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Using model as output prediction constraint in MPC leads to incorrect input #62





First of all, this package looks amazing and the application is really interesting. I hope it gets widely adopted.

Further, I am trying to implement an MPC controller where I am using a neural network as the prediction model. The model is trained on past input/output data and future inputs such that the output can be predicted in a multistep fashion. For the network I am using a RBF neural network with one layer and RBF activation functions. I have validated the model by analytically constructing the network in Matlab and running the controller and it manages to reference track. I also checked the conversion from Pytorch to L4Casadi and gave it an input that I know that works and it gave the correct output.

I have tried replacing the mathematical description of the system and then it works so I am suspecting that the problem is with l4Casadi and how I define the constraint with the L4Casadi model. Is there a specific way the input should be provided?

Model Code:

class ModelKoopman(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, Tini, N, nbasis, input_dim, output_dim, KoopmanBasis):
        self.Tini = Tini
        self.N = N
        self.nbasis = nbasis
        self.input_dim = input_dim
        self.output_dim = output_dim
        self.in_linear_features = (2 * Tini - 1)*input_dim
        self.out_linear_features = (nbasis)
        self.in_nl_features = (2 * Tini - 1+N)*input_dim
        self.out_nl_features = (nbasis)
        self.in_2_features = (nbasis)+N
        self.out_2_features = (N)*output_dim

        self.basis_funcKoopman = getattr(rbf_gauss.RBF_gaussian,KoopmanBasis)
        self.RBFKoopman= rbf_gauss.RBF_gaussian(self.in_linear_features, self.out_linear_features,self.basis_funcKoopman)
        self.l_2 = nn.Linear(self.in_2_features, self.out_2_features, bias=False)

    def forward(self, data):
        data_ini = data[:, 0 : (2 * self.Tini - 1)*self.input_dim]
        data_f   = data[:, (2 * self.Tini - 1)*self.input_dim :]
        x1 = self.RBFKoopman(data_ini)
        x1 =,data_f),1)
        x = self.l_2(x1)
        return x

MPC Setup Code:

def setup_SPC( n_y, n_u, N, Tini, Q, R, Rd, S):
    """Sets up the SPC controller.

        n_y: Number of outputs.
        n_u: Number of inputs.
        N: Prediction horizon.
        Tini: Initial state length.
        Q: State tracking cost matrix (n_y x n_y).
        R: Input cost matrix (n_u x n_u).
        Rd: Input rate of change cost matrix (n_u x n_u).
        S: Terminal state cost

        S_spc: The CasADi solver.
        opt_x_num: Numerical instance of optimization variables (for warm-starting).
        opt_p_num: Numerical instance of parameters.
        lbx: Lower bounds on variables.
        ubx: Upper bounds on variables.
    # Create optimization variables:
    opt_x = struct_symMX([
        entry('y_N', shape=(n_y), repeat=N),
        entry('u_N', shape=(n_u), repeat=N)

    # Create parameters of the optimization problem
    opt_p = struct_symMX([
        entry('u_Tini', shape=(n_u), repeat=Tini-1),
        entry('y_Tini', shape=(n_y), repeat=Tini),
        entry('ref', shape=(n_y), repeat=N),
        entry('u_prev', shape=(n_u)),

    # Create numerical instances of the structures (holding all zeros as entries)
    opt_x_num = opt_x(0)
    opt_p_num = opt_p(0)

    xmean = np.load("Train_mean.npy")
    xstd = np.load("Train_std.npy")
    # Define the objective function
      # Define the objective function
    obj = 0
    for k in range(N):
        y_k = opt_x['y_N', k]
        # State tracking cost
        obj += Q * cs.sumsqr(y_k - opt_p['ref', k])
        # Input cost
        obj += R * cs.sumsqr(opt_x['u_N', k])
        # Input rate of change cost (using u_prev for the first step)
        if k == 0:
            obj += Rd * cs.sumsqr(opt_x['u_N', k] - opt_p['u_prev'])
            obj += Rd * cs.sumsqr(opt_x['u_N', k] - opt_x['u_N', k-1])

    # # Terminal state cost
    obj += S * cs.sumsqr(opt_x['y_N',N-1] - opt_p['ref', N-1]) # Correct indexing for terminal cost

    # Create the constraints:
    inputs = (cs.vertcat(*opt_p['u_Tini'], *opt_p['y_Tini'],  *opt_x['u_N'])-xmean)/xstd
    y_sym = cs.MX.sym("yN", N, 1)
    input_sym = cs.MX.sym("uN", 2*Tini-1+N, 1)
    model = ModelKoopman(3, N, 40, 1, 1, "gaussian")
   L4Model = l4c.L4CasADi(model,device='cpu',batched=True, name='y_expr', generate_jac_jac=True, generate_adj1=False, generate_jac_adj1=False)
    f = cs.Function("xdot", [y_sym, input_sym], [y_sym.T -  L4Model (input_sym.T)])
    cons = []
    yN = cs.vertcat(*opt_x['y_N'])

    # Create lower and upper bound structures and set all values to plus/minus infinity.
    lbx = opt_x(-np.inf)
    ubx = opt_x(np.inf)

    # Set only bounds on u_N
    lbx['u_N'] = -15
    ubx['u_N'] = 15

    opts = {'ipopt.print_level': 0, 'print_time': 0}
    #opts = {'fatrop.print_level': 0, 'print_time': 0}
    # Create Optim
    nlp = {'x': opt_x, 'f':obj, 'g': f(yN, inputs), 'p': opt_p}
    S_spc = nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)
    return S_spc, opt_x_num, opt_p_num, lbx, ubx




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