- Introduction
- Contributing
- Team
- Issues
- Announcements
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Configuration
- Maintenance
- Monitoring
- Container Registry
- Deploy in Docker Swarm mode, with HTTPS handled by Traefik proxy and Docker Registry
- References
Dockerfile to build a GitLab image for the Docker opensource container platform.
GitLab CE is set up in the Docker image using the install from source method as documented in the official GitLab documentation.
For other methods to install GitLab please refer to the Official GitLab Installation Guide which includes a GitLab image for Docker.
If you find this image useful here's how you can help:
- Send a Pull Request with your awesome new features and bug fixes
- Be a part of the community and help resolve Issues
- Support the development of this image with a donation
See Contributors for the complete list developers that have contributed to this project.
Docker is actively being developed and tested by a thriving community of developers and testers and every release of Docker features many enhancements and bugfixes.
Given the nature of the development and release cycle it is very important that you have the latest version of Docker installed because any issue that you encounter might have already been fixed with a newer Docker release.
Install the most recent version of the Docker Engine for your platform using the official Docker releases, which can also be installed using:
wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh
Fedora and RHEL/CentOS users should try disabling selinux with setenforce 0
and check if resolves the issue. If it does than there is not much that I can help you with. You can either stick with selinux disabled (not recommended by redhat) or switch to using ubuntu.
You may also set DEBUG=true
to enable debugging of the entrypoint script, which could help you pinpoint any configuration issues.
If using the latest docker version and/or disabling selinux does not fix the issue then please file an issue request on the issues page.
In your issue report please make sure you provide the following information:
- The host distribution and release version.
- Output of the
docker version
command - Output of the
docker info
command - The
docker run
command you used to run the image (mask out the sensitive bits).
Your docker host needs to have 1GB or more of available RAM to run GitLab. Please refer to the GitLab hardware requirements documentation for additional information.
Automated builds of the image are available on Dockerhub and is the recommended method of installation.
docker pull sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5
You can also pull the latest
tag which is built from the repository HEAD
docker pull sameersbn/gitlab:latest
Alternatively you can build the image locally.
docker build -t sameersbn/gitlab github.com/sameersbn/docker-gitlab
The quickest way to get started is using docker-compose.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sameersbn/docker-gitlab/master/docker-compose.yml
Generate random strings that are at least 64
characters long for each of GITLAB_SECRETS_OTP_KEY_BASE
. These values are used for the following:
is used to encrypt 2FA secrets in the database. If you lose or rotate this secret, none of your users will be able to log in using 2FA.GITLAB_SECRETS_DB_KEY_BASE
is used to encrypt CI secret variables, as well as import credentials, in the database. If you lose or rotate this secret, you will not be able to use existing CI secrets.GITLAB_SECRETS_SECRET_KEY_BASE
is used for password reset links, and other 'standard' auth features. If you lose or rotate this secret, password reset tokens in emails will reset.GITLAB_SECRETS_ENCRYPTED_SETTINGS_KEY_BASE
is used for reading settings from encrypted files such as SMTP or LDAP credentials.
Tip: You can generate a random string using
pwgen -Bsv1 64
and assign it as the value ofGITLAB_SECRETS_DB_KEY_BASE
Start GitLab using:
docker-compose up
Alternatively, you can manually launch the gitlab
container and the supporting postgresql
and redis
containers by following this three step guide.
Step 1. Launch a postgresql container
docker run --name gitlab-postgresql -d \
--env 'DB_NAME=gitlabhq_production' \
--env 'DB_USER=gitlab' --env 'DB_PASS=password' \
--env 'DB_EXTENSION=pg_trgm,btree_gist' \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql \
Step 2. Launch a redis container
docker run --name gitlab-redis -d \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/redis:/data \
Step 3. Launch the gitlab container
docker run --name gitlab -d \
--link gitlab-postgresql:postgresql --link gitlab-redis:redisio \
--publish 10022:22 --publish 10080:80 \
--env 'GITLAB_PORT=10080' --env 'GITLAB_SSH_PORT=10022' \
--env 'GITLAB_SECRETS_DB_KEY_BASE=long-and-random-alpha-numeric-string' \
--env 'GITLAB_SECRETS_SECRET_KEY_BASE=long-and-random-alpha-numeric-string' \
--env 'GITLAB_SECRETS_OTP_KEY_BASE=long-and-random-alpha-numeric-string' \
--env 'GITLAB_SECRETS_ENCRYPTED_SETTINGS_KEY_BASE=long-and-random-alpha-numeric-string' \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \
Please refer to Available Configuration Parameters to understand GITLAB_PORT
and other configuration options
NOTE: Please allow a couple of minutes for the GitLab application to start.
Point your browser to http://localhost:10080
and set a password for the root
user account.
You should now have the GitLab application up and ready for testing. If you want to use this image in production then please read on.
The rest of the document will use the docker command line. You can quite simply adapt your configuration into a docker-compose.yml
file if you wish to do so.
GitLab is a code hosting software and as such you don't want to lose your code when the docker container is stopped/deleted. To avoid losing any data, you should mount a volume at,
Note: that if you are using the docker-compose
approach, you must "inspect" the volumes (docker volume inspect
) to check the mounted path.
SELinux users are also required to change the security context of the mount point so that it plays nicely with selinux.
mkdir -p /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab
sudo chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab
Volumes can be mounted in docker by specifying the -v
option in the docker run command.
docker run --name gitlab -d \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \
GitLab uses a database backend to store its data. You can configure this image to use PostgreSQL.
Note: GitLab requires PostgreSQL now. So use an older image < 12.1 or migrate to PostgresSQL
Important note: This image is shipped with different versions of the postgresql-client
During the startup of the container, the major version of the database system is checked based on the specified connection destination. Only the version of the postgresql-client
, that matches the major version of the Postgres database is used. If the major version of any version of the included clients does not match, the latest client is used (but may cause issues). All other versions of the postgresql-client
are deleted at runtime.
This behavior can be checked using the command docker logs
and an output like the following should be available:
Configuring gitlab::database
- Installing postgresql client to avoid version mismatch on dumping
-- Detected server version: 140007
- Generating /home/git/.postgresqlrc
14 postgresql:5432 gitlabhq_production
- Uninstalling unused client(s): postgresql-client-12 postgresql-client-13 postgresql-client-15
Please note furthermore, that only compatible versions of the postgresql-client
to GitLab are shipped with this image. Currently, these belong to
,- and
NOTE: Version 13.7.0 and later requires PostgreSQL version 12.x. Version 16.0.0 and later requires PostgreSQL version 13.x. Version 17.0.0 and later requires PostgreSQL version 14.x.
The image also supports using an external PostgreSQL Server. This is also controlled via environment variables.
CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE gitlabhq_production to gitlab;
Additionally, since GitLab 8.6.0
the pg_trgm
extension should also be loaded for the gitlabhq_production
We are now ready to start the GitLab application.
Note: The following applies assuming that the PostgreSQL server host is
docker run --name gitlab -d \
--env 'DB_HOST=' \
--env 'DB_NAME=gitlabhq_production' \
--env 'DB_USER=gitlab' --env 'DB_PASS=password' \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \
You can link this image with a postgresql container for the database requirements. The alias of the postgresql server container should be set to postgresql while linking with the gitlab image.
If a postgresql container is linked, only the DB_HOST
settings are automatically retrieved using the linkage. You may still need to set other database connection parameters such as the DB_NAME
and so on.
To illustrate linking with a postgresql container, we will use the sameersbn/postgresql image. When using postgresql image in production you should mount a volume for the postgresql data store. Please refer the README of docker-postgresql for details.
First, let's pull the postgresql image from the docker index.
docker pull sameersbn/postgresql:14-20230628
For data persistence lets create a store for the postgresql and start the container.
SELinux users are also required to change the security context of the mount point so that it plays nicely with selinux.
mkdir -p /srv/docker/gitlab/postgresql
sudo chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /srv/docker/gitlab/postgresql
The run command looks like this.
docker run --name gitlab-postgresql -d \
--env 'DB_NAME=gitlabhq_production' \
--env 'DB_USER=gitlab' --env 'DB_PASS=password' \
--env 'DB_EXTENSION=pg_trgm' \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql \
The above command will create a database named gitlabhq_production
and also create a user named gitlab
with the password password
with access to the gitlabhq_production
We are now ready to start the GitLab application.
docker run --name gitlab -d --link gitlab-postgresql:postgresql \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \
Here the image will also automatically fetch the DB_NAME
variables from the postgresql container as they are specified in the docker run
command for the postgresql container. This is made possible using the magic of docker links and works with the following images:
When this Gitlab image upgrades its dependency on specific version of PostgreSQL you will need to make sure to use corresponding version of PostgreSQL.
If you are setting a brand new install, there is no data migration involved. However, if you already have an existing setup, the PostgreSQL data will need to be migrated as you are upgrading the version of PostgreSQL.
If you are using PostgreSQL image other than sameersbn/postgresql you will need make sure that the image you are using can handle migration itself, or, you will need to migrate the data yourself before starting newer version of PostgreSQL.
