LaTeX Template for Project Report, Version 2.0 (Abstracted from a Major Project Report at CSED, NIT Calicut but can be modified easily to use for other reports also.)
Released under Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY) Info:
Created by: Kartik Singhal BTech CSE Batch of 2009-13 NIT Calicut Contact Info:
It is advisable to learn the basics of LaTeX before using this template. A good resource to start with is
- Contains all required pages for a complete report.
- Highly customizable.
- Examples given for citing and inserting references and footnotes.
- PDF generated has clickable links from contents page, citations and URLs.
- Provides options to insert pdf title, author name, subject and keywords.
Start editing with report.tex and follow the instructions given there.
NITC logo: Mr Chandramohan MK, Graphic Studio, Central Library, NIT Calicut Hacker logo: