Requirements: Pyhton 3, Blast, Muscle, pandas module.
This program does Blastp onto multiple genbank files. Hit results are
then alligned with muscle.
Alignment is used to create a Neighbour Joining tree with muscle.
Also, it searches for domains provided form a prosite database within
the blast hits.
Makes "results" directory which has a directory for each query protein
(same name) and contains the following:
- A fasta file with the query sequence.
- Blast hits in a fasta file with name "blast_query.fa".
- Complete sequence looked onto converted gbk from blast hits with name
- A N-J tree in newick format with the name "tree_query.fa".
- A file with all the found protein domains with the name
"prosite_query.txt". Contains blast hit name, prosite name,
accession, description, pattern and blast hit domain.
Also makes a data/gbk_to_fasta directory that has all genebank files
fused into a file with fasta format (gbk_converted_to_fasta)
Alignment is stored in the temporary directory /tmp/muscle_out
Usage: python <genebank_directory> <query_fasta_file> <prosite_database.dat> [identity_cutoff] [coverage_cutoff] [-h]
-h: help
- genebank_directory: a directory that has one or more genebank files
with .gbff termination to be used as subject
- query_fasta_file: a single file that has one or more query in fasta
- prosite_database.dat: a file that has protein domains in prosite
- identity_cutoff: a number, may be decimal, blast hits with lower
identity are filtered
- coverage_cutoff: a number, may be decimal, blast hits with lower
coverage are filtered