Please reach out if you'd like to get involved and we'll get you access to the new repository :) 2D Con should really have a schedule app. Let's make one.
- VS Code / some nice text editor
- ConEmu / some command prompt you're happy with
- Git + some client
- node
Once Node is installed, open a command prompt and run the following commands:
- npm install ionic -g
- npm install gulp -g
- npm install cordova -g
Once done installing all of the tooling, navigate to the directory you've cloned this repository into and run the following commands in command prompt/terminal/your shell of choice:
- npm install
when that finishes run
- ionic serve
in one command prompt in order to run the app and
- gulp tdd
in another command prompt in order to see test results.
There's probably some other stuff I've forgotten about, so feel free to reach out if you're having issues :).