": { "": false }`. | String | `"": true` |
-| vim.overrideCopy | Override VS Code's copy command with our own, which works correctly with VSCodeVim. If cmd-c/ctrl-c is giving you issues, set this to false and complain [here](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/217). | Boolean | false |
-| vim.searchHighlightColor | Set the color of search highlights | String | rgba(150, 150, 255, 0.3) |
-| vim.startInInsertMode | Start in Insert mode instead of Normal Mode | Boolean | false |
-| vim.substituteGlobalFlag | Similar to Vim's `gdefault` setting. `/g` flag in a substitute command replaces all occurrences in the line. Without this flag, replacement occurs only for the first occurrence in each line. With this setting enabled, the `g` is on by default. | Boolean | false |
-| vim.useCtrlKeys | Enable Vim ctrl keys overriding common VS Code operations such as copy, paste, find, etc. | Boolean | true |
-| vim.visualstar | In visual mode, start a search with `*` or `#` using the current selection | Boolean | false |
+| Setting | Description | Type | Default Value |
+| -------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------- |
+| vim.changeWordIncludesWhitespace | Include trailing whitespace when changing word. This configures the cw action to act consistently as its siblings (yw and dw) instead of acting as ce. | Boolean | false |
+| vim.cursorStylePerMode._{Mode}_ | Configure a specific cursor style for _{Mode}_. Omitted modes will use [default cursor type](https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/blob/4a6fde6dbd4d1fac1f204c0dc27c32883651ef1a/src/mode/mode.ts#L34) Supported cursors: line, block, underline, line-thin, block-outline, and underline-thin. | String | None |
+| vim.digraphs._{shorthand}_ | Set custom digraph shorthands that can override the default ones. Entries should map a two-character shorthand to a descriptive string and one or more UTF16 code points. Example: `"R!": ["🚀", [55357, 56960]]` | object | `{"R!": ["🚀", [0xD83D, 0xDE80]]` | |
+| vim.debug.suppress | Boolean indicating whether log messages will be suppressed. | Boolean | false |
+| vim.debug.loggingLevelForConsole | Maximum level of messages to log to console. Logs are visible in the [developer tools](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensions/developing-extensions#_developer-tools-console). Supported values: 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'verbose', 'debug'). | String | error |
+| vim.debug.loggingLevelForAlert | Maximum level of messages to present as VS Code information window. Supported values: 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'verbose', 'debug'). | String | error |
+| vim.disableExtension | Disable VSCodeVim extension. This setting can also be toggled using `toggleVim` command in the Command Palette | Boolean | false |
+| vim.handleKeys | Delegate configured keys to be handled by VSCode instead of by the VSCodeVim extension. Any key in `keybindings` section of the [package.json](https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/blob/master/package.json) that has a `vim.use` in the when argument can be delegated back to VS Code by setting `"": false`. Example: to use `ctrl+f` for find (native VS Code behaviour): `"vim.handleKeys": { "": false }`. | String | `"": true` |
+| vim.overrideCopy | Override VS Code's copy command with our own, which works correctly with VSCodeVim. If cmd-c/ctrl-c is giving you issues, set this to false and complain [here](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/217). | Boolean | false |
+| vim.searchHighlightColor | Set the color of search highlights | String | rgba(150, 150, 255, 0.3) |
+| vim.startInInsertMode | Start in Insert mode instead of Normal Mode | Boolean | false |
+| vim.substituteGlobalFlag | Similar to Vim's `gdefault` setting. `/g` flag in a substitute command replaces all occurrences in the line. Without this flag, replacement occurs only for the first occurrence in each line. With this setting enabled, the `g` is on by default. | Boolean | false |
