In order to maintain basic code quality, minimize the number of bugs that are introduced, and ensure that pull requests can be promptly resolved, we ask that you follow this set of guidelines. Note that these are guidelines, not rules, and if variation from this guide can be justified, we will still gladly accept your changes.
All commit messages and comments should follow proper English spelling and grammar. Sentences should begin with a capital letter and contain punctuation.
All exported definitions should contain documentation. This project uses the Haddock documentation tool to automatically generate documentation pages. Haddock's markup language should be followed.
Pull requests (also referred to as merge requests) create a single commit with all the changes you've made. Because of this, a more readable edit history is created when merge requests are kept brief. Pull requests should generally solve a single problem or add a single feature. We may ask that you break your pull request into multiple requests if it's too large. contains detailed code quality guidelines, however, in general, submitted code should be consistent with patterns and formatting already present in the repository.