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UniCherryGarden: universal “data gardening” solution for Ethereum blockchain data


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UniCherryGarden: universal “gardening” solution for Ethereum blockchain data


CherryGarden is the convenient set of utilities capable of working with Ethereum blockchain safely. It consists of several components, such as:

  • CherryPicker – high-level watcher over the Ethereum blockchain data; converts the Ethereum blocks into the database-stored and SQL-readable data. “High-level” means that you now can not just see the regular Ethereum data (such as ETH transfers, block information, etc) but even analyze the ERC20 token transfers (which are not available in the blockchain data directly). CherryPicker is capable of “cherry-picking” the data, watching for only specific ERC20 tokens and specific addresses, saving a lot of disk space.
  • CherryPlanter – “plants” the Ethereum transactions in the Ethereum blockchain. Doesn’t store any private keys, relying on the client to store them (and ensure their privacy).
  • CherryGardener – the “master gardener”, providing a convenient Java client interface to all the CherryGarden features.
  • GardenWatcher – an extra component (normally not used directly) to support the Akka cluster availability.

Most CherryGarden components are written on Scala (and use Akka module/actor management and PostgreSQL for data storage). CherryGardener client API uses Java for better integration with other languages.

  • CherryGardener Connector – is a Java-based API to connect to CherryGardener and execute any required operations from Java/Scala/Kotlin code.


The native Java API, in the form of ClientConnectorImpl, is available in the cherrygardener_connector package.


The source code base is written in Java 8 language and Scala 2.13.8 as the minimum language levels.

PostgreSQL 10.x or newer is used to store the data, as the minimum PostgreSQL syntax/API level.

Geth 1.10.15 or newer should be used to access the Ethereum blockchain (earlier versions may have known bugs preventing their effective usage, e.g. in GraphQL interfaces).

Setting CherryGardener Connector as a dependency

The packages are being built and published to Sonatype Central repository, so most of the times you can use in the Java build tool of your choice very easily. For example, if the currently published version is 0.10.0, you can use this package in the following way:




implementation group: 'com.myodov.unicherrygarden', name: 'cherrygardener_connector', version: '0.10.0'


libraryDependencies += "com.myodov.unicherrygarden" % "cherrygardener_connector" % "0.10.0"


<dependency org="com.myodov.unicherrygarden" name="cherrygardener_connector" rev="0.10.0"/>

Usage in the code

After you’ve made a dependency on cherrygardener_connector, you have the Java API interfaces available in com.myodov.unicherrygarden.connector.api, and the default implementation in com.myodov.unicherrygarden.connector.impl.

Create an instance of the connector in this way:

import com.myodov.unicherrygarden.connector.api.ClientConnector;
import com.myodov.unicherrygarden.connector.impl.ClientConnectorImpl;

// ...

    final List<String> urls = List.of("", "");
    final int listenPort = 25371;
    final int confirmations = 24;
    final ClientConnector connector = new ClientConnectorImpl(urls, listenPort, confirmations);

urls constructor argument

ClientConnectorImpl class constructor takes a list of URLs as the arguments; normally these are the URLs for CherryGardener and GardenWatcher instances (the order doesn’t matter). Most of the time, you want to launch at least a single instance of CherryGardener, and at least a single instance of GardenWatcher, and upgrade them in sequence (so at least one of them always up while the other is being upgraded), to maintain the cluster connectivity.

You shouldn’t pass null instead of the list to the constructor; but you can pass an empty list, implying you don’t want the ClientConnector to connect to anything. It will try to work in “offline mode” then, having some of its functionality unavailable (which requires the connection to the CherryGardener) but still have some functionality available (which runs on the address space of the connector – such as, generation of private keys, or confirmation/validation of addresses through signing the messages).

listenPort constructor argument

During running, your client (and thus your instance of connector) will work in the same DMZ as CherryPicker/CherryPlanter/CherryGardener components. It will become a full-grown member of Akka cluster, so it should explicitly specify the IP port it will be bound to; and this port should be reachable from CherryPicker/CherryPlanter/CherryGardener. The regular rules for IP ports are applicable (e.g. if you specify a privileged port lower than 1024, you may need the root privileges to be able to run your client).

confirmations constructor argument

Most of the operations reading the Ethereum blockchain need some level of “trust” that the data in the block won’t suddenly be changed by an unexpected blockchain reorganization. This argument is a single-point place to specify “minimal number of confirmations” requirement for all the data provided to your client.

This number means the necessary number of Ethereum block confirmations to be sure in any blockchain data stability. None of the functionality (getting balances, getting the list of transfers, etc) will return any data confirmed with less than this amount of confirmation blocks. Some API calls may let you add extra number of confirmations on top of this number.

0 confirmations (should not be used!) means the transaction is considered valid if it is available in the latest mined block; 1 confirmation for a transaction means there is a 1 block mined after the transaction.

Some numbers to consider:

  • 5 confirmations – often been considered as “everyday level of security”.
  • 12 confirmations – often been considered as “everyday level of security”.
  • 20 confirmations – used on large exchange Kraken for most transactions.
  • 250, 375, even 500 confirmations – used by most conservative crypto exchanges.

Please note that at the moment of writing, it takes about 13 seconds to mine any single next block, therefore about 4 blocks per minute is generated.


After creating the Connector instance, it will enable the interfaces available at /unicherrygarden/connector/api.

For example, the Connector itself has the following API: …/api/

This API allows you to use whole-CherryGarden level operations, like

default List<Currency> getCurrencies();

But for some other operations, they are not available from the Connector directly, as they are not overall-UniCherryGarden-level. These operations are grouped by area of functionality (sub-APIs), and to access them, you get an instance of specific sub-API functionality executor:

AddressOwnershipConfirmator getAddressOwnershipConfirmator();

Keygen getKeygen();

Observer getObserver();

These sub-APIs are overviewed below.

After using the Connector, and when you are done with all its calls, you may want to explicitly shutdown the connector (and stop all the network activity):

 * Stop whole connector to shut it down.
void shutdown();

If you want more specific code examples of using the Connector, you may find the source code of cherrygardener_connector_cli amusing and useful: …/

Below is the overview of all sub-APIs available from the connector:

AddressOwnershipConfirmator sub-API

This API allows you to ask the user to confirm that they own a private key to some specific Ethereum address. To confirm it, the user signs some message you provide; and then you can verify this signature.

See more at …/api/

Keygen sub-API (WIP)

This API allows you to generate the private key to use with Ethereum blockchain

See more at …/api/

Observer sub-API

This API allows you to observe the collected information from Ethereum blockchain. In general, this is the interface to the “CherryPicker” component of UniCherryGarden.

See more at …/api/

Sender sub-API (WIP)

This API allows you to generate and send the new transactions to the Ethereum blockchain. In general, this is the interface to the “CherryPlanter” component of UniCherryGarden.

See more at …/api/


Build it using sbt tool:

sbt universal:packageBin

The result is in launcher/target/universal/


Uses Akka library for modularity/components and establishing cluster of services.

PostgreSQL database is used to store and efficiently index the collected blockchain data and the internal state.

The code is written in Java and Scala languages. See the versions in “Requirements” section.

  • The Java artifacts are built without using the Scala versioning in their titles, and in JDK8 compatible mode.
  • The Scala artifacts are built with the Scala version in their title (cross-building).


The project is sponsored by Universa Blockchain, the enterprise/country-grade DLT with true smart contracts (rather than dApps) and data-less decentralized storage and verification of smart contract validity.


UniCherryGardener is licensed under the MIT license, also included in our repository in the LICENSE file.


UniCherryGarden: universal “data gardening” solution for Ethereum blockchain data








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