+| vim.useCtrlKeys | Enable Vim ctrl keys overriding common VS Code operations such as copy, paste, find, etc. | Boolean | true |
+| vim.visualstar | In visual mode, start a search with `*` or `#` using the current selection | Boolean | false |
### Neovim Integration
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index d4596993ff8..864870edf3b 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
"dev": true
"@types/lodash": {
- "version": "4.14.120",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/lodash/-/lodash-4.14.120.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-jQ21kQ120mo+IrDs1nFNVm/AsdFxIx2+vZ347DbogHJPd/JzKNMOqU6HCYin1W6v8l5R9XSO2/e9cxmn7HAnVw==",
+ "version": "4.14.121",
+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/lodash/-/lodash-4.14.121.tgz",
+ "integrity": "sha512-ORj7IBWj13iYufXt/VXrCNMbUuCTJfhzme5kx9U/UtcIPdJYuvPDUAlHlbNhz/8lKCLy9XGIZnGrqXOtQbPGoQ==",
"dev": true
"@types/mocha": {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index e2ab9c198d1..e22021d9431 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -680,6 +680,11 @@
"type": "number",
"description": "Threshold for reporting number of lines changed.",
"default": 2
+ },
+ "vim.digraphs": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Custom digraph shortcuts for inserting special characters, expressed as UTF16 code points",
+ "default": {}
@@ -704,7 +709,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@types/diff": "4.0.1",
"@types/diff-match-patch": "1.0.32",
- "@types/lodash": "4.14.120",
+ "@types/lodash": "4.14.121",
"@types/mocha": "5.2.5",
"@types/node": "9.6.42",
"@types/sinon": "7.0.5",
diff --git a/src/actions/commands/digraphs.ts b/src/actions/commands/digraphs.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1338361796a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/actions/commands/digraphs.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1365 @@
+// prettier-ignore
+export const DefaultDigraphs = {
+ "SH": ["^A", 1],
+ "SX": ["^B", 2],
+ "EX": ["^C", 3],
+ "ET": ["^D", 4],
+ "EQ": ["^E", 5],
+ "AK": ["^F", 6],
+ "BL": ["^G", 7],
+ "BS": ["^H", 8],
+ "HT": ["^I", 9],
+ "LF": ["^@", 10],
+ "NU": ["^@", 10],
+ "VT": ["^K", 11],
+ "FF": ["^L", 12],
+ "CR": ["^M", 13],
+ "SO": ["^N", 14],
+ "SI": ["^O", 15],
+ "DL": ["^P", 16],
+ "D1": ["^Q", 17],
+ "D2": ["^R", 18],
+ "D3": ["^S", 19],
+ "D4": ["^T", 20],
+ "NK": ["^U", 21],
+ "SY": ["^V", 22],
+ "EB": ["^W", 23],
+ "CN": ["^X", 24],
+ "EM": ["^Y", 25],
+ "SB": ["^Z", 26],
+ "EC": ["^[", 27],
+ "FS": ["^\\", 28],
+ "GS": ["^]", 29],
+ "RS": ["^^", 30],
+ "US": ["^_", 31],
+ "SP": [" ", 32],
+ "Nb": ["#", 35],
+ "DO": ["$", 36],
+ "At": ["@", 64],
+ "<(": ["[", 91],
+ "//": ["\\", 92],
+ ")>": ["]", 93],
+ "'>": ["^", 94],
+ "'!": ["`", 96],
+ "(!": ["{", 123],
+ "!!": ["|", 124],
+ "!)": ["}", 125],
+ "'?": ["~", 126],
+ "DT": ["^?", 127],
+ "PA": ["<80>", 128],
+ "HO": ["<81>", 129],
+ "BH": ["<82>", 130],
+ "NH": ["<83>", 131],
+ "IN": ["<84>", 132],
+ "NL": ["<85>", 133],
+ "SA": ["<86>", 134],
+ "ES": ["<87>", 135],
+ "HS": ["<88>", 136],
+ "HJ": ["<89>", 137],
+ "VS": ["<8a>", 138],
+ "PD": ["<8b>", 139],
+ "PU": ["<8c>", 140],
+ "RI": ["<8d>", 141],
+ "S2": ["<8e>", 142],
+ "S3": ["<8f>", 143],
+ "DC": ["<90>", 144],
+ "P1": ["<91>", 145],
+ "P2": ["<92>", 146],
+ "TS": ["<93>", 147],
+ "CC": ["<94>", 148],
+ "MW": ["<95>", 149],
+ "SG": ["<96>", 150],
+ "EG": ["<97>", 151],
+ "SS": ["<98>", 152],
+ "GC": ["<99>", 153],
+ "SC": ["<9a>", 154],
+ "CI": ["<9b>", 155],
+ "ST": ["<9c>", 156],
+ "OC": ["<9d>", 157],
+ "PM": ["<9e>", 158],
+ "AC": ["<9f>", 159],
+ "NS": [" ", 160],
+ "~!": ["¡", 161],
+ "!I": ["¡", 161],
+ "Ct": ["¢", 162],
+ "c|": ["¢", 162],
+ "Pd": ["£", 163],
+ "$$": ["£", 163],
+ "Cu": ["¤", 164],
+ "ox": ["¤", 164],
+ "Ye": ["¥", 165],
+ "Y-": ["¥", 165],
+ "BB": ["¦", 166],
+ "||": ["¦", 166],
+ "SE": ["§", 167],
+ "':": ["¨", 168],
+ "Co": ["©", 169],
+ "cO": ["©", 169],
+ "-a": ["ª", 170],
+ "<<": ["«", 171],
+ "NO": ["¬", 172],
+ "-,": ["¬", 172],
+ "--": ["", 173],
+ "Rg": ["®", 174],
+ "'m": ["¯", 175],
+ "-=": ["¯", 175],
