Describe your issue here.
- Bug report
- Feature request
- Your own setup:
- platform (Windows, Mac, Linux etc)
- version of tinode server, e.g.
- database backend
- TinodeWeb/tinodejs: javascript client
- Browser make and version.
- Tindroid: Android app
- Android API level (e.g. 25).
- Emulator or hardware, if hardware describe it.
- tn-cli
- Python version
- Chatbot
- Python version
- Version of the client, e.g.
Tell us how to reproduce this issue.
Tell us what should happen.
Tell us what happens instead.
Copy server-side log here. You may also attach it to the issue as a file.
Copy client-side log here (Android logcat, Javascript console, etc). You may also attach it to the issue as a file.