IDToolkit: A Toolkit for Benchmarking and Developing Inverse Design Algorithms in Nanophotonics, KDD'23
- rich==13.3.1
- pandas==1.5.3
- tqdm==4.64.1
- PyYAML==6.0
- ray[tune]==2.3.0
- pytorch_lightning==1.9.3
- joblib==1.2.0
- nevergrad==0.6.0
- xgboost==1.7.4
- nltk==3.8.1
- networkx==3.1
Datasets are saved at google drive and baidu netdisk, you can directly unzip
and use it.
All the algorithms and problems implemented according to our API can run experiments with our utilities easily:
python experiments/ \
--method method_name \
--method_config method_config_path \
--env env_name \
--dataset_path dataset_path_for_training \
--eval_method eval_method \
--pred_num number_of_evaluation_budget \
--seeds random_seeds \
--log_path path_to_results \
--alg_args \
--save_substitute_model \
--substitute_model substitute_model_name \
--ensemble \
# --method_config support yaml format
# --eval_method support IID target, real target and forward prediction.
# alg_args overwrite some hyper-parameters in method_config, useful for tuning specific hyper-parameters.
# All the evaluation results with different configurations and random seeds are saved in log_path.
# And the users can use the functions we provided in experiments/ to plot all the figures in the paper.
We provide several sample scripts in a folder named sample_scripts
, and you can run experiments directly by running the following scripts.
# train two forward prediction models, both are saved for future use
bash sample_scripts/ color_filter cnn xgboosts
# train and evaluate deep inverse model
bash sample_scripts/ color_filter iid_target cvae
# iterative optimizer based on simulator
bash sample_scripts/ color_filter iid_target random_search
# iterative optimzer based on substitute models and evaluated on simulator
bash sample_scripts/ \
color_filter iid_target random_search cnn
Forward prediction | Inverse design(Iterative method) | Inverse design(Deep method) |
Linear Regression (LR) | Random search (RS) | Inverse Model (IM) |
Decision Tree (DT) | Sequential randomized coordinate shrinking (SRACOS) | Gradient Descent (GD) |
Gradient-Boosted Decision Tree (GBDT) | Bayesian Optimization (BO) | Tandem |
Multilayer perceptron (MLP) | Tree-structured Parzen Estimator Approach (TPE) | Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (CGAN) |
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) | Evolution Strategy (ES) | Conditional Variational Auto-Encoder (CVAE) |
- Multi-layer Optical Thin Films (MOTFs)
- Thermophotovoltaics (TPV)
- Structural color filter (SCF)
We take MOTFs problem as an example, while the other two problems are similar:
from inverse_design_benchmark.envs import MultiLayerEnv
from inverse_design_benchmark.algorithms import NeuralOptAlgorithm, ZOOptAlgorithm
# The API design of deep learning methods and iterative methods are different.
# We choose VAE and SRACOS as example.
# Instance evaluation function
env = MultiLayerEnv()
# Load dataset
data_path = "./datasets/multi_layer"
data_params, data_values = load_dataset(data_path)
# Training and predicting with deep learning method, VAE as example
alg = NeuralOptAlgorithm(env=env, config={"net": "vae", **network_configuration}), data_values)
# Get the predicted parameters and corresponding scores.
predicted_design_parameters =
scores = [env.score(v) for v in predicted_design_parameters]
# Iterative method, SRACOS as example
alg = ZOOptAlgorithm(env=env, config={"parallel_num": 32})
results = alg.fit_and_search(
# results include all the tried design parameters and their scores for further analysis
To use substitute models:
# Instance evaluation function implemented by substitute model
env_substitute = MultiLayerEnv(substitute_model_name='cnn', ensemble=True)
# Load dataset
data_path = "./datasets/multi_layer"
data_params, data_values = load_dataset(data_path)
# Iterative method, SRACOS as example
alg = ZOOptAlgorithm(env=env_substitute, config={"parallel_num": 32})
intermediate_results = alg.fit_and_search(
# Re-evaluate the intermediate results by numerical simulation.
pred_params = intermediate_results["pred_params"]
pred_values = env_substitute.batch_forward(pred_params)
pred_scores = [env_substitute.score(v) for v in pred_values]
We provide some examples of substitute models (five GBDT checkpoints for SCF, five CNN checkpoints for MOTFs and TPV) and save them at google drive and baidu netdisk. You can directly unzip
to the directory IDToolkit/
and use it, or you can train your own forward prediction model as a substitute model by running sample_scripts/
Iterative method
We take a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm as an example to add a iterative method.
import ray
from ray import tune
from import NevergradSearch
import nevergrad as ng
from ray.air import RunConfig
import pathlib
from .opt_base import Algorithm, parse_ray_tune_results
class PSOAlgorithm(Algorithm):
def __init__(self,
super().__init__(env=env, config=config)
def fit_and_search(self,
The number of solutions to be generated.