+ "DG": ["°", 176],
+ "~o": ["°", 176],
+ "+-": ["±", 177],
+ "2S": ["²", 178],
+ "22": ["²", 178],
+ "3S": ["³", 179],
+ "33": ["³", 179],
+ "''": ["´", 180],
+ "My": ["µ", 181],
+ "PI": ["¶", 182],
+ "pp": ["¶", 182],
+ ".M": ["·", 183],
+ "~.": ["·", 183],
+ "',": ["¸", 184],
+ "1S": ["¹", 185],
+ "11": ["¹", 185],
+ "-o": ["º", 186],
+ ">>": ["»", 187],
+ "14": ["¼", 188],
+ "12": ["½", 189],
+ "34": ["¾", 190],
+ "?I": ["¿", 191],
+ "~?": ["¿", 191],
+ "A!": ["À", 192],
+ "A`": ["À", 192],
+ "A'": ["Á", 193],
+ "A>": ["Â", 194],
+ "A^": ["Â", 194],
+ "A?": ["Ã", 195],
+ "A~": ["Ã", 195],
+ "A:": ["Ä", 196],
+ "A\"": ["Ä", 196],
+ "AA": ["Å", 197],
+ "A@": ["Å", 197],
+ "AE": ["Æ", 198],
+ "C,": ["Ç", 199],
+ "E!": ["È", 200],
+ "E`": ["È", 200],
+ "E'": ["É", 201],
+ "E>": ["Ê", 202],
+ "E^": ["Ê", 202],
+ "E:": ["Ë", 203],
+ "E\"": ["Ë", 203],
+ "I!": ["Ì", 204],
+ "I`": ["Ì", 204],
+ "I'": ["Í", 205],
+ "I>": ["Î", 206],
+ "I^": ["Î", 206],
+ "I:": ["Ï", 207],
+ "I\"": ["Ï", 207],
+ "D-": ["Ð", 208],
+ "N?": ["Ñ", 209],
+ "N~": ["Ñ", 209],
+ "O!": ["Ò", 210],
+ "O`": ["Ò", 210],
+ "O'": ["Ó", 211],
+ "O>": ["Ô", 212],
+ "O^": ["Ô", 212],
+ "O?": ["Õ", 213],
+ "O~": ["Õ", 213],
+ "O:": ["Ö", 214],
+ "*X": ["×", 215],
+ "/\\": ["×", 215],
+ "O/": ["Ø", 216],
+ "U!": ["Ù", 217],
+ "U`": ["Ù", 217],
+ "U'": ["Ú", 218],
+ "U>": ["Û", 219],
+ "U^": ["Û", 219],
+ "U:": ["Ü", 220],
+ "Y'": ["Ý", 221],
+ "TH": ["Þ", 222],
+ "Ip": ["Þ", 222],
+ "ss": ["ß", 223],
+ "a!": ["à", 224],
+ "a`": ["à", 224],
+ "a'": ["á", 225],
+ "a>": ["â", 226],
+ "a^": ["â", 226],
+ "a?": ["ã", 227],
+ "a~": ["ã", 227],
+ "a:": ["ä", 228],
+ "a\"": ["ä", 228],
+ "aa": ["å", 229],
+ "a@": ["å", 229],
+ "ae": ["æ", 230],
+ "c,": ["ç", 231],
+ "e!": ["è", 232],
+ "e`": ["è", 232],
+ "e'": ["é", 233],
+ "e>": ["ê", 234],
+ "e^": ["ê", 234],
+ "e:": ["ë", 235],
+ "e\"": ["ë", 235],
+ "i!": ["ì", 236],
+ "i`": ["ì", 236],
+ "i'": ["í", 237],
+ "i>": ["î", 238],
+ "i^": ["î", 238],
+ "i:": ["ï", 239],
+ "d-": ["ð", 240],
+ "n?": ["ñ", 241],
+ "n~": ["ñ", 241],
+ "o!": ["ò", 242],
+ "o`": ["ò", 242],
+ "o'": ["ó", 243],
+ "o>": ["ô", 244],
+ "o^": ["ô", 244],
+ "o?": ["õ", 245],
+ "o~": ["õ", 245],
+ "o:": ["ö", 246],
+ "-:": ["÷", 247],
+ "o/": ["ø", 248],
+ "u!": ["ù", 249],
+ "u`": ["ù", 249],
+ "u'": ["ú", 250],
+ "u>": ["û", 251],
+ "u^": ["û", 251],
+ "u:": ["ü", 252],
+ "y'": ["ý", 253],
+ "th": ["þ", 254],
+ "y:": ["ÿ", 255],
+ "y\"": ["ÿ", 255],
+ "A-": ["Ā", 256],
+ "a-": ["ā", 257],
+ "A(": ["Ă", 258],
+ "a(": ["ă", 259],
+ "A;": ["Ą", 260],
+ "a;": ["ą", 261],
+ "C'": ["Ć", 262],
+ "c'": ["ć", 263],
+ "C>": ["Ĉ", 264],
+ "c>": ["ĉ", 265],
+ "C.": ["Ċ", 266],
+ "c.": ["ċ", 267],
+ "C<": ["Č", 268],
+ "c<": ["č", 269],
+ "D<": ["Ď", 270],
+ "d<": ["ď", 271],
+ "D/": ["Đ", 272],
+ "d/": ["đ", 273],
+ "E-": ["Ē", 274],
+ "e-": ["ē", 275],
+ "E(": ["Ĕ", 276],
+ "e(": ["ĕ", 277],
+ "E.": ["Ė", 278],
+ "e.": ["ė", 279],
+ "E;": ["Ę", 280],
+ "e;": ["ę", 281],
+ "E<": ["Ě", 282],
+ "e<": ["ě", 283],
+ "G>": ["Ĝ", 284],
+ "g>": ["ĝ", 285],
+ "G(": ["Ğ", 286],
+ "g(": ["ğ", 287],
+ "G.": ["Ġ", 288],
+ "g.": ["ġ", 289],
+ "G,": ["Ģ", 290],
+ "g,": ["ģ", 291],
+ "H>": ["Ĥ", 292],
+ "h>": ["ĥ", 293],
+ "H/": ["Ħ", 294],
+ "h/": ["ħ", 295],
+ "I?": ["Ĩ", 296],
+ "i?": ["ĩ", 297],
+ "I-": ["Ī", 298],
+ "i-": ["ī", 299],
+ "I(": ["Ĭ", 300],
+ "i(": ["ĭ", 301],
+ "I;": ["Į", 302],
+ "i;": ["į", 303],
+ "I.": ["İ", 304],
+ "i.": ["ı", 305],
+ "IJ": ["IJ", 306],
+ "ij": ["ij", 307],
+ "J>": ["Ĵ", 308],
+ "j>": ["ĵ", 309],
+ "K,": ["Ķ", 310],
+ "k,": ["ķ", 311],
+ "kk": ["ĸ", 312],
+ "L'": ["Ĺ", 313],
+ "l'": ["ĺ", 314],
+ "L,": ["Ļ", 315],
+ "l,": ["ļ", 316],
+ "L<": ["Ľ", 317],
+ "l<": ["ľ", 318],
+ "L.": ["Ŀ", 319],
+ "l.": ["ŀ", 320],
+ "L/": ["Ł", 321],
+ "l/": ["ł", 322],
+ "N'": ["Ń", 323],
+ "n'": ["ń", 324],
+ "N,": ["Ņ", 325],
+ "n,": ["ņ", 326],
+ "N<": ["Ň", 327],
+ "n<": ["ň", 328],
+ "'n": ["ʼn", 329],
+ "NG": ["Ŋ", 330],
+ "ng": ["ŋ", 331],
+ "O-": ["Ō", 332],
+ "o-": ["ō", 333],
+ "O(": ["Ŏ", 334],
+ "o(": ["ŏ", 335],
