My Custom Allocators, Math, Utils library. Stuff I use for private and public projects
Custom SIMD optimized (when it makes sense) library tailored for 3D and 2D graphics usage. Matrix & vector operations and some util math functions (ceil, floor etc.) Fast 4x4 matrix implementations based on various resources that I found and then adjusted/reimplemented myself.
Small and fast allocators that are used to manage pre-allocated memory on a low level. VM are direct virtual memory allocators for windows can be used directly or to pre-allocate memory to be further used by other allocators or Views.
Are not owned Data Structures. POD types are assumed for them. Mostly array based, strong emphasis on reusing memory and creating/using generational handles instead of pointers. Hash map is using linear probing Robin Hood hashing with backward shift deletion for efficeint removal of tombstones.