Following project provides Docker image that handles migration of PostgreSQL data: tianon/postgres-upgrade
After migration of the data, verify that other PostgreSQL configuration files in its data folder are copied over as well. One such file is pg_hba.conf
, it will need to be copied from old version data folder into new version data folder.
GitLab uses the redis server for its key-value data store. The redis server connection details can be specified using environment variables.
The internal redis server has been removed from the image. Please use a linked redis container or specify a external redis connection.
The image can be configured to use an external redis server. The configuration should be specified using environment variables while starting the GitLab image.
Note: The following applies assuming that the redis server host is
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm \
--env 'REDIS_HOST=' --env 'REDIS_PORT=6379' \
You can link this image with a redis container to satisfy gitlab's redis requirement. The alias of the redis server container should be set to redisio while linking with the gitlab image.
To illustrate linking with a redis container, we will use the redis image. Please refer the README for details.
First, let's pull the redis image from the docker index.
docker pull redis:6.2
Lets start the redis container
docker run --name gitlab-redis -d \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/redis:/data \
We are now ready to start the GitLab application.
docker run --name gitlab -d --link gitlab-redis:redisio \
The mail configuration should be specified using environment variables while starting the GitLab image. The configuration defaults to using gmail to send emails and requires the specification of a valid username and password to login to the gmail servers.
If you are using Gmail then all you need to do is:
docker run --name gitlab -d \
--env 'SMTP_USER=USER@gmail.com' --env 'SMTP_PASS=PASSWORD' \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \
Please refer the Available Configuration Parameters section for the list of SMTP parameters that can be specified.
Since version 8.0.0
GitLab adds support for commenting on issues by replying to emails.
To enable this feature you need to provide IMAP configuration parameters that will allow GitLab to connect to your mail server and read mails. Additionally, you may need to specify GITLAB_INCOMING_EMAIL_ADDRESS
if your incoming email address is not the same as the IMAP_USER
If your email provider supports email sub-addressing then you should add the +%{key}
placeholder after the user part of the email address, eg. GITLAB_INCOMING_EMAIL_ADDRESS=reply+%{key}@example.com
. Please read the documentation on reply by email to understand the requirements for this feature.
If you are using Gmail then all you need to do is:
docker run --name gitlab -d \
--env 'IMAP_USER=USER@gmail.com' --env 'IMAP_PASS=PASSWORD' \
--env 'GITLAB_INCOMING_EMAIL_ADDRESS=USER+%{key}@gmail.com' \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \
Please refer the Available Configuration Parameters section for the list of IMAP parameters that can be specified.
Access to the gitlab application can be secured using SSL so as to prevent unauthorized access to the data in your repositories. While a CA certified SSL certificate allows for verification of trust via the CA, a self-signed certificate can also provide an equal level of trust verification as long as each client takes some additional steps to verify the identity of your website. I will provide instructions on achieving this towards the end of this section.
Jump to the Using HTTPS with a load balancer section if you are using a load balancer such as hipache, haproxy or nginx.
To secure your application via SSL you basically need two things:
- Private key (.key)
- SSL certificate (.crt)
When using CA certified certificates, these files are provided to you by the CA. When using self-signed certificates you need to generate these files yourself. Skip to Strengthening the server security section if you are armed with CA certified SSL certificates.
Generation of a self-signed SSL certificate involves a simple 3-step procedure:
STEP 1: Create the server private key
openssl genrsa -out gitlab.key 2048
STEP 2: Create the certificate signing request (CSR)
openssl req -new -key gitlab.key -out gitlab.csr
STEP 3: Sign the certificate using the private key and CSR
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in gitlab.csr -signkey gitlab.key -out gitlab.crt
Congratulations! You now have a self-signed SSL certificate valid for 10 years.
This section provides you with instructions to strengthen your server security. To achieve this we need to generate stronger DHE parameters.
openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048
Out of the four files generated above, we need to install the gitlab.key
, gitlab.crt
and dhparam.pem
files at the gitlab server. The CSR file is not needed, but do make sure you safely backup the file (in case you ever need it again).
The default path that the gitlab application is configured to look for the SSL certificates is at /home/git/data/certs
, this can however be changed using the SSL_KEY_PATH
configuration options.
If you remember from above, the /home/git/data
path is the path of the data store, which means that we have to create a folder named certs/
inside the volume to where /home/git/data
point and copy the files into it and as a measure of security we'll update the permission on the gitlab.key
file to only be readable by the owner.
In case use of docker-compose ...
$>docker volume inspect
Look for "< user >_gitlab-data" and copy the "certs" directory into the "Mountpoint"
mkdir -p /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab/certs
cp gitlab.key /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab/certs/
cp gitlab.crt /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab/certs/
cp dhparam.pem /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab/certs/
chmod 400 /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab/certs/gitlab.key
Great! We are now just one step away from having our application secured.
HTTPS support can be enabled by setting the GITLAB_HTTPS
option to true
. Additionally, when using self-signed SSL certificates you need to the set SSL_SELF_SIGNED
option to true
as well. Assuming we are using self-signed certificates
docker run --name gitlab -d \
--publish 10022:22 --publish 10080:80 --publish 10443:443 \
--env 'GITLAB_SSH_PORT=10022' --env 'GITLAB_PORT=10443' \
--env 'GITLAB_HTTPS=true' --env 'SSL_SELF_SIGNED=true' \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \
In this configuration, any requests made over the plain http protocol will automatically be redirected to use the https protocol. However, this is not optimal when using a load balancer.
HSTS if supported by the browsers makes sure that your users will only reach your sever via HTTPS. When the user comes for the first time it sees a header from the server which states for how long from now this site should only be reachable via HTTPS - that's the HSTS max-age value.
you can configure that value. The default value is 31536000
seconds. If you want to disable an already sent HSTS MAXAGE value, set it to 0
docker run --name gitlab -d \
--env 'GITLAB_HTTPS=true' --env 'SSL_SELF_SIGNED=true' \
--env 'NGINX_HSTS_MAXAGE=2592000' \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \
If you want to completely disable HSTS set NGINX_HSTS_ENABLED
to false
Load balancers like nginx/haproxy/hipache talk to backend applications over plain http and as such the installation of ssl keys and certificates are not required and should NOT be installed in the container. The SSL configuration has to instead be done at the load balancer.
However, when using a load balancer you MUST set GITLAB_HTTPS
to true
. Additionally, you will need to set the SSL_SELF_SIGNED
option to true
if self-signed SSL certificates are in use.
With this in place, you should configure the load balancer to support handling of https requests. But that is out of the scope of this document. Please refer to Using SSL/HTTPS with HAProxy for information on the subject.
When using a load balancer, you probably want to make sure the load balancer performs the automatic http to https redirection. Information on this can also be found in the link above.
In summation, when using a load balancer, the docker command would look for the most part something like this:
docker run --name gitlab -d \
--publish 10022:22 --publish 10080:80 \
--env 'GITLAB_SSH_PORT=10022' --env 'GITLAB_PORT=443' \
--env 'GITLAB_HTTPS=true' --env 'SSL_SELF_SIGNED=true' \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \
Again, drop the --env 'SSL_SELF_SIGNED=true'
option if you are using CA certified SSL certificates.
In case GitLab responds to any kind of POST request (login, OAUTH, changing settings etc.) with a 422 HTTP Error, consider adding this to your reverse proxy configuration:
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on;
(nginx format)
This section deals will self-signed ssl certificates. If you are using CA certified certificates, you're done.
This section is more of a client side configuration so as to add a level of confidence at the client to be 100 percent sure they are communicating with whom they think they.
This is simply done by adding the servers certificate into their list of trusted certificates. On ubuntu, this is done by copying the gitlab.crt
file to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
and executing update-ca-certificates
Again, this is a client side configuration which means that everyone who is going to communicate with the server should perform this configuration on their machine. In short, distribute the gitlab.crt
file among your developers and ask them to add it to their list of trusted ssl certificates. Failure to do so will result in errors that look like this:
git clone https://git.local.host/gitlab-foss.git
fatal: unable to access 'https://git.local.host/gitlab-foss.git': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none
You can do the same at the web browser. Instructions for installing the root certificate for firefox can be found here. You will find similar options chrome, just make sure you install the certificate under the authorities tab of the certificate manager dialog.
There you have it, that's all there is to it.
If your GitLab CI server is using self-signed SSL certificates then you should make sure the GitLab CI server certificate is trusted on the GitLab server for them to be able to talk to each other.
The default path image is configured to look for the trusted SSL certificates is at /home/git/data/certs/ca.crt
, this can however be changed using the SSL_CA_CERTIFICATES_PATH
configuration option.
Copy the ca.crt
file into the certs directory on the datastore. The ca.crt
file should contain the root certificates of all the servers you want to trust. With respect to GitLab CI, this will be the contents of the gitlab_ci.crt file as described in the README of the docker-gitlab-ci container.
By default, our own server certificate gitlab.crt is added to the trusted certificates list.
By default, GitLab expects that your application is running at the root e.g.. /). This section explains how to run your application inside a directory.
Let's assume we want to deploy our application to '/git'. GitLab needs to know this directory to generate the appropriate routes. This can be specified using the GITLAB_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT
configuration option like so:
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm \
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \
GitLab will now be accessible at the /git
path, e.g. http://www.example.com/git
parameter should always begin with a slash and SHOULD NOT have any trailing slashes.