+ "O\"": ["Ő", 336],
+ "o\"": ["ő", 337],
+ "OE": ["Œ", 338],
+ "oe": ["œ", 339],
+ "R'": ["Ŕ", 340],
+ "r'": ["ŕ", 341],
+ "R,": ["Ŗ", 342],
+ "r,": ["ŗ", 343],
+ "R<": ["Ř", 344],
+ "r<": ["ř", 345],
+ "S'": ["Ś", 346],
+ "s'": ["ś", 347],
+ "S>": ["Ŝ", 348],
+ "s>": ["ŝ", 349],
+ "S,": ["Ş", 350],
+ "s,": ["ş", 351],
+ "S<": ["Š", 352],
+ "s<": ["š", 353],
+ "T,": ["Ţ", 354],
+ "t,": ["ţ", 355],
+ "T<": ["Ť", 356],
+ "t<": ["ť", 357],
+ "T/": ["Ŧ", 358],
+ "t/": ["ŧ", 359],
+ "U?": ["Ũ", 360],
+ "u?": ["ũ", 361],
+ "U-": ["Ū", 362],
+ "u-": ["ū", 363],
+ "U(": ["Ŭ", 364],
+ "u(": ["ŭ", 365],
+ "U0": ["Ů", 366],
+ "u0": ["ů", 367],
+ "U\"": ["Ű", 368],
+ "u\"": ["ű", 369],
+ "U;": ["Ų", 370],
+ "u;": ["ų", 371],
+ "W>": ["Ŵ", 372],
+ "w>": ["ŵ", 373],
+ "Y>": ["Ŷ", 374],
+ "y>": ["ŷ", 375],
+ "Y:": ["Ÿ", 376],
+ "Z'": ["Ź", 377],
+ "z'": ["ź", 378],
+ "Z.": ["Ż", 379],
+ "z.": ["ż", 380],
+ "Z<": ["Ž", 381],
+ "z<": ["ž", 382],
+ "fs": ["ſ", 383],
+ "O9": ["Ơ", 416],
+ "o9": ["ơ", 417],
+ "OI": ["Ƣ", 418],
+ "oi": ["ƣ", 419],
+ "yr": ["Ʀ", 422],
+ "U9": ["Ư", 431],
+ "u9": ["ư", 432],
+ "Z/": ["Ƶ", 437],
+ "z/": ["ƶ", 438],
+ "ED": ["Ʒ", 439],
+ "A<": ["Ǎ", 461],
+ "a<": ["ǎ", 462],
+ "I<": ["Ǐ", 463],
+ "i<": ["ǐ", 464],
+ "O<": ["Ǒ", 465],
+ "o<": ["ǒ", 466],
+ "U<": ["Ǔ", 467],
+ "u<": ["ǔ", 468],
+ "A1": ["Ǟ", 478],
+ "a1": ["ǟ", 479],
+ "A7": ["Ǡ", 480],
+ "a7": ["ǡ", 481],
+ "A3": ["Ǣ", 482],
+ "a3": ["ǣ", 483],
+ "G/": ["Ǥ", 484],
+ "g/": ["ǥ", 485],
+ "G<": ["Ǧ", 486],
+ "g<": ["ǧ", 487],
+ "K<": ["Ǩ", 488],
+ "k<": ["ǩ", 489],
+ "O;": ["Ǫ", 490],
+ "o;": ["ǫ", 491],
+ "O1": ["Ǭ", 492],
+ "o1": ["ǭ", 493],
+ "EZ": ["Ǯ", 494],
+ "ez": ["ǯ", 495],
+ "j<": ["ǰ", 496],
+ "G'": ["Ǵ", 500],
+ "g'": ["ǵ", 501],
+ ";S": ["ʿ", 703],
+ "'<": ["ˇ", 711],
+ "'(": ["˘", 728],
+ "'.": ["˙", 729],
+ "'0": ["˚", 730],
+ "';": ["˛", 731],
+ "'\"": ["˝", 733],
+ "A%": ["Ά", 902],
+ "E%": ["Έ", 904],
+ "Y%": ["Ή", 905],
+ "I%": ["Ί", 906],
+ "O%": ["Ό", 908],
+ "U%": ["Ύ", 910],
+ "W%": ["Ώ", 911],
+ "i3": ["ΐ", 912],
+ "A*": ["Α", 913],
+ "B*": ["Β", 914],
+ "G*": ["Γ", 915],
+ "D*": ["Δ", 916],
+ "E*": ["Ε", 917],
+ "Z*": ["Ζ", 918],
+ "Y*": ["Η", 919],
+ "H*": ["Θ", 920],
+ "I*": ["Ι", 921],
+ "K*": ["Κ", 922],
+ "L*": ["Λ", 923],
+ "M*": ["Μ", 924],
+ "N*": ["Ν", 925],
+ "C*": ["Ξ", 926],
+ "O*": ["Ο", 927],
+ "P*": ["Π", 928],
+ "R*": ["Ρ", 929],
+ "S*": ["Σ", 931],
+ "T*": ["Τ", 932],
+ "U*": ["Υ", 933],
+ "F*": ["Φ", 934],
+ "X*": ["Χ", 935],
+ "Q*": ["Ψ", 936],
+ "W*": ["Ω", 937],
+ "J*": ["Ϊ", 938],
+ "V*": ["Ϋ", 939],
+ "a%": ["ά", 940],
+ "e%": ["έ", 941],
+ "y%": ["ή", 942],
+ "i%": ["ί", 943],
+ "u3": ["ΰ", 944],
+ "a*": ["α", 945],
+ "b*": ["β", 946],
+ "g*": ["γ", 947],
+ "d*": ["δ", 948],
+ "e*": ["ε", 949],
+ "z*": ["ζ", 950],
+ "y*": ["η", 951],
+ "h*": ["θ", 952],
+ "i*": ["ι", 953],
+ "k*": ["κ", 954],
+ "l*": ["λ", 955],
+ "m*": ["μ", 956],
+ "n*": ["ν", 957],
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+ ",+": ["،", 1548],
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+ "D,": ["Ḑ", 7696],
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+ "G-": ["Ḡ", 7712],
+ "g-": ["ḡ", 7713],
+ "H.": ["Ḣ", 7714],
+ "h.": ["ḣ", 7715],
+ "H:": ["Ḧ", 7718],
+ "h:": ["ḧ", 7719],
+ "H,": ["Ḩ", 7720],
+ "h,": ["ḩ", 7721],
+ "K'": ["Ḱ", 7728],
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+ "k_": ["ḵ", 7733],
+ "L_": ["Ḻ", 7738],
+ "l_": ["ḻ", 7739],
+ "M'": ["Ḿ", 7742],
+ "m'": ["ḿ", 7743],
+ "M.": ["Ṁ", 7744],
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+ "N_": ["Ṉ", 7752],
+ "n_": ["ṉ", 7753],
+ "P'": ["Ṕ", 7764],
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+ "T_": ["Ṯ", 7790],
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+ "V?": ["Ṽ", 7804],
+ "v?": ["ṽ", 7805],
+ "W!": ["Ẁ", 7808],
+ "w!": ["ẁ", 7809],
+ "W'": ["Ẃ", 7810],
+ "w'": ["ẃ", 7811],
+ "W:": ["Ẅ", 7812],
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+ "W.": ["Ẇ", 7814],
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+ "Y?": ["Ỹ", 7928],
+ "y?": ["ỹ", 7929],
+ ";'": ["ἀ", 7936],
