Dependencies To build the samples you only need a standard glut install, and up-to-date OpenGL 3.X or better drivers.
Compiling in release mode
cd drone
mkdir build
cd build
- Compiling in debug mode
cd drone
mkdir build
cd build
- Compiling Maya plugin Add "-DWITH_MAYA=True" to cmake command line. Verify that maya is available at /usr/autodesk/maya/
- samples/viewer The viewer take both cache files and directories as command line arguments. Directories are scanned for ".drn" files. Use the 'alt' key and the 3 mouse buttons to navigate in the scene. Press '0' to switch to the stored camera. Press 'space' 'home' and arrows to navigate time.
viewer <cache> <cache_dir>
- tools/drnread
drnread -hlv <cache>
- tools/drnmaya Add the build path to $MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH. Then load the plugin in Window->SettingsPreferences->Plugin-Manager or in the Script Editor
loadPlugin drnmaya