Link to Youtube-Video:
Please read the docs carefully - all requests to the backend are "mocked" but there are "commented" examples that you can use (and modify) to fit your specific needs.
First run npm i
and then ng serve
, then you can open localhost:4200 in your Browser
With a proxy file you can proxy/rewrite your api calls against your backend.
Currently there is a file under /src/proxy.conf.json (and it is added in angular.json)
with some config details, since there is no backend running, the requests will fail - it's your turn to build the backend :)
The @auth0/angular-jwt is added and with the login request the jwt is stored in the local storage.
The package adds then the jwt to every request to the backend automatically via an interceptoer, so the fe/the user is
always authenticated against the backend.
Angular Guard:
Protects the '/protected' route and checks if there is a jwt provided in the localstorage that is not expired.
If it's ok, then the user can access the route, otherwise the access is denied and the user gets redirected to Login
Add a real backend and replace the placeholders
- add a form to reset the password
With the Angular CLI we can generate Angular Scaffolds with just one specific command. e.g. generate a component, a module, or a service
Let the Angular CLI generate the angular starter for you
ng new login-and-register-example
add angular Material to your Angular app
ng add @angular/material
Generate the modules Public, Private and Shared
ng g module public
ng g module protected
Generate the components
ng g c public/login
ng g c public/register
ng g c protected/dashboard
Generate the "fake" Service
ng g s public/auth
Add an angular jwt package, for handling the jwt, the login etc.
npm i @auth0/angular-jwt
Add the Auth guard, to make sure only LoggedIn Users can access the Protected Module
ng g g Auth
then implement the CanActivate interface
Login View with errors displayed:
Jwt Protected Dashboard after successfull login (only for Guard and Example purposes):