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+ ",!": ["ἃ", 7939],
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+ "sB": ["▪", 9642],
+ "SR": ["▬", 9644],
+ "Or": ["▭", 9645],
+ "UT": ["▲", 9650],
+ "uT": ["△", 9651],
+ "PR": ["▶", 9654],
+ "Tr": ["▷", 9655],
+ "Dt": ["▼", 9660],
+ "dT": ["▽", 9661],
+ "PL": ["◀", 9664],
+ "Tl": ["◁", 9665],
+ "Db": ["◆", 9670],
+ "Dw": ["◇", 9671],
+ "LZ": ["◊", 9674],
+ "0m": ["○", 9675],
+ "0o": ["◎", 9678],
+ "0M": ["●", 9679],
+ "0L": ["◐", 9680],
+ "0R": ["◑", 9681],
+ "Sn": ["◘", 9688],
+ "Ic": ["◙", 9689],
+ "Fd": ["◢", 9698],
+ "Bd": ["◣", 9699],
+ "*2": ["★", 9733],
+ "*1": ["☆", 9734],
+ "H": ["☞", 9758],
+ "0u": ["☺", 9786],
+ "0U": ["☻", 9787],
+ "SU": ["☼", 9788],
+ "Fm": ["♀", 9792],
+ "Ml": ["♂", 9794],
+ "cS": ["♠", 9824],
+ "cH": ["♡", 9825],
+ "cD": ["♢", 9826],
+ "cC": ["♣", 9827],
+ "Md": ["♩", 9833],
+ "M8": ["♪", 9834],
+ "M2": ["♫", 9835],
+ "Mb": ["♭", 9837],
+ "Mx": ["♮", 9838],
+ "MX": ["♯", 9839],
+ "OK": ["✓", 10003],
+ "XX": ["✗", 10007],
+ "-X": ["✠", 10016],
+ "IS": [" ", 12288],
+ ",_": ["、", 12289],
+ "._": ["。", 12290],
+ "+\"": ["〃", 12291],
+ "+_": ["〄", 12292],
+ "*_": ["々", 12293],
+ ";_": ["〆", 12294],
+ "0_": ["〇", 12295],
+ "<+": ["《", 12298],
+ ">+": ["》", 12299],
+ "<'": ["「", 12300],
+ ">'": ["」", 12301],
+ "<\"": ["『", 12302],
+ ">\"": ["』", 12303],
+ "(\"": ["【", 12304],
+ ")\"": ["】", 12305],
+ "=T": ["〒", 12306],
+ "=_": ["〓", 12307],
+ "('": ["〔", 12308],
+ ")'": ["〕", 12309],
+ "(I": ["〖", 12310],
+ ")I": ["〗", 12311],
+ "-?": ["〜", 12316],
+ "A5": ["ぁ", 12353],
+ "a5": ["あ", 12354],
+ "I5": ["ぃ", 12355],
+ "i5": ["い", 12356],
+ "U5": ["ぅ", 12357],
+ "u5": ["う", 12358],
+ "E5": ["ぇ", 12359],
+ "e5": ["え", 12360],
+ "O5": ["ぉ", 12361],
+ "o5": ["お", 12362],
+ "ka": ["か", 12363],
+ "ga": ["が", 12364],
+ "ki": ["き", 12365],
+ "gi": ["ぎ", 12366],
+ "ku": ["く", 12367],
+ "gu": ["ぐ", 12368],
+ "ke": ["け", 12369],
+ "ge": ["げ", 12370],
+ "ko": ["こ", 12371],
+ "go": ["ご", 12372],
+ "sa": ["さ", 12373],
+ "za": ["ざ", 12374],
+ "si": ["し", 12375],
+ "zi": ["じ", 12376],
+ "su": ["す", 12377],
+ "zu": ["ず", 12378],
+ "se": ["せ", 12379],
+ "ze": ["ぜ", 12380],
+ "so": ["そ", 12381],
+ "zo": ["ぞ", 12382],
+ "ta": ["た", 12383],
+ "da": ["だ", 12384],
+ "ti": ["ち", 12385],
+ "di": ["ぢ", 12386],
+ "tU": ["っ", 12387],
+ "tu": ["つ", 12388],
+ "du": ["づ", 12389],
+ "te": ["て", 12390],
+ "de": ["で", 12391],
+ "to": ["と", 12392],
+ "do": ["ど", 12393],
+ "na": ["な", 12394],
+ "ni": ["に", 12395],
+ "nu": ["ぬ", 12396],
+ "ne": ["ね", 12397],
+ "no": ["の", 12398],
+ "ha": ["は", 12399],
+ "ba": ["ば", 12400],
+ "pa": ["ぱ", 12401],
+ "hi": ["ひ", 12402],
+ "bi": ["び", 12403],
+ "pi": ["ぴ", 12404],
+ "hu": ["ふ", 12405],
+ "bu": ["ぶ", 12406],
+ "pu": ["ぷ", 12407],
+ "he": ["へ", 12408],
+ "be": ["べ", 12409],
+ "pe": ["ぺ", 12410],
+ "ho": ["ほ", 12411],
+ "bo": ["ぼ", 12412],
+ "po": ["ぽ", 12413],
+ "ma": ["ま", 12414],
+ "mi": ["み", 12415],
+ "mu": ["む", 12416],
+ "me": ["め", 12417],
+ "mo": ["も", 12418],
+ "yA": ["ゃ", 12419],
+ "ya": ["や", 12420],
+ "yU": ["ゅ", 12421],
+ "yu": ["ゆ", 12422],
+ "yO": ["ょ", 12423],
+ "yo": ["よ", 12424],
+ "ra": ["ら", 12425],
+ "ri": ["り", 12426],
+ "ru": ["る", 12427],
+ "re": ["れ", 12428],
+ "ro": ["ろ", 12429],
+ "wA": ["ゎ", 12430],
+ "wa": ["わ", 12431],
+ "wi": ["ゐ", 12432],
+ "we": ["ゑ", 12433],
+ "wo": ["を", 12434],
+ "n5": ["ん", 12435],
+ "vu": ["ゔ", 12436],
+ "\"5": ["゛", 12443],
+ "05": ["゜", 12444],
+ "*5": ["ゝ", 12445],
+ "+5": ["ゞ", 12446],
+ "a6": ["ァ", 12449],
+ "A6": ["ア", 12450],
+ "i6": ["ィ", 12451],
+ "I6": ["イ", 12452],
+ "u6": ["ゥ", 12453],
+ "U6": ["ウ", 12454],
+ "e6": ["ェ", 12455],
+ "E6": ["エ", 12456],
+ "o6": ["ォ", 12457],
+ "O6": ["オ", 12458],
+ "Ka": ["カ", 12459],
+ "Ga": ["ガ", 12460],
+ "Ki": ["キ", 12461],
+ "Gi": ["ギ", 12462],
+ "Ku": ["ク", 12463],
+ "Gu": ["グ", 12464],
+ "Ke": ["ケ", 12465],
+ "Ge": ["ゲ", 12466],
+ "Ko": ["コ", 12467],
+ "Go": ["ゴ", 12468],
+ "Sa": ["サ", 12469],
+ "Za": ["ザ", 12470],
+ "Si": ["シ", 12471],
+ "Zi": ["ジ", 12472],
+ "Su": ["ス", 12473],
+ "Zu": ["ズ", 12474],
+ "Se": ["セ", 12475],
