Identifier resolution framework to resolve etheruem addresses to identifiable names using Google Sheets (third party resolution service). Read more about our Architectural Decision Records (ADR) here.
Prerequisite: Google sheets API.
- Go to Google Console and create a new project.
- Enable Google Sheets API. Once enabled, it should be added to the enabled API list.
- Create an API key.
- Create and populate a Google Sheet with columns of:
(The ethereum address of the company)name
(The name of the company)source
. (Optional:The source of the information)
- Set Google Sheet to public.
- Setup the third party resolution service by configuring it to access Google Sheets with the API key gotten from step 1.
- Fork this reference implementation.
- Define these environment variables in github repo secrets:
- SHEETS_API_KEY = Your created API key from Google Console.
- SHEETS_ID = Your google sheet ID.
- SHEETS_RANGE = Your google sheet cell range.
- STAGING_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = Your AWS access key id.
- STAGING_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = Your AWS access key secret.
- Spin up this service up by pushing to master, github actions will automate the deployment.
- Go to API Gateway in your AWS account. Create a custom domain name of your preference. Take note of API Gateway domain name.
- Click API mappings and configure it by selecting
from dropdown list. - Go to Route53 and create a new CNAME record. The value is your API Gateway domain name.
- Once set, wait for a few minutes and your API endpoint will be accessible in the custom domain name that you've created. This will be what we call the third party resolution service endpoint.