👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
You can test the existing utitlties and report us the bugs/improvements/ideas.
Always add a meaningful title to your issue.
You add tutorials and usage guideline for your content or existing content at Wiki
Always add a good and meaningful title and content.
You can add your own content and utilities to the library by making pull requests.
Always check the library to make sure you aren't adding a duplicate.
Always test your utitlity to make sure it works as expected and is error free.
Also you can make a new folder in the relevant category for your utility and include a README.md file for that to provide documentation and usage guideline.
New Category suggestion is welcome.
You can submit your Pull Requests to us and we will merge them when they are ready.
Always add a meaningful pull request title.