+ "Ze": ["ゼ", 12476],
+ "So": ["ソ", 12477],
+ "Zo": ["ゾ", 12478],
+ "Ta": ["タ", 12479],
+ "Da": ["ダ", 12480],
+ "Ti": ["チ", 12481],
+ "Di": ["ヂ", 12482],
+ "TU": ["ッ", 12483],
+ "Tu": ["ツ", 12484],
+ "Du": ["ヅ", 12485],
+ "Te": ["テ", 12486],
+ "De": ["デ", 12487],
+ "To": ["ト", 12488],
+ "Do": ["ド", 12489],
+ "Na": ["ナ", 12490],
+ "Ni": ["ニ", 12491],
+ "Nu": ["ヌ", 12492],
+ "Ne": ["ネ", 12493],
+ "No": ["ノ", 12494],
+ "Ha": ["ハ", 12495],
+ "Ba": ["バ", 12496],
+ "Pa": ["パ", 12497],
+ "Hi": ["ヒ", 12498],
+ "Bi": ["ビ", 12499],
+ "Pi": ["ピ", 12500],
+ "Hu": ["フ", 12501],
+ "Bu": ["ブ", 12502],
+ "Pu": ["プ", 12503],
+ "He": ["ヘ", 12504],
+ "Be": ["ベ", 12505],
+ "Pe": ["ペ", 12506],
+ "Ho": ["ホ", 12507],
+ "Bo": ["ボ", 12508],
+ "Po": ["ポ", 12509],
+ "Ma": ["マ", 12510],
+ "Mi": ["ミ", 12511],
+ "Mu": ["ム", 12512],
+ "Me": ["メ", 12513],
+ "Mo": ["モ", 12514],
+ "YA": ["ャ", 12515],
+ "Ya": ["ヤ", 12516],
+ "YU": ["ュ", 12517],
+ "Yu": ["ユ", 12518],
+ "YO": ["ョ", 12519],
+ "Yo": ["ヨ", 12520],
+ "Ra": ["ラ", 12521],
+ "Ri": ["リ", 12522],
+ "Ru": ["ル", 12523],
+ "Re": ["レ", 12524],
+ "Ro": ["ロ", 12525],
+ "WA": ["ヮ", 12526],
+ "Wa": ["ワ", 12527],
+ "Wi": ["ヰ", 12528],
+ "We": ["ヱ", 12529],
+ "Wo": ["ヲ", 12530],
+ "N6": ["ン", 12531],
+ "Vu": ["ヴ", 12532],
+ "KA": ["ヵ", 12533],
+ "KE": ["ヶ", 12534],
+ "Va": ["ヷ", 12535],
+ "Vi": ["ヸ", 12536],
+ "Ve": ["ヹ", 12537],
+ "Vo": ["ヺ", 12538],
+ ".6": ["・", 12539],
+ "-6": ["ー", 12540],
+ "*6": ["ヽ", 12541],
+ "+6": ["ヾ", 12542],
+ "b4": ["ㄅ", 12549],
+ "p4": ["ㄆ", 12550],
+ "m4": ["ㄇ", 12551],
+ "f4": ["ㄈ", 12552],
+ "d4": ["ㄉ", 12553],
+ "t4": ["ㄊ", 12554],
+ "n4": ["ㄋ", 12555],
+ "l4": ["ㄌ", 12556],
+ "g4": ["ㄍ", 12557],
+ "k4": ["ㄎ", 12558],
+ "h4": ["ㄏ", 12559],
+ "j4": ["ㄐ", 12560],
+ "q4": ["ㄑ", 12561],
+ "x4": ["ㄒ", 12562],
+ "zh": ["ㄓ", 12563],
+ "ch": ["ㄔ", 12564],
+ "sh": ["ㄕ", 12565],
+ "r4": ["ㄖ", 12566],
+ "z4": ["ㄗ", 12567],
+ "c4": ["ㄘ", 12568],
+ "s4": ["ㄙ", 12569],
+ "a4": ["ㄚ", 12570],
+ "o4": ["ㄛ", 12571],
+ "e4": ["ㄜ", 12572],
+ "ai": ["ㄞ", 12574],
+ "ei": ["ㄟ", 12575],
+ "au": ["ㄠ", 12576],
+ "ou": ["ㄡ", 12577],
+ "an": ["ㄢ", 12578],
+ "en": ["ㄣ", 12579],
+ "aN": ["ㄤ", 12580],
+ "eN": ["ㄥ", 12581],
+ "er": ["ㄦ", 12582],
+ "i4": ["ㄧ", 12583],
+ "u4": ["ㄨ", 12584],
+ "iu": ["ㄩ", 12585],
+ "v4": ["ㄪ", 12586],
+ "nG": ["ㄫ", 12587],
+ "gn": ["ㄬ", 12588],
+ "1c": ["㈠", 12832],
+ "2c": ["㈡", 12833],
+ "3c": ["㈢", 12834],
+ "4c": ["㈣", 12835],
+ "5c": ["㈤", 12836],
+ "6c": ["㈥", 12837],
+ "7c": ["㈦", 12838],
+ "8c": ["㈧", 12839],
+ "9c": ["㈨", 12840],
+ "ff": ["ff", 64256],
+ "fi": ["fi", 64257],
+ "fl": ["fl", 64258],
+ "ft": ["ſt", 64261],
+ "st": ["st", 64262],
+ "W`": ["Ẁ", 7808],
+ "w`": ["ẁ", 7809],
+ "Y`": ["Ỳ", 7922],
+ "y`": ["ỳ", 7923],
diff --git a/src/actions/commands/insert.ts b/src/actions/commands/insert.ts
index 16d218d2ce9..46b4ed54b03 100644
--- a/src/actions/commands/insert.ts
+++ b/src/actions/commands/insert.ts
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import {
} from './actions';
+import { DefaultDigraphs } from './digraphs';
import { Clipboard } from '../../util/clipboard';
@@ -297,6 +298,51 @@ export class CommandInsertInInsertMode extends BaseCommand {
+class CommandInsertDigraph extends BaseCommand {
+ modes = [ModeName.Insert];
+ keys = ['', '', ''];
+ isCompleteAction = false;
+ public async exec(position: Position, vimState: VimState): Promise {
+ const digraph = this.keysPressed.slice(1, 3).join('');
+ let charCodes = (DefaultDigraphs[digraph] || configuration.digraphs[digraph])[1];
+ if (!(charCodes instanceof Array)) {
+ charCodes = [charCodes];
+ }
+ const char = String.fromCharCode(...charCodes);
+ await TextEditor.insertAt(char, position);
+ await vimState.setCurrentMode(ModeName.Insert);
+ vimState.cursorStartPosition = Position.FromVSCodePosition(vimState.editor.selection.start);
+ vimState.cursorStopPosition = Position.FromVSCodePosition(vimState.editor.selection.start);
+ return vimState;
+ }
+ public doesActionApply(vimState: VimState, keysPressed: string[]): boolean {