GitLab leverages OmniAuth to allow users to sign in using Twitter, GitHub, and other popular services. Configuring OmniAuth does not prevent standard GitLab authentication or LDAP (if configured) from continuing to work. Users can choose to sign in using any of the configured mechanisms.
Refer to the GitLab documentation for additional information.
To enable the CAS OmniAuth provider you must register your application with your CAS instance. This requires the service URL GitLab will supply to CAS. It should be something like: https://git.example.com:443/users/auth/cas3/callback?url
. By default handling for SLO is enabled, you only need to configure CAS for backchannel logout.
For example, if your cas server url is https://sso.example.com
, then adding --env 'OAUTH_CAS3_SERVER=https://sso.example.com'
to the docker run command enables support for CAS3 OAuth. Please refer to Available Configuration Parameters for additional CAS3 configuration parameters.
To enable the Authentiq OmniAuth provider for passwordless authentication you must register an application with Authentiq. Please refer to the GitLab documentation for the procedure to generate the client ID and secret key with Authentiq.
Once you have the API client id and client secret generated, configure them using the OAUTH_AUTHENTIQ_CLIENT_ID
environment variables respectively.
For example, if your API key is xxx
and the API secret key is yyy
to the docker run command enables support for Authentiq OAuth.
You may want to specify OAUTH_AUTHENTIQ_REDIRECT_URI
as well. The OAuth scope can be altered as well with OAUTH_AUTHENTIQ_SCOPE
(defaults to 'aq:name email~rs address aq:push'
To enable the Google OAuth2 OmniAuth provider you must register your application with Google. Google will generate a client ID and secret key for you to use. Please refer to the GitLab documentation for the procedure to generate the client ID and secret key with google.
Once you have the client ID and secret keys generated, configure them using the OAUTH_GOOGLE_API_KEY
environment variables respectively.
For example, if your client ID is xxx.apps.googleusercontent.com
and client secret key is yyy
, then adding --env 'OAUTH_GOOGLE_API_KEY=xxx.apps.googleusercontent.com' --env 'OAUTH_GOOGLE_APP_SECRET=yyy'
to the docker run command enables support for Google OAuth.
You can also restrict logins to a single domain by adding --env "OAUTH_GOOGLE_RESTRICT_DOMAIN='example.com'"
To enable the Facebook OAuth2 OmniAuth provider you must register your application with Facebook. Facebook will generate an API key and secret for you to use. Please refer to the GitLab documentation for the procedure to generate the API key and secret.
Once you have the API key and secret generated, configure them using the OAUTH_FACEBOOK_API_KEY
environment variables respectively.
For example, if your API key is xxx
and the API secret key is yyy
, then adding --env 'OAUTH_FACEBOOK_API_KEY=xxx' --env 'OAUTH_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET=yyy'
to the docker run command enables support for Facebook OAuth.
To enable the Twitter OAuth2 OmniAuth provider you must register your application with Twitter. Twitter will generate an API key and secret for you to use. Please refer to the GitLab documentation for the procedure to generate the API key and secret with twitter.
Once you have the API key and secret generated, configure them using the OAUTH_TWITTER_API_KEY
environment variables respectively.
For example, if your API key is xxx
and the API secret key is yyy
, then adding --env 'OAUTH_TWITTER_API_KEY=xxx' --env 'OAUTH_TWITTER_APP_SECRET=yyy'
to the docker run command enables support for Twitter OAuth.
To enable the GitHub OAuth2 OmniAuth provider you must register your application with GitHub. GitHub will generate a Client ID and secret for you to use. Please refer to the GitLab documentation for the procedure to generate the Client ID and secret with github.
Once you have the Client ID and secret generated, configure them using the OAUTH_GITHUB_API_KEY
environment variables respectively.
For example, if your Client ID is xxx
and the Client secret is yyy
, then adding --env 'OAUTH_GITHUB_API_KEY=xxx' --env 'OAUTH_GITHUB_APP_SECRET=yyy'
to the docker run command enables support for GitHub OAuth.
Users of GitHub Enterprise may want to specify OAUTH_GITHUB_URL
as well.
To enable the GitLab OAuth2 OmniAuth provider you must register your application with GitLab. GitLab will generate a Client ID and secret for you to use. Please refer to the GitLab documentation for the procedure to generate the Client ID and secret with GitLab.
Once you have the Client ID and secret generated, configure them using the OAUTH_GITLAB_API_KEY
environment variables respectively.
For example, if your Client ID is xxx
and the Client secret is yyy
, then adding --env 'OAUTH_GITLAB_API_KEY=xxx' --env 'OAUTH_GITLAB_APP_SECRET=yyy'
to the docker run command enables support for GitLab OAuth.
To enable the BitBucket OAuth2 OmniAuth provider you must register your application with BitBucket. BitBucket will generate a Client ID and secret for you to use. Please refer to the GitLab documentation for the procedure to generate the Client ID and secret with BitBucket.
Once you have the Client ID and secret generated, configure them using the OAUTH_BITBUCKET_API_KEY
environment variables respectively.
For example, if your Client ID is xxx
and the Client secret is yyy
, then adding --env 'OAUTH_BITBUCKET_API_KEY=xxx' --env 'OAUTH_BITBUCKET_APP_SECRET=yyy'
to the docker run command enables support for BitBucket OAuth.
GitLab can be configured to act as a SAML 2.0 Service Provider (SP). This allows GitLab to consume assertions from a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider (IdP) such as Microsoft ADFS to authenticate users. Please refer to the GitLab documentation.
The following parameters have to be configured to enable SAML OAuth support in this image: OAUTH_SAML_ASSERTION_CONSUMER_SERVICE_URL
You can also override the default "Sign in with" button label with OAUTH_SAML_LABEL
Please refer to Available Configuration Parameters for the default configurations of these parameters.
To enable the Crowd server OAuth2 OmniAuth provider you must register your application with Crowd server.
Configure GitLab to enable access the Crowd server by specifying the OAUTH_CROWD_SERVER_URL
environment variables.
To enable the Auth0 OmniAuth provider you must register your application with auth0.
Configure the following environment variables OAUTH_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID
to complete the integration.
To enable the Microsoft Azure OAuth2 OmniAuth provider you must register your application with Azure. Azure will generate a Client ID, Client secret and Tenant ID for you to use. Please refer to the GitLab documentation for the procedure.
Once you have the Client ID, Client secret and Tenant ID generated, configure them using the OAUTH_AZURE_API_KEY
environment variables respectively.
For example, if your Client ID is xxx
, the Client secret is yyy
and the Tenant ID is zzz
, then adding --env 'OAUTH_AZURE_API_KEY=xxx' --env 'OAUTH_AZURE_API_SECRET=yyy' --env 'OAUTH_AZURE_TENANT_ID=zzz'
to the docker run command enables support for Microsoft Azure OAuth.
Also you can configure v2 endpoint (azure_activedirectory_v2
environment variables. Optionally you can change label of login button using the OAUTH_AZURE_ACTIVEDIRECTORY_V2_LABEL
To enable the Generic OAuth2 provider, you must register your application with your provider. You also need to confirm OAuth2 provider app's ID and secret, the client options and the user's response structure.
As an example this code has been tested with Keycloak, with the following variables: OAUTH2_GENERIC_APP_ID
See GitLab documentation and Omniauth-oauth2-generic documentation for more details.
To enable OpenID Connect provider, you must register your application with your provider. You also need to confirm OpenID Connect provider app's ID and secret, the client options and the user's response structure.
To use OIDC set at least OAUTH_OIDC_ISSUER
GitLab setting | environment variable | default value |
label |
OpenID Connect |
icon |
scope |
['openid','profile','email'] |
response_type |
code |
issuer |
discovery |
true |
client_auth_method |
basic |
uid_field |
sub |
send_scope_to_token_endpoint |
false |
pkce |
true |
client_options.identifier |
client_options.secret |
secret |
client_options.redirect_uri |
http://${GITLAB_HOST}/users/auth/openid_connect/callback or https://${GITLAB_HOST}/users/auth/openid_connect/callback depending on the value of GITLAB_HTTPS |
See GitLab OIDC documentation and OmniAuth OpenID Connect documentation.
Gitlab Pages allows a user to host static websites from a project. Gitlab pages can be enabled with setting the environment variable GITLAB_PAGES_ENABLED
to true
Since version 11.5.0
Gitlab pages supports access control. This allows only access to a published website if you are a project member, or have access to a certain project.
Gitlab pages access control requires additional configuration before activating it through the variable GITLAB_PAGES_ACCESS_CONTROL
GitLab pages access control makes use of the Gitlab OAuth Module.
- Goto the Gitlab Admin area
- Select
in the menu - Create
New Application
- Name:
Gitlab Pages
- Scopes:
- api
- Trusted: NO (Do not select)
- Redirect URI:
- Name:
Note about the Redirect URI
; this can be tricky to configure or figure out, What needs to be achieved is the following, the redirect URI needs to end up at the gitlab-pages
daemon with the /auth
This means that if you run your gitlab pages at domain pages.example.io
this will be a wildcard domain where your projects are created based on their namespace. The best trick is to enter a NON-Existing gitlab project pages URI as the redirect URI.
