NOTE!! This has now become part of Kofax Transformation Modules 10.4 in November 2020. Many features presented below are no longer required.
Please read the new version.
Sometimes it is useful to classify individual paragraphs in a document
- You are looking for paragraphs in a document with a particular vocab or sentiment.
- You want to calculate the sentiment of each paragraph separately
- You want to classify a document based on a particular paragraph, ignoring all others. The default text classifier returns the classification result of the entire page or document. This can dilute results that come from paragraphs.
Paragraph Detection using page geometry will become a standard feature in Kofax Transformation in a future release (today is August 2020).
This Table Locator detects paragraphs. I create a new paragraph when the first word of a line is more than 30 pixels from the left edge of text (see script down below). Simple and effective – and it doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect! Perfection is not a goal, productivity is a goal.
The example below copies each paragraph into a table cell, and also classifies each paragraph (I have classes “p”, “v”, and “h”) and the 3rd column shows the score of text classification.
In this project the customer wanted to know if this legal document was about "p", "v" or "h" or a combination. In the example below, the first page of this document is clearly about "p" only.
There is a script function below (String_Classify) that takes any text as input and returns a Classification Result object (CscResult), which contains the information you see below.
The String classification code was run inside the table locator and the best classification result was put into column 2 and the classification scores where put into column 3. This can help you and your customer understand how well classification is working and know what to train or not.
Now we need to put things together. This is where you work together with a document expert from the business unit to carefully train their documents.
- Open a representative document set in Project Builder.
Read page 16 of Best Practices in Kofax Transformation for what “representative” means - Select the Class with your paragraph table locator in the project tree. Select the documents and Extract. You should now have all the paragraphs in the table locators – they won’t be classified yet.
- Open Validation Screen (F8) (Sorry KTA users, you’ll have to do this the long way by creating jobs…)
- I manually classified Paragraph 2 as “p” and Paragraph 2 as “”, because I want this trained as a Null paragraph.
You need negative examples and lots of them. Without any null examples everything will be put into another class. You don't want to rely just on them getting low scores. If you are training an AI to recognize dogs in photos, then you should also give it lots of examples of cats and other things that are not dogs. Negative training is important. - Simply delete paragraphs you don’t like and start classifying the rest. In the image below I manually classified paragraph 1 as 'p' and paragraph 2 as '' and selected paragraphs 3-7 in orange and will delete them.
- Make the class names single characters so it’s fast to type. Press ENTER to confirm the class name.
- Create a Validation Rule to enforce that the class names can only be “p”, “h”, “v” or “”. (KTA users have to do this the KTA way…)
- Process 10 or more documents and then close Validation. (In KTA retrieve your validated XDoc files with the Repository Browser)
- You will see that your files have an asterisk, meaning that they haven’t been saved. Save them by pressing the save icon
above the documents and the asterisk will disappear.
- WARNING. Be careful here to avoid loss of data!! You just spent a long time creating valuable training files (also called "perfect" files or "golden files"). These are incredibly precious! Do not lose or overwrite them!!
- Backup your files by selecting all the files.
- Right-click on on the files and select "Open in Windows Explorer"
- Add them to a zip file.
- Put the zip file somewhere safe.
- Now you need to split all of those paragraphs into individual text files. Switch the document Viewer into Hierarchy Mode.
- You can now configure Runtime Script Events. Click the tiny triangle next to the yellow lightning icon.
- Select Batch_Close and close this window. This feature is for testing batch and application level scripts – we will MISUSE 😊 this feature to write LOTS of text files.
In production you can put the script into the event Document_Validated if you want to creatae new training files at runtime, or in Kofax RPA, your robot can write these training files..
KTA users don’t have access to script event Batch_Close. They will have to create another temp class in the project and pack this script into Document_AfterExtract without the document loop – select all docs, extract all and then delete the script. (Ask if you need help!) - Run the script Paragraphs2Text from below by clicking the lightning icon (CTRL-F11)
- This script will write a text file for each and every paragraph into the folder txt inside your project, with a folder for each Paragraph Class.
- Make sure that you have the exact Paragraph structure inside your Document Project (casing is important)
- Now open the txt folder as a document set. Make sure all settings are EXACTLY as below. Path ..\txt\Paragraph. Set Source files to Text files and Include Subdirectories and Assign subdirectory as class for each document.
- Well done. You now have classification files per paragraph with correct Assigned Class. In the document viewer you can inspect these files and correct classes (this is where you will come at runtime to deal with new training samples.)
- WARNING!! You are now at another VERY BAD danger point. Be very careful here. It’s easy to misclick, and there is no confirmation dialog, when converting to a Benchmark Set and a Classification Training Set. We will do both!
- Right-Click on the document set and select Use as Benchmark Set
- Run the Classification Benchmark. This is now your baseline
- Convert Your Benchmark Set to a Classification Training Set
- Retrain Classification
- Run your benchmark again and keep adding training files.
- Remember your goal is human productivity, not accuracy – do not be distracted. Your metric is documents/person/day, which you can massively improve, not classification accuracy, which you cannot perfect.
Public Function XDocument_FindLeftTextMargin(pXDoc As CscXDocument,P As Long) As Double
'Assuming that most of each page is left aligned, we find the left text margin on each page
Dim clusters As New CscXDocField
Dim TextLine As CscXDocTextLine
Dim bestcluster As CscXDocFieldAlternative
Dim l As Double,c As Long
Dim found As Boolean
If pXDoc.Words.Count=0 Then Return 0 'Always check for worst cases in scripts and exit.