+ if (!super.doesActionApply(vimState, keysPressed)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const chars = keysPressed.slice(1, 3).join('');
+ return chars in configuration.digraphs || chars in DefaultDigraphs;
+ }
+ public couldActionApply(vimState: VimState, keysPressed: string[]): boolean {
+ if (!super.couldActionApply(vimState, keysPressed)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const chars = keysPressed.slice(1, keysPressed.length).join('');
+ if (chars.length > 0) {
+ const predicate = (digraph: string) => chars === digraph.substring(0, chars.length);
+ const match =
+ Object.keys(configuration.digraphs).find(predicate) ||
+ Object.keys(DefaultDigraphs).find(predicate);
+ return match !== undefined;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
class CommandInsertRegisterContent extends BaseCommand {
modes = [ModeName.Insert];
@@ -507,7 +553,7 @@ class CommandNavigateAutocompleteDown extends BaseCommand {
class CommandNavigateAutocompleteUp extends BaseCommand {
modes = [ModeName.Insert];
- keys = [[''], ['']];
+ keys = [''];
public async exec(position: Position, vimState: VimState): Promise {
/* if we're in a multi cursor state, we check to see if the current active text selection
diff --git a/src/cmd_line/commands/digraph.ts b/src/cmd_line/commands/digraph.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6ff4bb090ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd_line/commands/digraph.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import * as vscode from 'vscode';
+import { configuration } from './../../configuration/configuration';
+import { VimState } from '../../state/vimState';
+import { DefaultDigraphs } from '../../actions/commands/digraphs';
+import * as node from '../node';
+import { TextEditor } from '../../textEditor';
+export interface IDigraphsCommandArguments extends node.ICommandArgs {
+ arg?: string;
+interface DigraphQuickPickItem extends vscode.QuickPickItem {
+ charCodes: number[];
+export class DigraphsCommand extends node.CommandBase {
+ protected _arguments: IDigraphsCommandArguments;
+ constructor(args: IDigraphsCommandArguments) {
+ super();
+ this._name = 'digraphs';
+ this._arguments = args;
+ }
+ get arguments(): IDigraphsCommandArguments {
+ return this._arguments;
+ }
+ private makeQuickPicks(digraphs): Array {
+ const quickPicks = new Array();
+ for (let digraphKey of Object.keys(digraphs)) {
+ let [charDesc, charCodes] = digraphs[digraphKey];
+ quickPicks.push({
+ label: digraphKey,
+ description: `${charDesc} (user)`,
+ charCodes,
+ });
+ }
+ return quickPicks;
+ }
+ async execute(vimState: VimState): Promise {
+ if (this.arguments.arg !== undefined && this.arguments.arg.length > 2) {
+ // TODO: Register digraphs in args in state
+ }
+ const digraphKeyAndContent = this.makeQuickPicks(configuration.digraphs).concat(
+ this.makeQuickPicks(DefaultDigraphs)
+ );
+ vscode.window.showQuickPick(digraphKeyAndContent).then(async val => {
+ if (val) {
+ const char = String.fromCharCode(...val.charCodes);
+ await TextEditor.insert(char);
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/src/cmd_line/subparser.ts b/src/cmd_line/subparser.ts
index a656f86e17b..36f9cccbb52 100644
--- a/src/cmd_line/subparser.ts
+++ b/src/cmd_line/subparser.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { parseCloseCommandArgs } from './subparsers/close';
import { parseDeleteRangeLinesCommandArgs } from './subparsers/deleteRange';
+import { parseDigraphCommandArgs } from './subparsers/digraph';
import * as fileCmd from './subparsers/file';
import { parseNohlCommandArgs } from './subparsers/nohl';
import { parseOnlyCommandArgs } from './subparsers/only';
@@ -99,6 +100,11 @@ export const commandParsers = {
reg: parseRegisterCommandArgs,
+ dig: parseDigraphCommandArgs,
+ digr: parseDigraphCommandArgs,
+ digraph: parseDigraphCommandArgs,
+ digraphs: parseDigraphCommandArgs,
d: parseDeleteRangeLinesCommandArgs,
sort: parseSortCommandArgs,
diff --git a/src/cmd_line/subparsers/digraph.ts b/src/cmd_line/subparsers/digraph.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00fd15ed61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd_line/subparsers/digraph.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import * as node from '../commands/digraph';