In the example above; the pages domain projects
has been chosen. This will cause the nginx, either the built in or your own load balancer to redirect *.<GITLAB_PAGES_DOMAIN>
to the gitlab-pages
daemon. Which will trigger the pages endpoint.
Make sure to choose own which does not exist and make sure that the request is routed to the gitlab-pages
daemon if you are using your own HTTP load balancer in front of Gitlab.
After creating the OAuth application endpoint for the Gitlab Pages Daemon. Gitlab pages access control can now be enabled.
Add to following environment variables to your Gitlab Container.
Variable | R/O | Description |
GITLAB_PAGES_ACCESS_CONTROL | Required | Set to true to enable access control. |
GITLAB_PAGES_ACCESS_SECRET | Optional | Secret Hash, minimal 32 characters, if omitted, it will be auto generated. |
GITLAB_PAGES_ACCESS_CONTROL_SERVER | Required | Gitlab instance URI, example: https://gitlab.example.io |
GITLAB_PAGES_ACCESS_CLIENT_ID | Required | Client ID from earlier generated OAuth application |
GITLAB_PAGES_ACCESS_CLIENT_SECRET | Required | Client Secret from earlier generated OAuth application |
GITLAB_PAGES_ACCESS_REDIRECT_URI | Required | Redirect URI, non existing pages domain to redirect to pages daemon, https://projects.example.io |
After you have enabled the gitlab pages access control. When you go to a project General Settings
-> Permissions
you can choose the pages permission level for the project.
Since version 7.10.0
support for external issue trackers can be enabled in the "Service Templates" section of the settings panel.
If you are using the docker-redmine image, you can one up the gitlab integration with redmine by adding --volumes-from=gitlab
flag to the docker run command while starting the redmine container.
By using the above option the /home/git/data/repositories
directory will be accessible by the redmine container and now you can add your git repository path to your redmine project. If, for example, in your gitlab server you have a project named opensource/gitlab
, the bare repository will be accessible at /home/git/data/repositories/opensource/gitlab.git
in the redmine container.
Per default the container is configured to run gitlab as user and group git
with uid
and gid
. The host possibly uses this ids for different purposes leading to unfavorable effects. From the host it appears as if the mounted data volumes are owned by the host's user/group 1000
Also the container processes seem to be executed as the host's user/group 1000
. The container can be configured to map the uid
and gid
of git
to different ids on host by passing the environment variables USERMAP_UID
. The following command maps the ids to user and group git
on the host.
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm [options] \
--env "USERMAP_UID=$(id -u git)" --env "USERMAP_GID=$(id -g git)" \
When changing this mapping, all files and directories in the mounted data volume /home/git/data
have to be re-owned by the new ids. This can be achieved automatically using the following command:
docker run --name gitlab -d [OPTIONS] \
sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5 app:sanitize
If you want to monitor your gitlab instance with Piwik, there are two options to setup: PIWIK_URL
These options should contain something like:
In this section, we talk about feature flags that administrators can change the state (See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/feature_flags.html). If you are looking for documentation for "Feature flags" that configured on project deploy settings, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/operations/feature_flags.html
GitLab adopted feature flags strategies to deploy features in an early stage of development so that they can be incrementally rolled out. GitLab administrators with access to the Rails console or the Feature flags API can control them (note that sameersbn/gitlab
is a container image that provides GitLab installations from the source).
You can see all feature flags in GitLab at corresponding version of documentation: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/feature_flags.html
For sameersbn/gitlab
, you can control them via environment parameter GITLAB_FEATURE_FLAGS_DISABLE_TARGETS
in addition to the above methods.
This image searches yml files in ${GITLAB_INSTALL_DIR}/config/feature_flags
(typically /home/git/gitlab/config/feature_flags/
) recursively and use the file list as a source of active feature flags.
Here is a part of example docker-compose.yml
image: sameersbn/gitlab:latest
- GITLAB_FEATURE_FLAGS_DISABLE_TARGETS=auto_devops_banner_disabled,ci_enable_live_trace
- GITLAB_FEATURE_FLAGS_ENABLE_TARGETS=git_push_create_all_pipelines,build_service_proxy
Once the container up, you can see following messages in container log like below.
Configuring gitlab::feature_flags...
- specified feature flags: {:to_be_disabled=>["auto_devops_banner_disabled", "ci_enable_live_trace"], :to_be_enabled=>["git_push_create_all_pipelines", "build_service_proxy"]}
- auto_devops_banner_disabled : off
- ci_enable_live_trace : off
- git_push_create_all_pipelines : on
- build_service_proxy : on
If specified flag names are not included in the list, they will be ignored and appears to container log like below:
Configuring gitlab::feature_flags...
- specified feature flags: {:to_be_disabled=>["auto_devops_banner_disabled", "invalid_flag_name"], :to_be_enabled=>["git_push_create_all_pipelines", "another_invalid_flag_name"]}
- Following flags are probably invalid and have been ignored: invalid_flag_name,another_invalid_flag_name
- auto_devops_banner_disabled : off
- git_push_create_all_pipelines : on
Please refer the docker run command options for the --env-file
flag where you can specify all required environment variables in a single file. This will save you from writing a potentially long docker run command. Alternatively you can use docker-compose. docker-compose users and Docker Swarm mode users can also use the secrets and config file options
Below is the complete list of available options that can be used to customize your gitlab installation.
Set this to true
to enable entrypoint debugging.
Set the container timezone. Defaults to UTC
. Values are expected to be in Canonical format. Example: Europe/Amsterdam
See the list of acceptable values. For configuring the timezone of gitlab see variable GITLAB_TIMEZONE
The hostname of the GitLab server. Defaults to localhost
If you are migrating from GitLab CI use this parameter to configure the redirection to the GitLab service so that your existing runners continue to work without any changes. No defaults.
The port of the GitLab server. This value indicates the public port on which the GitLab application will be accessible on the network and appropriately configures GitLab to generate the correct urls. It does not affect the port on which the internal nginx server will be listening on. Defaults to 443
, else defaults to 80
Encryption key for GitLab CI secret variables, as well as import credentials, in the database. Ensure that your key is at least 32 characters long and that you don't lose it. You can generate one using pwgen -Bsv1 64
. If you are migrating from GitLab CI, you need to set this value to the value of GITLAB_CI_SECRETS_DB_KEY_BASE
. No defaults.
Encryption key for session secrets. Ensure that your key is at least 64 characters long and that you don't lose it. This secret can be rotated with minimal impact - the main effect is that previously-sent password reset emails will no longer work. You can generate one using pwgen -Bsv1 64
. No defaults.
Encryption key for OTP related stuff with GitLab. Ensure that your key is at least 64 characters long and that you don't lose it. If you lose or change this secret, 2FA will stop working for all users. You can generate one using pwgen -Bsv1 64
. No defaults.
Encryption key for encrypted settings related stuff with GitLab. Ensure that your key is at least 64 characters long and that you don't lose it. If you lose or change this secret, encrypted settings will not work and might cause errors in merge requests and so on You can generate one using pwgen -Bsv1 64
. No defaults.
Configure the timezone for the gitlab application. This configuration does not effect cron jobs. Defaults to UTC
. See the list of acceptable values. For settings the container timezone which will affect cron, see variable TZ
The password for the root user on firstrun. Defaults to 5iveL!fe
. GitLab requires this to be at least 8 characters long.
The email for the root user on firstrun. Defaults to admin@example.com
The email address for the GitLab server. Defaults to value of SMTP_USER
, else defaults to example@example.com
The name displayed in emails sent out by the GitLab mailer. Defaults to GitLab
The reply-to address of emails sent out by GitLab. Defaults to value of GITLAB_EMAIL
, else defaults to noreply@example.com
The e-mail subject suffix used in e-mails sent by GitLab. No defaults.
Enable or disable gitlab mailer. Defaults to the SMTP_ENABLED
Enable or disable email S/MIME signing. Defaults is false
Specifies the path to a S/MIME private key file in PEM format, unencrypted. Defaults to ``.
Specifies the path to a S/MIME public certificate key in PEM format. Defaults to ``.
Default theme ID, by default 2. (1 - Indigo, 2 - Dark, 3 - Light, 4 - Blue, 5 - Green, 6 - Light Indigo, 7 - Light Blue, 8 - Light Green, 9 - Red, 10 - Light Red)
Issue closing pattern regex. See GitLab's documentation for more detail. Defaults to \b((?:[Cc]los(?:e[sd]?|ing)|\b[Ff]ix(?:e[sd]|ing)?|\b[Rr]esolv(?:e[sd]?|ing)|\b[Ii]mplement(?:s|ed|ing)?)(:?) +(?:(?:issues? +)?%{issue_ref}(?:(?:, *| +and +)?)|([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+-\d+))+)
The incoming email address for reply by email. Defaults to the value of IMAP_USER
, else defaults to reply@example.com
. Please read the reply by email documentation to currently set this parameter.
