Table of contents Introduction Community Roadmap Changelog Getting started Quickstart Concepts Overview Data source Entity Feature view Feature service Feature retrieval Point-in-time joins Architecture Overview Feature repository Registry Offline store Online store Provider Third party integrations FAQ Tutorials Overview Driver ranking Fraud detection on GCP Real-time credit scoring on AWS How-to Guides Running Feast with GCP/AWS Install Feast Create a feature repository Deploy a feature store Build a training dataset Load data into the online store Read features from the online store Running Feast in production Upgrading from Feast 0.9 Adding a custom provider Adding a new online store Adding a new offline store Adding or reusing tests Reference Data sources File BigQuery Redshift Offline stores File BigQuery Redshift Online stores SQLite Redis Datastore DynamoDB Providers Local Google Cloud Platform Amazon Web Services Feature repository feature_store.yaml .feastignore [Alpha] On demand feature view [Alpha] Stream ingestion [Alpha] Local feature server [Alpha] AWS Lambda feature server Feast CLI reference Python API reference Usage Project Contribution process Development guide Versioning policy Release process Feast 0.9 vs Feast 0.10+