+import { Scanner } from '../scanner';
+export function parseDigraphCommandArgs(args: string): node.DigraphsCommand {
+ if (!args) {
+ return new node.DigraphsCommand({});
+ }
+ let scanner = new Scanner(args);
+ let name = scanner.nextWord();
+ return new node.DigraphsCommand({
+ arg: name,
+ });
diff --git a/src/configuration/configuration.ts b/src/configuration/configuration.ts
index 3e66dc5be95..e99555cef90 100644
--- a/src/configuration/configuration.ts
+++ b/src/configuration/configuration.ts
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import {
+ Digraph,
} from './iconfiguration';
const packagejson: {
@@ -278,6 +279,8 @@ class Configuration implements IConfiguration {
enableNeovim = false;
neovimPath = 'nvim';
+ digraphs = {};
substituteGlobalFlag = false;
whichwrap = '';
wrapKeys = {};
diff --git a/src/configuration/iconfiguration.ts b/src/configuration/iconfiguration.ts
index 28f7495461e..942feb2a895 100644
--- a/src/configuration/iconfiguration.ts
+++ b/src/configuration/iconfiguration.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
+export type Digraph = [string, number | number[]];
export interface IModeSpecificStrings {
normal: T | undefined;
insert: T | undefined;
@@ -273,4 +275,9 @@ export interface IConfiguration {
* Threshold to report changed lines to status bar
report: number;
+ /**
+ * User-defined digraphs
+ */
+ digraphs: { [shortcut: string]: Digraph };
diff --git a/test/configuration/configuration.test.ts b/test/configuration/configuration.test.ts
index f64876a0a9e..eb5d6f46a24 100644
--- a/test/configuration/configuration.test.ts
+++ b/test/configuration/configuration.test.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as srcConfiguration from '../../src/configuration/configuration';
import * as testConfiguration from '../testConfiguration';
-import { cleanUpWorkspace, setupWorkspace } from './../testUtils';
+import { assertEqualLines, cleanUpWorkspace, setupWorkspace } from './../testUtils';
import { getTestingFunctions } from '../testSimplifier';
import { ModeName } from '../../src/mode/mode';
+import { getAndUpdateModeHandler } from '../../extension';
suite('Configuration', () => {
const { newTest } = getTestingFunctions();
diff --git a/test/mode/modeInsert.test.ts b/test/mode/modeInsert.test.ts
index 5261649445e..5b24bfe5769 100644
--- a/test/mode/modeInsert.test.ts
+++ b/test/mode/modeInsert.test.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,14 @@ import { ModeName } from '../../src/mode/mode';
import { ModeHandler } from '../../src/mode/modeHandler';
import { TextEditor } from '../../src/textEditor';
import { getTestingFunctions } from '../testSimplifier';
-import { assertEqual, assertEqualLines, cleanUpWorkspace, setupWorkspace } from './../testUtils';
+import {
+ assertEqual,
+ assertEqualLines,
+ cleanUpWorkspace,
+ setupWorkspace,
+ reloadConfiguration,
+} from './../testUtils';
+import { Globals } from '../../src/globals';
suite('Mode Insert', () => {
let modeHandler: ModeHandler;
@@ -325,4 +332,31 @@ suite('Mode Insert', () => {
keysPressed: '5Ofun',
end: ['fun', 'fun', 'fun', 'fun', 'fu|n', 'foobar'],
+ test('Can handle digraph insert', async () => {
+ await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents([
+ 'i',
+ 't',
+ 'e',
+ 'x',
+ 't',
+ '',
+ '-',
+ '>',
+ 't',
+ 'e',
+ 'x',
+ 't',
+ ]);
+ assertEqualLines(['text→text']);
+ });
+ test('Can handle custom digraph insert', async () => {
+ Globals.mockConfiguration.digraphs = {
+ 'R!': ['🚀', [55357, 56960]],
+ };
+ await reloadConfiguration();
+ await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['i', '', 'R', '!']);
+ assertEqualLines(['🚀']);
+ });
diff --git a/test/testConfiguration.ts b/test/testConfiguration.ts
index 4980746a844..de5157efdb1 100644
--- a/test/testConfiguration.ts
+++ b/test/testConfiguration.ts
@@ -94,4 +94,5 @@ export class Configuration implements IConfiguration {
whichwrap = '';
wrapKeys = {};
report = 2;
+ digraphs: {};