Enable or disable gitlab reply by email feature. Defaults to the value of IMAP_ENABLED
Enable or disable user signups (first run only). Default is true
Enable or disable impersonation. Defaults to true
Set default projects limit. Defaults to 100
Enable or disable ability for users to change their username. Defaults to true
Enable or disable ability for users to create groups. Defaults to true
Set if issues feature should be enabled by default for new projects. Defaults to true
Set if merge requests feature should be enabled by default for new projects. Defaults to true
Set if wiki feature should be enabled by default for new projects. Defaults to true
Set if snippets feature should be enabled by default for new projects. Defaults to false
Set if builds feature should be enabled by default for new projects. Defaults to true
Set if container_registry feature should be enabled by default for new projects. Defaults to true
Global custom hooks directory. Defaults to /home/git/gitlab-shell/hooks
Sets the timeout for webhooks. Defaults to 10
Enable or disable broken build notification emails. Defaults to true
Add pusher to recipients list of broken build notification emails. Defaults to false
The git repositories folder in the container. Defaults to /home/git/data/repositories
The backup folder in the container. Defaults to /home/git/data/backups
Optionally change ownership of backup files on start-up. Defaults to true
Optionally group backups into a subfolder. Can also be used to place backups in to a subfolder on remote storage. Not used by default.
The build traces directory. Defaults to /home/git/data/builds
The repository downloads directory. A temporary zip is created in this directory when users click Download Zip on a project. Defaults to /home/git/data/tmp/downloads
The directory to store the build artifacts. Defaults to /home/git/data/shared
Enable/Disable GitLab artifacts support. Defaults to true
Directory to store the artifacts. Defaults to $GITLAB_SHARED_DIR/artifacts
Default AWS access key to be used for object store. Defaults to AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
Default AWS access key to be used for object store. Defaults to AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
AWS Region. Defaults to us-east-1
Configure this for an compatible AWS host like minio. Defaults to $AWS_HOST
. Defaults to s3.amazon.com
AWS Endpoint like
. Defaults to nil
Changes AWS Path Style to 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object'. Defaults to true
AWS signature version to use. 2 or 4 are valid options. Digital Ocean Spaces and other providers may need 2. Defaults to 4
Default Google project to use for Object Store.
Default Google service account email to use for Object Store.
Default Google key file Defaults to /gcs/key.json
Default object store connection provider. Defaults to AWS
Enables Object Store for Artifacts that will be remote stored. Defaults to false
Bucket name to store the artifacts. Defaults to artifacts
Set to true to enable direct upload of Artifacts without the need of local shared storage. Defaults to false
Temporary option to limit automatic upload. Defaults to false
Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage. Defaults to false
Connection Provider for the Object Store. (AWS
or Google
AWS Access Key ID for the Bucket. Defaults to $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
AWS Secret Access Key. Defaults to $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
AWS Region. Defaults to $AWS_REGION
Configure this for an compatible AWS host like minio. Defaults to $AWS_HOST
AWS Endpoint like
. Defaults to $AWS_ENDPOINT
Changes AWS Path Style to 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object'. Defaults to $AWS_PATH_STYLE
AWS signature version to use. 2 or 4 are valid options. Digital Ocean Spaces and other providers may need 2. Defaults to $AWS_SIGNATURE_VERSION
Cron notation for the GitLab pipeline schedule worker. Defaults to '19 * * * *'
Enable/Disable Git LFS support. Defaults to true
Directory to store the lfs-objects. Defaults to $GITLAB_SHARED_DIR/lfs-objects
Enables Object Store for LFS that will be remote stored. Defaults to false
Bucket name to store the LFS. Defaults to lfs-object
Temporary option to limit automatic upload. Defaults to false
Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage. Defaults to false
Connection Provider for the Object Store. (AWS
or Google
AWS Access Key ID for the Bucket. Defaults to AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
AWS Secret Access Key. Defaults to AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
AWS Region. Defaults to $AWS_REGION
Configure this for an compatible AWS host like minio. Defaults to $AWS_HOST
AWS Endpoint like
. Defaults to $AWS_ENDPOINT
Changes AWS Path Style to 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object'. Defaults to $AWS_PATH_STYLE
AWS signature version to use. 2 or 4 are valid options. Digital Ocean Spaces and other providers may need 2. Defaults to $AWS_SIGNATURE_VERSION
Enable/Disable Packages support. Defaults to true
Directory to store the packages data. Defaults to $GITLAB_SHARED_DIR/packages
Enables Object Store for Packages that will be remote stored. Defaults to false
Bucket name to store the packages. Defaults to packages
Set to true to enable direct upload of Packages without the need of local shared storage. Defaults to false
Temporary option to limit automatic upload. Defaults to false
Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage. Defaults to false
Connection Provider for the Object Store. (AWS
or Google
AWS Access Key ID for the Bucket. Defaults to $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
AWS Secret Access Key. Defaults to $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
AWS Region. Defaults to $AWS_REGION
Configure this for an compatible AWS host like minio. Defaults to $AWS_HOST
AWS Endpoint like
. Defaults to $AWS_ENDPOINT
Changes AWS Path Style to 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object'. Defaults to AWS_PATH_STYLE
Enable/Disable Terraform State support. Defaults to true
Directory to store the terraform state data. Defaults to $GITLAB_SHARED_DIR/terraform_state
Enables Object Store for Terraform state that will be remote stored. Defaults to false
Bucket name to store the Terraform state. Defaults to terraform_state
Connection Provider for the Object Store (AWS or Google). Defaults to $GITLAB_OBJECT_STORE_CONNECTION_PROVIDER (i.e. AWS).
AWS Access Key ID for the Bucket. Defaults to $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
AWS Secret Access Key. Defaults to $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
AWS Region. Defaults to $AWS_REGION
Configure this for an compatible AWS host like minio. Defaults to $AWS_HOST
AWS Endpoint like
. Defaults to $AWS_ENDPOINT
Changes AWS Path Style to 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object'. Defaults to AWS_PATH_STYLE
The location where uploads objects are stored. Defaults to $GITLAB_SHARED_DIR/public
. Defaults to uploads/-/system
Enables Object Store for UPLOADS that will be remote stored. Defaults to false
Bucket name to store the UPLOADS. Defaults to uploads
Temporary option to limit automatic upload. Defaults to false
Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage. Defaults to false
Connection Provider for the Object Store. (AWS
or Google
AWS Access Key ID for the Bucket. Defaults to AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
AWS Secret Access Key. Defaults to AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
AWS Region. Defaults to $AWS_REGION
Configure this for an compatible AWS host like minio. Defaults to $AWS_HOST
AWS Endpoint like
. Defaults to $AWS_ENDPOINT
Changes AWS Path Style to 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object'. Defaults to AWS_PATH_STYLE
Enable/Disable GitLab Mattermost for Add Mattermost button. Defaults to false
Sets Mattermost URL. Defaults to https://mattermost.example.com
Setup cron job to automatic backups. Possible values disable
, daily
, weekly
or monthly
. Disabled by default
Configure how long (in seconds) to keep backups before they are deleted. By default when automated backups are disabled backups are kept forever (0 seconds), else the backups expire in 7 days (604800 seconds).
Specify the PostgreSQL schema for the backups. No defaults, which means that all schemas will be backed up. see #524
Sets the permissions of the backup archives. Defaults to 0600
. See
Set a time for the automatic backups in HH:MM
format. Defaults to 04:00
Specified sections are skipped by the backups. Defaults to empty, i.e. lfs,uploads
. See
The ssh host. Defaults to GITLAB_HOST.
The ssh port for SSHD to listen on. Defaults to 22
The ssh "MaxStartups" parameter, defaults to 10:30:60
The ssh port number. Defaults to $GITLAB_SSH_LISTEN_PORT
The relative url of the GitLab server, e.g. /git
. No default.
Add IP address reverse proxy to trusted proxy list, otherwise users will appear signed in from that address. Currently only a single entry is permitted. No defaults.
Enables the GitLab Container Registry. Defaults to false
Sets the GitLab Registry Host. Defaults to registry.example.com
Sets the GitLab Registry Port. Defaults to 443
Sets the GitLab Registry API URL. Defaults to http://localhost:5000
Sets the GitLab Registry Key Path. Defaults to config/registry.key
Directory to store the container images will be shared with registry. Defaults to $GITLAB_SHARED_DIR/registry
Sets the GitLab Registry Issuer. Defaults to gitlab-issuer
Set to true
to generate SSL internal Registry keys. Used to communicate between a Docker Registry and GitLab. It will generate a self-signed certificate key at the location given by $GITLAB_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH
, e.g. /certs/registry.key
. And will generate the certificate file at the same location, with the same name, but changing the extension from key
to crt
, e.g. /certs/registry.crt
Enables the GitLab Pages. Defaults to false
Sets the GitLab Pages Domain. Defaults to example.com
Sets GitLab Pages directory where all pages will be stored. Defaults to $GITLAB_SHARED_DIR/pages
Sets GitLab Pages Port that will be used in NGINX. Defaults to 80
Sets GitLab Pages to HTTPS and the gitlab-pages-ssl config will be used. Defaults to false
Set to true
to enable pages artifacts server, enabled by default.
is enabled, set to API endpoint for GitLab Pages (e.g. https://example.com/api/v4
). No default.
