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This is the training code of the JDACS framework proposed in our AAAI-21 paper: "Self-supervised Multi-view Stereo via Effective Co-Segmentation and Data-Augmentation" [paper].

It is noted that MVSNet is utilized as the backbone in default. You can also replace the backbone network with your own customized model.

How to use?


  • Python 3.6 (Anaconda)
  • Pytorch 1.1.0
  • 4 GPUs with 11G memories, such as 1080 Ti or 2080 Ti.


  • Download the preprocessed DTU training dataset [ Google Cloud or Baidu Cloud (The password is mo8w) ].
  • Edit the training settings in
    • MVS_TRAINING: the path of your training dataset.
    • --gpu_device: the ids of adopted GPUs. You should modify it according to the available GPUs in your server.
    • --logdir: the name of the checkpoint dir.
    • --w_aug: weight for data-augmentation consistency loss. The default value is 0.01.
    • --w_seg: weight for co-segmentation consistency loss. The default value is 0.01.
    • --seg_clusters: the cluster centroids for NMF (Co-segmentation). The default value is 4.
    • --num_depth: the number of hypothesized depth planes in the cost volume The default value is 192.
  • Train the model by running ./


  • Download the preprocessed DTU testing data [ Google Cloud or Baidu Cloud (The password is mo8w) ].
    • In the Baidu Cloud link, you can find the target file in the directory: preprocessed_input/
  • Edit the testing setting in '`:
    • --testpath: the path of the testing dataset.
    • --num_depth: the number of hypothesized depth planes in the cost volume The default value is 256.
    • --loadckpt: the path of the checkpoint file. For example: ./log-2020-07-01/model_00060000.ckpt. It is noted that model_00060000.ckpt means the model saved with an iteration of 60000 steps. You can also replace the number with other available ones.
  • Generate the depth maps by running ./


  • To fuse the generated per-view depth maps to a 3D point cloud, we utilize the code of fusibile for depth fusion.
  • To build the binary executable file from fusibile, please follow the following steps:
    • Enter the fusion/fusibile directory of this project.
    • Check the gpu architecture in your server and modify the corresponding settings in CMakeList.txt:
      • If 1080 Ti GPU with a computation capability of 6.0 is used, please add: set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS};-O3 --use_fast_math --ptxas-options=-v -std=c++11 --compiler-options -Wall -gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 -gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60).
      • If 2080 Ti GPU with a computation capability of 7.5 is used, please add: set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS};-O3 --use_fast_math --ptxas-options=-v -std=c++11 --compiler-options -Wall -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75).
      • For other GPUs, please check the computation capability of your GPU in:
    • Create the directory by running mkdir build.
    • Enter the created directory, cd build.
    • Configure the CMake setting, cmake ...
    • Build the project, make.
    • Then you can find the binary executable file named as fusibile in the build directory.
  • Go back to the fusion/ directory and edit the fusion setting in
    • DTU_TEST_ROOT: the path of the testing dataset.
    • FUSIBILE_EXE_PATH: the path of the binary executable fusibile file.
    • --prob_threshold/--disp_threshold/--num_consistent: hyperparamters for depth fusion.
  • Run the fusion code, ./
  • Move the fused 3D point cloud to the same folder, python You can find the reconstructed 3D ply files in the directory of outputs_dense/mvsnet_0.4_0.25.


  • To reproduce the quantitative performance of the model, we can use the official code provided by DTU. The original codes are implemented in Matlab and requires huge time for calculating the evaluation metrics. To accelerate this process, we also provide a parallel version of the evaluation code in matlab_eval/dtu of this repo.
  • Download the Sample and from DTU's official website. Decompress the zip files and arange the ground truth point clouds following the official instructions of DTU.
  • Edit the path settings in ComputeStat_web.m and BaseEvalMain_web.m.
    • The datapath should be changed according to the path of your data. For example, dataPath='/home/xhb/dtu_eval/SampleSet/MVS Data/';
  • Enter the matlab_eval/dtu directory and run the matlab evaluation code, ./ The results will be presented in a few hours. The time consumption is up to the available threads enabled in the Matlab environment.


  • The default hyperparameters --prob_threshold/--disp_threshold/--num_consistent may not be the best configuration, which requires further adjustment. It may be better to manually adjust these hyperparameters.
  • The adopted model checkpoint with iteration of 60000 steps in ./ can also be alternated with other checkpoints, which may produce better performance.