When viz node starts without seed nodes, it tries to open a snapshot.json file which holds data on initial users and their balances.
If found, liquid tokens are transferred from CHAIN_INITIATOR_NAME
account to users accounts into vesting (shares).
Initial users and their keys are defined inside libraries/protocol/include/graphene/protocol/config.hpp
("viz") is a user which holds initial balance.CHAIN_COMMITTEE_ACCOUNT
is an initial active witness.
viz keys:
- private: 5JabcrvaLnBTCkCVFX5r4rmeGGfuJuVp4NAKRNLTey6pxhRQmf4
- public: VIZ6MyX5QiXAXRZk7SYCiqpi6Mtm8UbHWDFSV8HPpt7FJyahCnc2T
committee keys:
- private: 5Hw9YPABaFxa2LooiANLrhUK5TPryy8f7v9Y1rk923PuYqbYdfC
- public: VIZ6Yt7d6LsngBoXQr47aLv97bJVs7jyr7esZTM4UUSpLUf3nbRKS
To run a testnet node, please use Docker.
To build image locally, use Dockerfile-testnet:
docker build -t viz:testnet -f share/vizd/docker/Dockerfile-testnet .
docker run -d --name vizd viz:testnet
docker logs --tail 100 -f vizd
To use pre-built image, run node with
docker run -d --name vizd vizblockchain/vizd:testnet
To ease testing, several additional users are immediately available:
- alice
- bob
- charlie
- chuck
- dan
- frank
All users have the same keys:
- private: 5J9DBCRX5D2ZUUuy9qV2ef9p5sfA3ydHsDs2G531bob7wbEigDJ
- public: VIZ5zTAE2hiGcqYaDTQeEBqTtPeoWtSNjpznwmbvqJXesrK1Qn3e8