Sets GitLab Pages external http to receive request on an independent port. Disabled by default
Sets GitLab Pages external https to receive request on an independent port. Disabled by default
Set to true
to enable access control for pages. Allows access to a Pages site to be controlled based on a user’s membership to that project. Disabled by default.
Disable the nginx proxy for gitlab pages, defaults to true
. When set to false
this will turn off the nginx proxy to the gitlab pages daemon, used when the user provides their own http load balancer in combination with a gitlab pages custom domain setup.
Secret Hash, minimal 32 characters, if omitted, it will be auto generated.
Gitlab instance URI, example: https://gitlab.example.io
Client ID from earlier generated OAuth application
Client Secret from earlier generated OAuth application
Redirect URI, non existing pages domain to redirect to pages daemon, https://projects.example.io/auth
Set to true
to enable https support, disabled by default.
Set default path for gitaly. defaults to /home/git/gitaly
Set a gitaly token, blank by default.
Time between sampling of unicorn socket metrics, in seconds, defaults to 10
IP whitelist to access monitoring endpoints. No defaults.
Set to true
to enable the sidekiq exporter, enabled by default.
Sidekiq exporter address, defaults to
Sidekiq exporter port, defaults to 3807
Set to true
to enable Content Security Policy, enabled by default.
Set to true
to set Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
header, disabled by default
The value of the base-uri
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
The value of the child-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
The value of the connect-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
header. Default to 'self' http://localhost:* ws://localhost:* wss://localhost:*
The value of the default-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
header. Default to 'self'
The value of the font-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
The value of the form-action
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
The value of the frame-ancestors
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
header. Default to 'self'
The value of the frame-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
header. Default to 'self' https://www.google.com/recaptcha/ https://www.recaptcha.net/ https://content.googleapis.com https://content-compute.googleapis.com https://content-cloudbilling.googleapis.com https://content-cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com
The value of the img-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
header. Default to * data: blob:
The value of the manifest-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
The value of the media-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
The value of the object-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
header. Default to 'none'
The value of the script-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
header. Default to 'self' 'unsafe-eval' http://localhost:* https://www.google.com/recaptcha/ https://www.recaptcha.net/ https://www.gstatic.com/recaptcha/ https://apis.google.com
The value of the style-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
header. Default to 'self' 'unsafe-inline'
The value of the worker-src
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
header. Default to 'self' blob:
The value of the report-uri
directive in the Content-Security-Policy
Comma separated list of feature flag names to be disabled. No whitespace is allowed. You can see all feature flags in GitLab at corresponding version of documentation: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/feature_flags.html Feature flags name and its statement will be appear to container log. Note that some of the feature flags are implicitly enabled or disabled by GitLab itself, and are not appear to container log. No defaults.
This parameter is the same as GITLAB_FEATURE_FLAGS_DISABLE_TARGETS
, except its purpose is to enable the feature flag. No defaults.
Set to true
when using self-signed ssl certificates. false
by default.
Location of the ssl certificate. Defaults to /home/git/data/certs/gitlab.crt
Location of the ssl private key. Defaults to /home/git/data/certs/gitlab.key
Location of the dhparam file. Defaults to /home/git/data/certs/dhparam.pem
Enable verification of client certificates using the SSL_CA_CERTIFICATES_PATH
file or setting this variable to on
. Defaults to off
List of SSL certificates to trust. Defaults to /home/git/data/certs/ca.crt
Location of the ssl private key for gitlab container registry. Defaults to /home/git/data/certs/registry.key
Location of the ssl certificate for the gitlab container registry. Defaults to /home/git/data/certs/registry.crt
Location of the ssl private key for gitlab pages. Defaults to /home/git/data/certs/pages.key
Location of the ssl certificate for the gitlab pages. Defaults to /home/git/data/certs/pages.crt
List of supported SSL protocols: Defaults to TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
List of supported SSL ciphers for the gitlab pages: Defaults to SSL_CIPHERS
List of supported SSL protocols for the gitlab pages: Defaults to SSL_PROTOCOLS
List of supported SSL ciphers for gitlab container registry: Defaults to SSL_CIPHERS
List of supported SSL protocols for gitlab container registry: Defaults to SSL_PROTOCOLS
The number of nginx workers to start. Defaults to 1
Sets the bucket size for the server names hash tables. This is needed when you have long server_names or your an error message from nginx like nginx: [emerg] could not build server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size:... It should be only increment by a power of 2. Defaults to 32
Advanced configuration option for turning off the HSTS configuration. Applicable only when SSL is in use. Defaults to true
. See #138 for use case scenario.
Advanced configuration option for setting the HSTS max-age in the gitlab nginx vHost configuration. Applicable only when SSL is in use. Defaults to 31536000
Enable proxy_buffering
. Defaults to off
Enable X-Accel-Buffering
header. Default to no
Advanced configuration option for the proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto
setting in the gitlab nginx vHost configuration. Defaults to https
is true
, else defaults to $scheme
set to on
if docker container runs behind a reverse proxy,you may not want the IP address of the proxy to show up as the client address. off
by default.
You can have NGINX look for a different address to use by adding your reverse proxy to the NGINX_REAL_IP_TRUSTED_ADDRESSES
. Currently only a single entry is permitted. No defaults.
Advanced configuration option. You can add custom configuration for nginx as you like (e.g. custom location proxy). This is similar to setting nginx['custom_gitlab_server_config']
to gitlab.rb
for gitlab-omnibus. No defaults.
The hostname of the redis server. Defaults to localhost
The connection port of the redis server. Defaults to 6379
The redis database number. Defaults to '0'.
The number of puma workers to start. Defaults to 3
Sets the timeout of puma worker processes. Defaults to 60
The number of puma minimum threads. Defaults to 1
The number of puma maximum threads. Defaults to 16
Maximum memory size of per puma worker process. Defaults to 1024
Maximum memory size of puma master process. Defaults to 800
The number of concurrent sidekiq jobs to run. Defaults to 25
Timeout for sidekiq shutdown. Defaults to 4
Non-zero value enables the SidekiqMemoryKiller. Defaults to 2000000
. For additional options refer Configuring the MemoryKiller
Sidekiq log format that will be used. Defaults to json
The database type. Currently only postgresql is supported. Possible values: postgresql
. Defaults to postgresql
The database encoding. For DB_ADAPTER
values postresql
this parameter defaults and utf8
The database server hostname. Defaults to localhost
The database server port. Defaults to 5432
for postgresql.
The database database name. Defaults to gitlabhq_production
The database database user. Defaults to root
The database database password. Defaults to no password
The database database connection pool count. Defaults to 10
Whether to use database prepared statements. No defaults. But set to false
if you want to use with PgBouncer
Enable mail delivery via SMTP. Defaults to true
is defined, else defaults to false
SMTP domain. Defaults to www.gmail.com
SMTP server host. Defaults to smtp.gmail.com
SMTP server port. Defaults to 587
SMTP username.
SMTP password.
Enable STARTTLS. Defaults to true
Enable SSL/TLS. Defaults to false
SMTP openssl verification mode. Accepted values are none
, peer
, client_once
and fail_if_no_peer_cert
. Defaults to none
Specify the SMTP authentication method. Defaults to login
is set.
Enable custom CA certificates for SMTP email configuration. Defaults to false
Specify the ca_path
parameter for SMTP email configuration. Defaults to /home/git/data/certs
Specify the ca_file
parameter for SMTP email configuration. Defaults to /home/git/data/certs/ca.crt
Enable mail delivery via IMAP. Defaults to true
is defined, else defaults to false
IMAP server host. Defaults to imap.gmail.com
IMAP server port. Defaults to 993
IMAP username.
IMAP password.
Enable SSL. Defaults to true
Enable STARTSSL. Defaults to false
The name of the mailbox where incoming mail will end up. Defaults to inbox
Enable LDAP. Defaults to false
Label to show on login tab for LDAP server. Defaults to 'LDAP'
LDAP Port. Defaults to 389
LDAP UID. Defaults to sAMAccountName
LDAP method, Possible values are simple_tls
, start_tls
and plain
. Defaults to plain
LDAP verify ssl certificate for installations that are using LDAP_METHOD: 'simple_tls'
or LDAP_METHOD: 'start_tls'
. Defaults to true
Specifies the path to a file containing a PEM-format CA certificate. Defaults to ``
Specifies the SSL version for OpenSSL to use, if the OpenSSL default is not appropriate. Example: 'TLSv1_1'. Defaults to ``
No default.
LDAP password
Timeout, in seconds, for LDAP queries. Defaults to 10
Specifies if LDAP server is Active Directory LDAP server. If your LDAP server is not AD, set this to false
. Defaults to true
If enabled, GitLab will ignore everything after the first '@' in the LDAP username submitted by the user on login. Defaults to false
is userPrincipalName
, else true
Locks down those users until they have been cleared by the admin. Defaults to false
Base where we can search for users. No default.
Filter LDAP users. No default.
