#A simple tool of visualizing 3-D datacubes in FITS format
The visualization is implemented by MayaVI and the interface is made with TraitsUI.
- Mayavi,
- TraitsUI,
- astropy,
- numpy,
- scipy,
- and ImageMagick to make the movies.
##Render the P-P-V datacubes in three options
- Iso-surfaces colored by velocities.
- Iso-surfaces colored by intensities.
- Scattered dots colored by intensities.
The first two can be saved in a 'mesh' file and be imported to softwares such as Blender or Meshlab, and be uploaded to Sketchfab.
##Known issues
- Cannot load a different fits file if the current file name includes path: have to delete the current 'fitsfile' name first...
- The latest Mayavi (v4.4+) does not allow a random name for a new attribute of a field. I have to revert to the previous Mayavi version (v4.3).
- To be found...