TMapViews aims to create a more convenients implimentation of maps on IOS and Android in Xamarin. Boilerplate code has been rolled into a more userfirendly set-up structure, allowing for easier set-up and life-cycle managment of maps.
Events such as location changed and map clicked have been rolled into commands that return common object typs, allowing for the handling of these events to be done by the shared code by means of single assignments.
Annotations and overlays are managed by the BindingMapViews
using a DataSource object that is a list of IBindingAnnotations
that can be assigned to the map. IBindingMapOverlay
objects are included in the same list.
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TMapViews is licensed under the MIT License.
- TMapViews is based Xamarin-Android and Xamarin-macios under the MIT License.
- MVVMCross is used for the
plugins under the Microsoft Public License.
- Thanks to Plac3hold3r for help and guidance on this project.