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Using the application

UrsZeidler edited this page May 17, 2015 · 94 revisions
  • table of content
    • [browsing objects](Using the application#browsing-objects)
    • [editing objects](Using the application#editing-objects)
    • [model to text export](Using the application#model-to-text-export)
      • [using your own images](Using the application#using-your-own-images)
        • [importing images](Using the application#importing-images)
      • [export your resources](Using the application#export-your-resources)
    • [create own projects](Using the application#create-own-projects)

using the application

windows: perspective, views and editors

You could open several windows if you like, each window has a currently selected perspective a perspective is a window layout, a set of views and an editor area.

  • Perspectives
    • res The shr resources perspective contains the model explorer and the sourcebook view.
    • cd The character building perspective, shows the validation view which displays the current state in character building.
    • sb The sourcebook perspective gives the sourcebook view more room.
  • views
    • Model Explorer The mighty tool to browse and edit the resources, this is an expert tool when used for editing. A simpler way to edit the object are the editors it self, which provides widgets for the relevant properties.
    • sb SourcebookView
    • vv Character validation view, provides the rules and the math when creating a character.


After Installation and starting you can browse the resource set(the model tree) and view/edit objects by double click them. The resource set are used to be the whole world of your shadowrun universe, the characters you generate, the resource like gears or new skills you create for your group, the creation rules used to create the characters and so on. The resources set is a kind of context, database or your file system, where all objects live in. The simples analogies would be the filesystem, and the model explorer is your file system Explorer with an integrated editor. You use it to browse thru your object tree, select elements and via context menu you can add child objects, delete or import childs or export the objects. For a brief overview over the gui elements you can refer to the emf client platform docu.

For the basic actions there are some menu or editor short cuts.

The menu

  • Character

    • character generator wizard
    • open generator object, choose from the unfinished aka uncommitted generators to proceed the character generation.
    • open managed character, choose the character to open in the editor.
  • Extra

    • create new item
    • open any object, displays all objects in the resource set to choose from, open the chosen object in the editor.
    • open item , same only for items.
  • Script contains the script menu, see there.

  • Windows

    • show welcome page simply open the welcome page again
    • New Window open a new window, you could open as many windows as you like
    • Show View open a view like the source book view
    • Preferences changed preferences
    • Show Perspective change the perspective of the current window
Editor actions: tb
importexport exporting/importing the object
export Generate characters sheets
da Duplicate the object and store it in the same container.
da import a chummer character
da validate result, push to validate again

When you create a new items they are available for selection in their specific context, for example creating a new firearm some where in the resource set makes it available in all selections where can select a firearm, like buying gear. The objects are mostly stored in a container called shrList, which is a Beschreibbar and can have a name and an image, also a description for clarification. This list is used to group the objects together, in the explorer view you can show the child of the element by expanding it.

The first shrList called resources contains all the definition stuff grouped by their type. Most of the resources came from an import of the cummer2 resources. There are all the available items, skills ect. located.

A resource set is bound to a project (see [create own projects](Using the application#create-own-projects) ) and is simply a xmi document in the workspace. The workspace it self is located in the directory shr_workspace/ normally in the application directory. Every object in the resource set is a resource and can be exported. See [export your resources](Using the application#export-your-resources).

browsing objects

It's all about resources. The resources and the resource set are the main concept in this application. There are like a directory structure in which the objects are contain. The objects are mostly stored in a container called shrList, which is a Beschreibbar and can have a name and an image, also a description for clarification or what ever. This list is used to group the objects together, in the explorer view you can show the child of the element by expanding it.

You save the resource set back to the disk by using the save button on the to of the explorer tree or the save project menu. .

editing objects

To edit an object you need simply double click it, and the corresponding editor will show up. All the properties of the object are available for editing. In the context menu of the explorer you can also create new objects as child of the selected object. To see the different kind of objects refer to the [gear](The model#gear) and the [modifications](The model#modifications) section in the model document. For details see the editing page.

model to text export

For a lot of objects a model to text report is available. export this action open a dialog where you select the export target, as this always produces an output file you need to select the target directory where the files will generated in. export dialog Here you select the export target suitable for the selected object.

You will find further infos on the m2t page.

using your own images

As the Beschreibbar contract contains an image which is used in the for example in the tree, you might want to change/set the image of a Beschreibbar in its editor with the change button. In the dialog you can select images in your workspace or the file system, simply type the name or a wildcard and the dialog will show up the corresponding files in your workspace.

importing images

It is no longer necessary to import the images in the workspace. To provide the workspace with your own files you need to import them with the import action in the menu project.

Here you select File System and choose next The convention is to use the shr5Resource/images folder for the images, after import these files are also available in the change image dialog, simply by typing the beginning of the file name.

change the printer preferences

In the printer preferences you can change some printer relevant settings, like the currency symbol, or the page margin, the size and type of the fonts. As the sheet it self it is not sofisticated, the preferences are also.

export your resources

You can export any selected resources, like your generator system or a created and committed character to a file by selecting the element and use the Export action in the context menu. And import the element also by the context menu as a child of the selected element. You can use the import and export function to migrate your data from one version to another. Normally there should be no compatibility problem.

If you want to creates your own report of the data, like in chummer the data format is a xml dialect and you can use xslt for example.

create own projects

You could created your own projects and resources set as described here :

  1. create a new project
  2. import the resource set You select the workspace provider and name the project, after you select the resource set file, it is named build/out/shr5.xmi and press finish.

If you don't have a copy of the project checked out because you are not a developer or what so ever, you can get it from here : shr5.xmi

link jump

create characters by using the generators

create characters by using the generators

the page generator

the page persona

the page persona

the page character

the page character



character sheet

character sheet

shr5 generator sheet page

editing the character

editing the character

shr5 core rule generator

shr5 core rule

the page shr5 generator

shr5 core rule

the shr5 karma based generator

shr5 core rule





define your own generator system

define your own generator system

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