Collection of scripts to process aerial imagery from the Airborne Snow Observatory (ASO) using Agisoft Metashape on CHPC and produce a GeoTiff for further analysis.
Script to run Agisoft's Metashape through their Python API.
Configuration to run SLURM jobs in a miniconda environment, installed in a user directory.
Set of scripts to create a geo-location csv reference file for images.
Steps to align two point clouds, having the classification for the area in a GeoTiff.
The repository relies heavily on these tools:
Steps for local setup:
- Clone repository
- Create conda environment using the supplied
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Install this repo to your conda environment:
conda activate snow_aso
cd path/to/repository/snow-aso
pip install -e .
- For Metashape development, download their Python 3 module
and install into the conda environment. Replace
below with the actual downloaded file name
conda activate snow_aso
cd path/to/download/
pip install Metashape.whl