For l=0 To pXDoc.Pages(P).TextLines.Count-1
Set TextLine=pXDoc.Pages(P).TextLines(l)
For c = 0 To clusters.Alternatives.Count-1
If Abs(clusters.Alternatives(c).SubFields(0).Left-TextLine.Left)<30 Then 'Edges within 30 pixels are clustered
With clusters.Alternatives(c).SubFields().Create(CStr(l)) 'Cluster these text lines together
End With
Exit For
End If
If Not found Then
With clusters.Alternatives.Create.SubFields().Create(CStr(l)) 'Create a new cluster
End With
End If
'Find the cluster with the most textlines
Set bestcluster = clusters.Alternatives(0)
For l =0 To clusters.Alternatives.Count-1
If clusters.Alternatives(l).Confidence>bestcluster.Confidence Then Set bestcluster=clusters.Alternatives(l)
'return the average left margin coordinate of this largest cluster of lines
For c = 0 To bestcluster.SubFields.Count-1
Return l/bestcluster.SubFields.Count
End Function
Public Sub XDoc_FindParagraphs(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, Table As CscXDocTable)
Dim Row As CscXDocTableRow, W As Long, Word As CscXDocWord, LeftMargin As Long, P As Long, Words As CscXDocWords
Dim DistAbove As Long, DistBelow As Long, Spacing As Boolean, Count As Long, Classification As CscResult
Dim TL As Long, TextLine As CscXDocTextLine
Table.Rows.Clear 'Delete any rows KT finds!
Set Row=Table.Rows.Append
For P=0 To pXDoc.Pages.Count-1 'Loop through all pages in the document
LeftMargin=XDocument_FindLeftTextMargin(pXDoc, P)
For TL=0 To pXDoc.Pages(P).TextLines.Count-1 'Loop through all text lines on the page
Set TextLine=pXDoc.Pages(P).TextLines(TL)
If TextLine.IndexOnPage>0 Then 'Find the spacing to the line above
End If
If TextLine.IndexOnPage<pXDoc.Pages(P).TextLines.Count-1 Then 'Find the spacing to the line below
End If
'Find the spacing changes or there is an indent or outdent make a new paragraph.
If DistAbove<>0 And DistBelow<>0 AndAlso DistBelow/DistAbove>0.7 Then Spacing =False
If Spacing OrElse Abs(TextLine.Words(0).Left - LeftMargin) > 40 Then
If Count < 15 Then 'Classify the last paragraph
Table.Rows.Remove(Row.IndexInTable) 'Delete paragraphs less that 15 words
Else 'Classify a finished
Set Classification=String_Classify(Row.Cells(0).Text,pXDoc)
If Classification.NumberOfConfidences>0 AndAlso Classification.BestConfidence(0)>Project.MinContentConfidence Then
If Row.Cells(1).Text="Null" Then Row.Cells(1).Text=""
End If
End If
Set Row=Table.Rows.Append 'ie, a new paragraph
End If
Set Words=TextLine.Words
For W=0 To Words.Count-1
Row.Cells(0).AddWordData(Words(W)) 'Add all the words of the line to the paragraph in column 1
Count=Count+Words.Count 'Keep count of how many words in this paragraph, so we can delete small paragraphs
'delete last row, because it’s probably not relevant and we didn’t classify it
End Sub
Public Function String_Classify(t As String, pXDoc As CscXDocument) As CscResult
Dim Node As New CscDocNode, DocSet As New CscFileDocSet
Dim TextRep As New CscTextRepresentation
Set DocSet.RootDoc = Node
Return Node.GetResult(Project.ClsResultRepTag)
End Function
Function ClassificationResult_ToString(CR As CscResult) As String
Dim Result As String, R As Long
For R=0 To CR.NumberOfConfidences -1
If CR.BestClassId(R)<>0 Then Result=Result & Project.ClassByID(CR.BestClassId(R)).Name & " (" & Format(CR.BestConfidence(R),"0.00%") & "); "
If Result="" Then Return Result
Return Left(Result,Len(Result)-2)
End Function
'#Language "WWB-COM"
Option Explicit
' Project Script
Private Sub Batch_Close(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder, ByVal CloseMode As CASCADELib.CscBatchCloseMode)
Dim X As Long
For X=0 To pXRootFolder.DocInfos.Count-1
End Sub
Public Sub XDoc_Paragraphs2Text(pXDoc As CscXDocument)
Dim R As Long, cl As String, path As String, I As Long, filename As String, Row As CscXDocTableRow
If Not Dir_Exists(path) Then MkDir path
With pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("Clauses").Table.Rows
For R=0 To .Count-1
Set Row=.ItemByIndex(R)
If Row.Cells(1).Valid And Len(Row.Cells(0).Text)>0 Then 'Only consider validated paragraphs that contain text
cl=Row.Cells(1).Text 'The classname is in the second column
If cl="" Then cl="Null"
If Not Dir_Exists(path & cl) Then MkDir path & cl
For I=1 To 100000
filename=path & cl & "\" & Format(I,"000000") & ".txt"
If Not File_Exists(filename) Then 'loop until we find an unused filename.
Open filename For Output As #1
Print #1, vbUTF8BOM & Row.Cells(0).Text 'Make a UTF-8 file. Even Americans and other ASCII lovers should do this too!
Close #1
Exit For
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Function File_Exists(file As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Return (GetAttr(file) And vbDirectory) = 0
Exit Function
End Function
Function Dir_Exists(DirName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Return GetAttr(DirName) And vbDirectory
End Function