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b/src/shortestpaths/astar.jl index e4adfe0dc..b81148f41 100644 --- a/src/shortestpaths/astar.jl +++ b/src/shortestpaths/astar.jl @@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ function reconstruct_path!(total_path, # a vector to be filled with the shortest path came_from, # a vector holding the parent of each node in the A* exploration end_idx, # the end vertex - g) # the graph - - E = edgetype(g) + g, # the graph + edgetype_to_return::Type{E}=edgetype(g)) where {E<:AbstractEdge} curr_idx = end_idx while came_from[curr_idx] != curr_idx - pushfirst!(total_path, E(came_from[curr_idx], curr_idx)) + pushfirst!(total_path, edgetype_to_return(came_from[curr_idx], curr_idx)) curr_idx = came_from[curr_idx] end end @@ -21,19 +20,17 @@ function a_star_impl!(g, # the graph open_set, # an initialized heap containing the active vertices closed_set, # an (initialized) color-map to indicate status of vertices g_score, # a vector holding g scores for each node - f_score, # a vector holding f scores for each node came_from, # a vector holding the parent of each node in the A* exploration distmx, - heuristic) - - E = edgetype(g) - total_path = Vector{E}() + heuristic, + edgetype_to_return::Type{E}) where {E<:AbstractEdge} + total_path = Vector{edgetype_to_return}() @inbounds while !isempty(open_set) current = dequeue!(open_set) if current == goal - reconstruct_path!(total_path, came_from, current, g) + reconstruct_path!(total_path, came_from, current, g, edgetype_to_return) return total_path end @@ -56,26 +53,28 @@ function a_star_impl!(g, # the graph end """ - a_star(g, s, t[, distmx][, heuristic]) + a_star(g, s, t[, distmx][, heuristic][, edgetype_to_return]) + +Compute a shortest path using the [A* search algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%2A_search_algorithm). -Return a vector of edges comprising the shortest path between vertices `s` and `t` -using the [A* search algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%2A_search_algorithm). -An optional heuristic function and edge distance matrix may be supplied. If missing, -the distance matrix is set to [`Graphs.DefaultDistance`](@ref) and the heuristic is set to -`n -> 0`. +# Arguments +- `g::AbstractGraph`: the graph +- `s::Integer`: the source vertex +- `t::Integer`: the target vertex +- `distmx::AbstractMatrix`: an optional (possibly sparse) `n × n` matrix of edge weights. It is set to `weights(g)` by default (which itself falls back on [`Graphs.DefaultDistance`](@ref)). +- `heuristic::Function`: an optional function mapping each vertex to a lower estimate of the remaining distance from `v` to `t`. It is set to `v -> 0` by default (which corresponds to Dijkstra's algorithm) +- `edgetype_to_return::Type{E}`: the eltype `E<:AbstractEdge` of the vector of edges returned. It is set to `edgetype(g)` by default. Note that the two-argument constructor `E(u, v)` must be defined, even for weighted edges: if it isn't, consider using `E = Graphs.SimpleEdge`. """ function a_star(g::AbstractGraph{U}, # the g s::Integer, # the start vertex t::Integer, # the end vertex distmx::AbstractMatrix{T}=weights(g), - heuristic::Function=n -> zero(T)) where {T, U} - - E = Edge{eltype(g)} - + heuristic::Function=n -> zero(T), + edgetype_to_return::Type{E}=edgetype(g)) where {T, U, E<:AbstractEdge} # if we do checkbounds here, we can use @inbounds in a_star_impl! checkbounds(distmx, Base.OneTo(nv(g)), Base.OneTo(nv(g))) - open_set = PriorityQueue{Integer, T}() + open_set = PriorityQueue{U, T}() enqueue!(open_set, s, 0) closed_set = zeros(Bool, nv(g)) @@ -83,11 +82,18 @@ function a_star(g::AbstractGraph{U}, # the g g_score = fill(Inf, nv(g)) g_score[s] = 0 - f_score = fill(Inf, nv(g)) - f_score[s] = heuristic(s) - came_from = fill(-one(s), nv(g)) came_from[s] = s - a_star_impl!(g, t, open_set, closed_set, g_score, f_score, came_from, distmx, heuristic) + a_star_impl!( + g, + t, + open_set, + closed_set, + g_score, + came_from, + distmx, + heuristic, + edgetype_to_return + ) end diff --git a/test/shortestpaths/astar.jl b/test/shortestpaths/astar.jl index 7143a5bff..510f45f7e 100644 --- a/test/shortestpaths/astar.jl +++ b/test/shortestpaths/astar.jl @@ -15,4 +15,11 @@ g = complete_graph(4) w = float([1 1 1 4; 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1; 4 1 1 1]) @test length(a_star(g, 1, 4, w)) == 2 + + # test for #120 + struct MyFavoriteEdgeType <: AbstractEdge{Int} + s::Int + d::Int + end + @test eltype(a_star(g, 1, 4, w, n -> 0, MyFavoriteEdgeType)) == MyFavoriteEdgeType end