Attribute fields for the identification of a user. Default to ['uid', 'userid', 'sAMAccountName']
Attribute fields for the shown mail address. Default to ['mail', 'email', 'userPrincipalName']
Attribute field for the used username of a user. Defaults to cn
Attribute field for the forename of a user. Default to givenName
Attribute field for the surname of a user. Default to sn
GitLab will lower case the username for the LDAP Server. Defaults to false
Set to true
to Disable LDAP web sign in, defaults to false
Enable OAuth support. Defaults to true
if any of the support OAuth providers is configured, else defaults to false
Automatically sign in with a specific OAuth provider without showing GitLab sign-in page. Accepted values are cas3
, github
, bitbucket
, gitlab
, google_oauth2
, facebook
, twitter
, saml
, crowd
, auth0
and azure_oauth2
. No default.
Comma separated list of oauth providers for single sign-on. This allows users to login without having a user account. The account is created automatically when authentication is successful. Accepted values are cas3
, github
, bitbucket
, gitlab
, google_oauth2
, facebook
, twitter
, saml
, crowd
, auth0
and azure_oauth2
. No default.
Locks down those users until they have been cleared by the admin. Defaults to true
Look up new users in LDAP servers. If a match is found (same uid), automatically link the omniauth identity with the LDAP account. Defaults to false
Allow users with existing accounts to login and auto link their account via SAML login, without having to do a manual login first and manually add SAML. Defaults to false
Allow users with existing accounts to login and auto link their account via the defined Omniauth providers login, without having to do a manual login first and manually connect their chosen provider. Defaults to []
Comma separated list if oauth providers to disallow access to internal
projects. Users creating accounts via these providers will have access internal projects. Accepted values are cas3
, github
, bitbucket
, gitlab
, google_oauth2
, facebook
, twitter
, saml
, crowd
, auth0
and azure_oauth2
. No default.
Specify oauth providers where users can sign in without using two-factor authentication (2FA). You can define this using an array of providers like ["twitter", "google_oauth2"]
. Setting this to true
or false
applies to all - allow all or none. Defaults to false
The "Sign in with" button label. Defaults to "cas3".
CAS3 server URL. No defaults.
Disable CAS3 SSL verification. Defaults to false
CAS3 login URL. Defaults to /cas/login
CAS3 validation URL. Defaults to /cas/p3/serviceValidate
CAS3 logout URL. Defaults to /cas/logout
Google App Client ID. No defaults.
Google App Client Secret. No defaults.
List of Google App restricted domains. Value is comma separated list of single quoted groups. Example: 'exemple.com','exemple2.com'
. No defaults.
Facebook App API key. No defaults.
Facebook App API secret. No defaults.
Twitter App API key. No defaults.
Twitter App API secret. No defaults.
authentiq Client ID. No defaults.
authentiq Client secret. No defaults.
Scope of Authentiq Application Defaults to 'aq:name email~rs address aq:push'
Callback URL for Authentiq. No defaults.
GitHub App Client ID. No defaults.
GitHub App Client secret. No defaults.
Url to the GitHub Enterprise server. Defaults to https://github.com
Enable SSL verification while communicating with the GitHub server. Defaults to true
GitLab App Client ID. No defaults.
GitLab App Client secret. No defaults.
BitBucket App Client ID. No defaults.
BitBucket App Client secret. No defaults.
Bitbucket URL. Defaults: https://bitbucket.org/
The URL at which the SAML assertion should be received. When GITLAB_HTTPS=true
, defaults to https://${GITLAB_HOST}/users/auth/saml/callback
else defaults to http://${GITLAB_HOST}/users/auth/saml/callback
The SHA1 fingerprint of the certificate. No Defaults.
The URL to which the authentication request should be sent. No defaults.
The name of your application. When GITLAB_HTTPS=true
, defaults to https://${GITLAB_HOST}
else defaults to http://${GITLAB_HOST}
The "Sign in with" button label. Defaults to "Our SAML Provider".
Describes the format of the username required by GitLab, Defaults to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient
Map groups attribute in a SAMLResponse to external groups. No defaults.
List of external groups in a SAMLResponse. Value is comma separated list of single quoted groups. Example: 'group1','group2'
. No defaults.
Map 'email' attribute name in a SAMLResponse to entries in the OmniAuth info hash, No defaults. See GitLab documentation for more details.
Map 'username' attribute in a SAMLResponse to entries in the OmniAuth info hash, No defaults. See GitLab documentation for more details.
Map 'name' attribute in a SAMLResponse to entries in the OmniAuth info hash, No defaults. See GitLab documentation for more details.
Map 'first_name' attribute in a SAMLResponse to entries in the OmniAuth info hash, No defaults. See GitLab documentation for more details.
Map 'last_name' attribute in a SAMLResponse to entries in the OmniAuth info hash, No defaults. See GitLab documentation for more details.
Crowd server url. No defaults.
Crowd server application name. No defaults.
Crowd server application password. No defaults.
Auth0 Client ID. No defaults.
Auth0 Client secret. No defaults.
Auth0 Domain. No defaults.
Auth0 Scope. Defaults to openid profile email
Azure Client ID. No defaults.
Azure Client secret. No defaults.
Azure Tenant ID. No defaults.
Client ID for oauth provider azure_activedirectory_v2
. If not set, corresponding oauth provider configuration will be removed from gitlab.yml
during container startup. No defaults.
Client secret for oauth provider azure_activedirectory_v2
. If not set, corresponding oauth provider configuration will be removed from gitlab.yml
during container startup. No defaults.
Tenant ID for oauth provider azure_activedirectory_v2
. If not set, corresponding oauth provider configuration will be removed from gitlab.yml
during container startup. No defaults.
Optional label for login button for azure_activedirectory_v2
. Defaults to Azure AD v2
Your OAuth2 App ID. No defaults.
Your OAuth2 App Secret. No defaults.
The OAuth2 generic client site. No defaults
The OAuth2 generic client user info url. No defaults
The OAuth2 generic client authorize url. No defaults
The OAuth2 generic client token url. No defaults
The OAuth2 generic client end session endpoint. No defaults
The OAuth2 generic id path. No defaults
The OAuth2 generic user id path. No defaults
The OAuth2 generic user name. No defaults
The OAuth2 generic user email. No defaults
The scope of your OAuth2 provider. No defaults
The label of your OAuth2 provider. No defaults
The name of your OAuth2 provider. No defaults
Enables gravatar integration. Defaults to true
Sets a custom gravatar url. Defaults to http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/%{hash}?s=%{size}&d=identicon
. This can be used for Libravatar integration.
Same as above, but for https. Defaults to https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/%{hash}?s=%{size}&d=identicon
Sets the uid for user git
to the specified uid. Defaults to 1000
Sets the gid for group git
to the specified gid. Defaults to USERMAP_UID
if defined, else defaults to 1000
Google Analytics ID. No defaults.
Sets the Piwik URL. No defaults.
Sets the Piwik site ID. No defaults.
Enables automatic uploads to an Amazon S3 instance. Defaults to false
AWS region. No defaults.
AWS endpoint. No defaults.
AWS access key id. No defaults.
AWS secret access key. No defaults.
AWS bucket for backup uploads. No defaults.
Enables multipart uploads when file size reaches a defined size. See at AWS S3 Docs
Turns on AWS Server-Side Encryption. Defaults to false
. See at AWS S3 Docs
Configure the storage class for the item. Defaults to STANDARD
See at AWS S3 Docs
Configure the storage signature version. Defaults to 4
See at AWS S3 Docs
Enables automatic uploads to an Google Cloud Storage (GCS) instance. Defaults to false
GCS access key id. No defaults
GCS secret access key. No defaults
GCS bucket for backup uploads. No defaults
Location of custom robots.txt
. Uses GitLab's default robots.txt
configuration by default. See www.robotstxt.org for examples.
Enable/disable rack middleware for blocking & throttling abusive requests Defaults to true
Always allow requests from whitelisted host.
This should be a valid yaml sequence of host address. Each host address string must be a valid IP address that can be passed to IPAddr.new
of ruby. See ruby-lang reference for detail.
If you need to set multiple hosts, set this parameter like ["",""]
for example. In docker-compose.yml, you have to quote whole value like below:
# pattern 1: surround with single quote, double quote each IP address
# pattern 2: surround with double quote, single quote each IP address
Defaults to [""]
Number of failed auth attempts before which an IP should be banned. Defaults to 10
Number of seconds before resetting the per IP auth attempt counter. Defaults to 60
Number of seconds an IP should be banned after too many auth attempts. Defaults to 3600
Timeout for gitlab workhorse http proxy. Defaults to 5m0s
Enables Error Reporting and Logging with Sentry. Defaults to false
Sentry DSN. No defaults.
Sentry clientside DSN. No defaults.
Sentry environment. Defaults to production
All the above environment variables can be put into a secrets or config file and then both docker-compose and Docker Swarm can import them into your gitlab container.
On startup, the gitlab container will source env vars from a config file labeled gitlab-config
, and then a secrets file labeled gitlab-secrets
(both mounted in the default locations).
See the example contrib/docker-swarm/docker-compose.yml
file, and the
example gitlab.configs
and gitlab.secrets
You may as well choose file names other than the example source files (gitlab.configs
and gitlab.secrets
) and update
the file: ./gitlab.configs
and file: ./gitlab.secrets
references accordingly. But do not alter the config
keys gitlab-configs
as they are currently
hardcoded and thus must be kept as in the example.