Train data
if dataset_parameters is not None:
num_samples = len(dataset_parameters) + num_pred
num_samples = num_pred
self.alg = NevergradSearch(
tuner = tune.Tuner(
run_config=RunConfig(verbose=1, local_dir=self.ray_result_path),
ray_results =
results = parse_ray_tune_results(ray_results, num_samples=num_pred)
return results
Deep method
We take a conditional invertible neural network (cINN) model as an example to add a deep method.
from FrEIA.framework import InputNode, OutputNode, Node, ReversibleGraphNet, ConditionNode
from FrEIA.modules import GLOWCouplingBlock, PermuteRandom
# The FrEIA package is required for implementing cINN
def get_cINN_model(x_dim, y_dim, hidden_size, layer_num):
def subnet_fc(in_dim, out_dim):
return nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(in_dim, hidden_size),
nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size), nn.ReLU(),
nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size), nn.ReLU(),
nn.Linear(hidden_size, out_dim))
cond_node = ConditionNode(y_dim)
nodes = [InputNode(x_dim, name='input')]
for i in range(layer_num):
nodes.append(Node(nodes[-1], GLOWCouplingBlock,
{'subnet_constructor': subnet_fc, 'clamp': 2.0},
nodes.append(Node(nodes[-1], PermuteRandom,
{'seed': i}, name='permute_{}'.format(i)))
nodes.append(OutputNode(nodes[-1], name='output'))
return ReversibleGraphNet(nodes, verbose=False)
class cINN(LightningModule):
def __init__(self,
x_dim, # The dimension of design parameters
y_dim, # The dimension of design targets
config): # Model config
self.config = config
self.model = get_cINN_model(x_dim=x_dim, y_dim=y_dim,
def _shared_step(self, x, y):
z, log_jac_det = model(
x, c=y)
loss = torch.sum(z**2, dim=1, keepdim=True) * \
0.5 - log_jac_det.view((-1, 1))
return loss
def training_step(self, batch, batch_index):
x, y = batch
loss = self._shared_step(x, y)
return loss
def validation_step(self, batch, batch_index):
x, y = batch
loss = self._shared_step(x, y)
self.log("val_loss", loss)
return loss
def predict_step(self, batch, batch_index):
y = batch[0]
batch_size = y.shape[0]
z_sample = torch.randn(size=(batch_size, self.config.x_dim),
pred_x, _ = model(z_sample, c=y, rev=True)
return pred_x
We give a code example for adapting a Therapeutics Data Commons (TDC) problem into our IDToolkit here.
Docking is a theoretical evaluation of affinity (free energy change of the binding process) between a ligand (a small molecule) and a target (a protein involved in a disease pathway). A docking evaluation usually includes conformational sampling of ligand and free energy change calculation. A molecule with higher affinity usually has a higher potential to poses higher bioactivity.
import numpy as npfrom .base
import EnvBasefrom ..parameter_space.combine
import CombineSpacefrom ..parameter_space.category
import CategorySpacefrom ..parameter_space.uniform
import UniformSpace
# We need to install PyTDC at first
# The Oracle function is used to evaluate the bioactivity of a generated molecule
from tdc import Oracle
class TDCDockingEnv(EnvBase):
def __init__(self):
self.env = "TDC_Docking" # Use the score function provided in TDC. = Oracle(name="3pbl_docking")
def env_forward(self, param):
# Construct the input to oracle
smiles_string = "".join([param[f"{i}"] for i in range(100)])
return smiles_string
def score(self, value):
# Use oracle to calculate real-valued score.
oracle_score =
_score = np.sum(oracle_score)
return _score
def parameter_space(self):
# Construct parameter space
if not hasattr(self, "_parameter_space"):
for i in range(100):
# SMILES is used to denote chemical molecular.
spaces[f"{i}"] =CategorySpace(categories=SMILES_SYMBOLS)
self._parameter_space = CombineSpace(space_dict=spaces)
return self._parameter_space
def get_input_dim(self):
return 100
def get_output_dim(self):
return 3
author = {Jia-Qi Yang and
Yucheng Xu and
Jia-Lei Shen and
Kebin Fan and
De-Chuan Zhan and
Yang Yang},
title = {IDToolkit: A Toolkit for Benchmarking and Developing Inverse Design Algorithms in Nanophotonics},
booktitle = {{KDD} '23: The 29th {ACM} {SIGKDD} Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
year = {2023},