This bot can interact with Google Calendar API, allowing you to easily add/manage events.
You can just add an event to your default calendar by sending a message to the bot following these rules (only spanish for now):
<event name>, <when> <reminder>
can be specified using multiple formats. Examples:
* mañana 18 (mañana a las 18hs)
* hoy 16 (hoy a las 16hs)
* mie 8-10 (próximo Miércoles de 8 a 10hs)
* lun 9:30 (próximo Lunes 9:30am)
* abr 10 (10 de Abril, todo el día)
* sep 2 9:30-10:45 (2 de Septiembre de 9:30 a 10:45am)
is optional. Examples:
* 10m (10 minutos antes)
* 1h (1 hora antes)
* 1d (1 día antes)
Full examples:
* entrevista, mañana 9, 12h
* cumple de pepe, vie 20
* Create a bot:
* Create a config.json file in the root directory with the following schema:
"telegramBotToken": "..."
* Register your app using Google developers console:
* Download and save your `client_secret.json` in the root directory
* Install MongoDB:
* `npm install && npm start`