Ulord-platform HTTP Client Library
Check out the client API reference for the full command reference.
Important: The legacy py-ulord-api package/module will only work for Ulord-platform 0.0.1 and Python 2.7.
Note: This library constantly has to change to stay compatible with the Ulord-platform HTTP API. Currently, this library is tested against Ulord-platform v0.0.1. You may experience compatibility issues when attempting to use it with other versions of Ulord-platform.
import: haven't completed!
Install with pip:
pip install ulordapi
Or you can use this repository to set up
git clone https://github.com/UlordChain/py-ulord-api.git
cd py-ulord-api
python setup.py install
This package has three functions,including cli, py-api and web-API.
You can use cli to print help and other functions:
usage: ulordapi [options|sub-command] [-h]
ulordapi ---- SDK for the Ulord APIs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
ulordapi sub-command:
ulordapi sub-command,reading API documents
using basic config - E:\ulord\ulord-blog-demo\venv\lib\site-packages\ulordapi-0.0.1-py2.7.egg\ulordapi\config
daemon Daemon process,including web server and udfs daemon.
UP main functions
udfs transfer resources to the platform
DB Manage database
config Manage configuration
Use 'ulordapi <command> --help' to learn more about each command.
The CLI will exit with one of the following values:
0 Successful execution.
1 Failed executions.
In [1]: from ulordapi import Junior
In [2]: junior = Junior(appkey="5d42b27e581c11e88b12f48e3889c8ab",secret="5d42b27f581c11e8bf63f48e3889c8ab")
In [3]: junior.config_show()
{'baseconfig': {'config_file': 'E:\\ulord\\py-ulord-api\\ulordapi\\config',
'version': '0.0.1'},
'dbconfig': {'Debug': True,
'IsCreated': False,
'SECRET_KEY': 'ulord platform is good',
'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI': 'sqlite:///sqlite.db',
'logconfig': {'format': '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)-8s %(name)s %(message)s',
'level': 'INFO',
'log_file_path': 'E:\\ulord\\py-ulord-api\\ulordapi\\upapi.log'},
'udfsconfig': {'udfs_host': '', 'udfs_port': 5001},
'ulordconfig': {'ulord_appkey': '5d42b27e581c11e88b12f48e3889c8ab',
'ulord_billings': '/transactions/publish/account',
'ulord_billings_detail': '/transactions/account/inout',
'ulord_checkbought': '/transactions/check',
'ulord_createwallet': '/transactions/createwallet',
'ulord_curtime': 1526433796,
'ulord_head': {'U-AppKey': '5d42b27e581c11e88b12f48e3889c8ab',
'U-CurTime': '1526433796',
'U-Sign': '65E98D476619939606D3438B535A07F0'},
'ulord_in': '/transactions/account/in',
'ulord_out': '/transactions/account/out',
'ulord_paytouser': '/transactions/paytouser',
'ulord_publish': '/transactions/publish',
'ulord_publish_data': {'author': 'test3',
'content_type': '.txt',
'description': '\xe8\xbf\x99\xe6\x98\xaf\xe7\xac\xac\xe4\xb8\x80\xe7\xaf\x87UDFS\xe6\xb5\x8b\xe8\xaf\x95\xe6\x96\x87\xe4\xbb\xb6',
'pay_password': '123',
'price': 0.1,
'tag': ['test', 'udfs'],
'tags': ['test', 'udfs'],
'title': '\xe7\xac\xac\xe4\xb8\x80\xe7\xaf\x87\xe6\x8a\x80\xe6\x9c\xaf\xe5\x8d\x9a\xe5\xae\xa2',
'udfs_hash': 'QmQGSgwfMtLH291KmyVouvu1mCwNYvZ2FGmStfvRwLQEgV'},
'ulord_publish_num': '/transactions/publish/count',
'ulord_querybalance': '/transactions/balance',
'ulord_queryblog': '/content/list',
'ulord_secret': '5d42b27f581c11e8bf63f48e3889c8ab',
'ulord_transaction': '/transactions/consume',
'ulord_url': '',
'ulord_userbought': '/content/consume/list',
'ulord_userpublished': '/content/publish/list',
'ulord_view': '/content/view'},
'webconfig': {'activity': True,
'amount': 10,
'host': '',
'port': 5000,
'privkeypath': 'E:\\ulord\\py-ulord-api\\utils\\private.pem',
'pubkeypath': 'E:\\ulord\\py-ulord-api\\utils\\public.pem',
'start': True,
'token_expired': 86400}}
waiting document...
- add TODO list
- some docs
- support python3
- more friendly expression
- add multi-threading download
- add unit test
- docker environment
You can submit bug reports using the GitHub issue tracker.
Pull requests are welcome. Before submitting a new pull request, please waiting...
Some places to get you started. (WIP)
Senior programmer Main file: ulordapi/user.py
Junior Programmer Main file: ulordapi/user.py
CLI Commands: ulordapi/daemonCLI.py
Web Server: ulordapi/webServer.py
This code is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. Details can be found in the file LICENSE in this repository.