Thank you for your interest in contributing to Trood CLI! 🎉 We welcome contributions of all kinds—bug fixes, new features, documentation improvements, or fresh ideas. Your support makes Trood CLI better for everyone! 🙌
Fork the Repository 🍴: Click the Fork button at the top right of the repository to create your own copy.
Clone Your Fork 💻: Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
Create a Branch 🌱: Create a new branch for your work with a descriptive name (e.g.,
):git checkout -b your-branch-name
Make Your Changes 🛠️: Implement your changes, add tests if applicable, and update documentation as needed.
Commit Changes 📌: Write clear and descriptive commit messages. Example:
fix: resolve command parsing error
feat: add step-by-step debugging guidance
Push Your Branch 🚀: Push your changes to your fork:
git push origin your-branch-name
Open a Pull Request 🔄: Submit a pull request (PR) against the
branch. Describe your changes and reference any related issues.
If you find a bug:
- Check for Existing Issues 🔍: Look through existing issues to see if it’s already reported.
- Open a New Issue 📄: If not, submit a new issue and include:
- A clear description of the bug.
- Steps to reproduce the problem.
- Expected vs. actual behavior.
- Your environment details (OS, version, etc.).
We love new ideas! If you have an enhancement suggestion:
- Open an Issue 📝: Create a new issue explaining your idea.
- Provide Details 🎯: Describe the problem it solves, its benefits, and any relevant examples.
- Be Specific 📌: The clearer and more detailed your suggestion, the easier it is for us to consider.
When submitting a pull request:
- Follow Code Style 🎨: Stick to the project's coding standards.
- Include Tests ✅: Add or update tests where necessary.
- Reference Issues 🔗: Mention any related issues in your PR description.
- Keep Commits Clear ✍️: Use meaningful commit messages.
- Review Process 👀: Our team will review your PR and provide feedback. Thank you for your patience!
- Maintain Consistency 📏: Follow the project's coding style and conventions.
- Document Your Changes 📖: Update documentation if your changes affect functionality.
- Test Your Code 🛠️: Ensure your changes work correctly and pass all tests.
- Write Good Commit Messages 📝: Explain what each commit does clearly.
Good documentation benefits everyone:
- Write Clearly 📝: Keep it simple and informative.
- Use Markdown 📑: Maintain consistency in formatting.
- Keep It Updated 🔄: Ensure documentation reflects recent changes.
- GitHub Issues 💬: Use issues to report bugs, suggest features, and ask questions.
- Join Our Community 🌍: Engage with us on Launchpad.
- Respect and Collaboration 🤗: Be kind, constructive, and professional in discussions.
By contributing to Trood CLI, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
Thank you for contributing! 🚀 Together, we’re making Trood CLI better! 🎉