If you're not using one of these files, then don't include its entry in the docker-compose file.
GitLab defines a rake task to take a backup of your gitlab installation. The backup consists of all git repositories, uploaded files and as you might expect, the sql database.
Before taking a backup make sure the container is stopped and removed to avoid container name conflicts.
docker stop gitlab && docker rm gitlab
Execute the rake task to create a backup.
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm [OPTIONS] \
sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5 app:rake gitlab:backup:create
A backup will be created in the backups folder of the Data Store. You can change the location of the backups using the GITLAB_BACKUP_DIR
configuration parameter.
P.S. Backups can also be generated on a running instance using docker exec
as described in the Rake Tasks section. However, to avoid undesired side-effects, I advice against running backup and restore operations on a running instance.
When using docker-compose
you may use the following command to execute the backup.
docker-compose rm -sf gitlab
docker-compose run --rm gitlab app:rake gitlab:backup:create
Afterwards you can bring your Instance back with the following command:
docker-compose up -d
GitLab also defines a rake task to restore a backup.
Before performing a restore make sure the container is stopped and removed to avoid container name conflicts.
docker stop gitlab && docker rm gitlab
If this is a fresh database that you're doing the restore on, first you need to prepare the database:
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm [OPTIONS] \
sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5 app:rake db:setup
Execute the rake task to restore a backup. Make sure you run the container in interactive mode -it
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm [OPTIONS] \
sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5 app:rake gitlab:backup:restore
The list of all available backups will be displayed in reverse chronological order. Select the backup you want to restore and continue.
To avoid user interaction in the restore operation, specify the timestamp, date and version of the backup using the BACKUP
argument to the rake task.
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm [OPTIONS] \
sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5 app:rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=1515629493_2020_12_06_13.0.6
When using docker-compose
you may use the following command to execute the restore.
docker-compose run --rm gitlab app:rake gitlab:backup:restore # List available backups
docker-compose run --rm gitlab app:rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=1515629493_2020_12_06_13.10.0 # Choose to restore from 1515629493
SSH keys are not backed up in the normal gitlab backup process. You
will need to backup the ssh/
directory in the data volume by hand
and you will want to restore it prior to doing a gitlab restore.
The image can be configured to automatically take backups daily
, weekly
or monthly
configuration option.
Daily backups are created at GITLAB_BACKUP_TIME
which defaults to 04:00
everyday. Weekly backups are created every Sunday at the same time as the daily backups. Monthly backups are created on the 1st of every month at the same time as the daily backups.
By default, when automated backups are enabled, backups are held for a period of 7 days. While when automated backups are disabled, the backups are held for an infinite period of time. This behavior can be configured via the GITLAB_BACKUP_EXPIRY
The image can be configured to automatically upload the backups to an AWS S3 bucket. To enable automatic AWS backups first add --env 'AWS_BACKUPS=true'
to the docker run command. In addition AWS_BACKUP_REGION
must be properly configured to point to the desired AWS location. Finally an IAM user must be configured with appropriate access permission and their AWS keys exposed through AWS_BACKUP_ACCESS_KEY_ID
More details about the appropriate IAM user properties can found on doc.gitlab.com
For remote backup to self-hosted s3 compatible storage, use AWS_BACKUP_ENDPOINT
AWS uploads are performed alongside normal backups, both through the appropriate app:rake
command and when an automatic backup is performed.
The image can be configured to automatically upload the backups to an Google Cloud Storage bucket. To enable automatic GCS backups first add --env 'GCS_BACKUPS=true'
to the docker run command. In addition GCS_BACKUP_BUCKET
must be properly configured to point to the desired GCS location.
Finally a couple of Interoperable storage access keys
user must be created and their keys exposed through GCS_BACKUP_ACCESS_KEY_ID
More details about the Cloud storage interoperability properties can found on cloud.google.com/storage
GCS uploads are performed alongside normal backups, both through the appropriate app:rake
command and when an automatic backup is performed.
The app:rake
command allows you to run gitlab rake tasks. To run a rake task simply specify the task to be executed to the app:rake
command. For example, if you want to gather information about GitLab and the system it runs on.
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm [OPTIONS] \
sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5 app:rake gitlab:env:info
You can also use docker exec
to run raketasks on running gitlab instance. For example,
docker exec --user git -it gitlab bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production
Similarly, to import bare repositories into GitLab project instance
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm [OPTIONS] \
sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5 app:rake gitlab:import:repos
docker exec -it gitlab sudo -HEu git bundle exec rake gitlab:import:repos RAILS_ENV=production
For a complete list of available rake tasks please refer https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/tree/master/doc/raketasks or the help section of your gitlab installation.
P.S. Please avoid running the rake tasks for backup and restore operations on a running gitlab instance.
To use the app:rake
command with docker-compose
use the following command.
## For stopped instances
docker-compose run --rm gitlab app:rake gitlab:env:info
docker-compose run --rm gitlab app:rake gitlab:import:repos
## For running instances
docker-compose exec --user git gitlab bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production
docker-compose exec gitlab sudo -HEu git bundle exec rake gitlab:import:repos RAILS_ENV=production
Copy all the bare git repositories to the repositories/
directory of the data store and execute the gitlab:import:repos
rake task like so:
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm [OPTIONS] \
sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5 app:rake gitlab:import:repos
Watch the logs and your repositories should be available into your new gitlab container.
See Rake Tasks for more information on executing rake tasks.
Usage when using docker-compose
can also be found there.
Important Notice
Since GitLab release
PostgreSQL users should enablepg_trgm
extension on the GitLab database. Refer to GitLab's Postgresql Requirements for more informationIf you're using
then please upgrade tosameersbn/postgresql:14-20230628
or later and addDB_EXTENSION=pg_trgm,btree_gist
to the environment of the PostgreSQL container (see: https://github.com/sameersbn/docker-gitlab/blob/master/docker-compose.yml#L21).As of version 13.7.0, the required PostgreSQL is version 12.x. As of version 16.0.0, the required PostgreSQL is version 13.x. As of version 17.0.0, the required PostgreSQL is version 14.x. If you're using PostgreSQL image other than the above, please review section Upgrading PostgreSQL.
GitLabHQ releases new versions on the 22nd of every month, bugfix releases immediately follow. I update this project almost immediately when a release is made (at least it has been the case so far). If you are using the image in production environments I recommend that you delay updates by a couple of days after the gitlab release, allowing some time for the dust to settle down.
To upgrade to newer gitlab releases, simply follow this 4 step upgrade procedure.
Upgrading to
can cause issues. It is therefore required that you first upgrade tosameersbn/gitlab:8.0.5-1
before upgrading tosameersbn/gitlab:8.1.0
or higher.
- Step 1: Update the docker image.
docker pull sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5
- Step 2: Stop and remove the currently running image
docker stop gitlab
docker rm gitlab
- Step 3: Create a backup
docker run --name gitlab -it --rm [OPTIONS] \
sameersbn/gitlab:x.x.x app:rake gitlab:backup:create
Replace x.x.x
with the version you are upgrading from. For example, if you are upgrading from version 6.0.0
, set x.x.x
to 6.0.0
- Step 4: Start the image
Note: Since GitLab
you need to provide theGITLAB_SECRETS_DB_KEY_BASE
parameter while starting the image. Note: Since GitLab8.11.0
you need to provide theGITLAB_SECRETS_SECRET_KEY_BASE
parameters while starting the image. These should initially both have the same value as the contents of the/home/git/data/.secret
file. See Available Configuration Parameters for more information on these parameters. Note: Since Gitlab 13.7 you need to provide theGITLAB_SECRETS_ENCRYPTED_SETTINGS_KEY_BASE
parameter while starting the image. If not provided, the key will be generated by gitlab. So you can start the image without setting this parameter. But you will lose the key when you shutting down the container without taking a backup ofsecrets.yml
docker run --name gitlab -d [OPTIONS] sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5
For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell. If you are using docker version 1.3.0
or higher you can access a running containers shell using docker exec
docker exec -it gitlab bash
You can monitor your GitLab instance status as described in the official documentation, for example:
curl 'https://gitlab.example.com/-/liveness'
On success, the endpoint will return a 200
HTTP status code, and a response like below.
"status": "ok"
To do that you will need to set the environment variable GITLAB_MONITORING_IP_WHITELIST
to allow your IP or subnet to make requests to your GitLab instance.
You can also set your docker-compose.yml
healthcheck configuration to make periodic checks:
version: '2.3'
image: sameersbn/gitlab:17.3.5
test: ["CMD", "/usr/local/sbin/healthcheck"]
interval: 1m
timeout: 5s
retries: 5
start_period: 2m
Then you will be able to consult the healthcheck log by executing:
docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" $(docker-compose ps -q gitlab) | jq
- https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq
- https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/blob/master/doc/install/installation.md
- http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpSslModule
- https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Strong_SSL_Security_On_nginx.html
- https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlab-recipes/blob/master/web-server/nginx/gitlab-ssl
- https://github.com/jpetazzo/nsenter
- https://jpetazzo.github.io/2014/03/23/lxc-attach-nsinit-nsenter-docker-0-9/