All notable changes to the "vscode-websearch" extension will be documented in this file.
- Added:
- A lot of search engines
- Add a way to change the TLD of any search engine (also AC)
- Added:
- AOL search and AutoComplete support.
- Fixed:
- Properly encoding special characters.
- Added:
- Icon
- Fixed:
- MacOS support
- Added:
- Support for Linux
- Changed:
- Alt+s now works anytime
- Added:
- Auto-insert text selection into the search box
- Fixed:
- Properly register key bindings and settings in package.json
- Initial release
- Added:
- Support for mac.
- Multiple search engine support.
- AutoComplete functionality for Google and DuckDuckGo
- Added:
- Changed:
- Fixed:
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Security: